Tim Walz Lacks Masculinity for Drinking a Milkshake With a Straw

History...part 3 of my anger.....both my siblings died bc they were black....my brother died of Covid, wasn't breathing well, was sent home to die...all from Trump and his failures to educate both the public and our medical communities...and my baby sister collasped in a public area, was scooped up, sent to ER and was neglected for 4 days until her family found out where she was and by then it was too late. Because she was black, had no identification on her, she was treated like a homeless person and died as a result...Had she been white, I'm 100000000000% sure she'd be alive today!!​

is there a History part 4?
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I'm a doctor and I can say I have never met a practicing doctor that hated on Blacks. Doctors accept other black doctors on staff and refer patients to them. So I think you are FOS.

So you would rather your White Doctors get you addicted to opioids? Seems like they are actually looking out for you. Plus there are lots of Black Doctors that would take your business. Think about a gastric bypass surgery lose some weight and get knee surgery and stop blaming your problems on White people. Most White people are far too busy to worry about hating people for their skin color.

History....uh, news flash, up until I got let go at work and my knees started bothering me this bad, I was busy minding my own damn business taking care of my family and not stressing over the bias that is strangling me today. Old black women, old black people PERIOD are nothing but ginny pigs for Doctors to test out new meds on, that's it. I just turned 65, had I known it was gonna be this bad, I'd cut my throat years ago. And for the last time, I'm tired of liberal whites, GUNO, conservative whites, TOP, telling me that my reality is all in my fuckin head. As for black doctors, they too have drinkin the MASSA kook-aide, they the worst!!​

Here is a news flash for Triggered. Double blind studies prove Ibuprofen is more effective at controlling bone pain than Vicodin.

My wife is recovering from a fractured femur with an intramedullary rod surgery she had her 1st post op visit today for staple removal. She has controlled her pain with Toradol in the hospital and ibuprofen at home. 8 years ago I had open heart surgery and took ZERO narcotics. Being fat depressed and angry is no reason to take narcotics.

History....uh, news flash, up until I got let go at work and my knees started bothering me this bad, I was busy minding my own damn business taking care of my family and not stressing over the bias that is strangling me today. Old black women, old black people PERIOD are nothing but ginny pigs for Doctors to test out new meds on, that's it. I just turned 65, had I known it was gonna be this bad, I'd cut my throat years ago. And for the last time, I'm tired of liberal whites, GUNO, conservative whites, TOP, telling me that my reality is all in my fuckin head. As for black doctors, they too have drinkin the MASSA kook-aide, they the worst!!​

Seriously go get a gastric bypass surgery and lose that fat and self loathing. Depending on your weight you could relieve a lot of knee pain. Imagine yourself at your ideal weight. It is like stopping wearing a backpack full of lead. Several years ago I ballooned up to 308 lbs (I'm 6' 5") I had a gastric bypass and now I'm 205 lb. My knees hurt at 308 and now the do not. Most fat people have genu valgum or knock knee. That wears the inside of your knee cartilage out and causes knee pain. Losing weight helps redistribute your weight on to your entire knee surface and lessen the pain.
Yeah and how did that work out? Rising gasoline prices, Rising inflation, Rising housing costs, 10-15 million illegal aliens taking American jobs and soaking up social services while driving the wages of American workers down. That worked out swell.
Yeah and how did that work out? Rising gasoline prices, Rising inflation, Rising housing costs, 10-15 million illegal aliens taking American jobs and soaking up social services while driving the wages of American workers down. That worked out swell.
That all started on TRUMP'S WATCH!

Trump allowed a pandemic to run out of control and kill a million Americans on his watch- AND BIDEN SAVED AMERICA by ending the pandemic, and putting people back to work and school!

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History....Where I live, the hispanics have all but taken over...I mean you go into the stores and ask questions, nobody speaks english....my once diverse of whites and blacks nieghborhood is nothing but poor blacks on section 8 and hispanics that don't speak english...one can only imagine the fun...So I feel this way bc my black community as have so many around the country, unlike white areas around town, has nothing but the very people who someday, will move into these precious white areas and vote the GOP ticket like they all do eventually. Again, I'm tired of explaining black pain to white people...enuff!!​

I guess it's time to move if you're so unhappy...
I've been teaching, coaching, and volunteering in a generationally black community for many many years...
The people who live there have to be dedicated to keeping it the way they want to have it...by working with others...and they do....
It's a lot of work...but they put in the effort... If that's not the case in your area, perhaps it's time to move on if you're so miserable...
I'm glad you had a happy 2019...who was president then?
Those problems were caused by Putin's attacking Ukraine. It took huge amounts of food and oil off the world market. Investors drove the prices up. There is no Biden policy that could cause that inflation.
The rise in gasoline prices and inflation started BEFORE Putin invaded Ukraine on Feb 23 2022 Gasoline went from 2.29 when Biden took office to 3.29 BEFORE Russia invaded. Interest rates went from 1.4% to 7.9%. You need to stop watching MSNBS.
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I guess it's time to move if you're so unhappy...
I've been teaching, coaching, and volunteering in a generationally black community for many many years...
The people who live there have to be dedicated to keeping it the way they want to have it...by working with others...and they do....
It's a lot of work...but they put in the effort... If that's not the case in your area, perhaps it's time to move on if you're so miserable...
I'm glad you had a happy 2019...who was president then?

Sigh....My misery is all about the pain and the lack of care and management of my pain that MS doctors are refusing to address. Listen, if I hear one more time, a white man and his journey into black domains while he ventured back to his safe zone of whiteness at the end of the day I'm gonna vomit....please save that shit story for some bleeding heart liberal...I don't care!! As for 2019, trust me, Trump had nothing to do with me and my happiness then....like I said, All I did was mind my own business and work. I could give a fuck about Trump then and now.​

Seriously go get a gastric bypass surgery and lose that fat and self loathing. Depending on your weight you could relieve a lot of knee pain. Imagine yourself at your ideal weight. It is like stopping wearing a backpack full of lead. Several years ago I ballooned up to 308 lbs (IRage com'm 6' 5") I had a gastric bypass and now I'm 205 lb. My knees hurt at 308 and now the do not. Most fat people have genu valgum or knock knee. That wears the inside of your knee cartilage out and causes knee pain. Losing weight helps redistribute your weight on to your entire knee surface and lessen the pain.
Rage complaining is only making the situation worse...

Sigh....My misery is all about the pain and the lack of care and management of my pain that MS doctors are refusing to address. Listen, if I hear one more time, a white man and his journey into black domains while he ventured back to his safe zone of whiteness at the end of the day I'm gonna vomit....please save that shit story for some bleeding heart liberal...I don't care!! As for 2019, trust me, Trump had nothing to do with me and my happiness then....like I said, All I did was mind my own business and work. I could give a fuck about Trump then and now.​

Ok...then I guess you don't want to get better...I'm sorry to hear that.... Best of luck...but that's your choice...

Sigh....My misery is all about the pain and the lack of care and management of my pain that MS doctors are refusing to address. Listen, if I hear one more time, a white man and his journey into black domains while he ventured back to his safe zone of whiteness at the end of the day I'm gonna vomit....please save that shit story for some bleeding heart liberal...I don't care!! As for 2019, trust me, Trump had nothing to do with me and my happiness then....like I said, All I did was mind my own business and work. I could give a fuck about Trump then and now.​

So I guess you only have two options Crack Cocaine or lose weight.


You could transition to a White Woman. Michael Jackson did it.
That all started on TRUMP'S WATCH!

Trump allowed a pandemic to run out of control and kill a million Americans on his watch- AND BIDEN SAVED AMERICA by ending the pandemic, and putting people back to work and school!

More people died under the Biden administration from COVID than they did during the Trump administration. And Trump helped get two vaccines for COVID produced.