Come on Dixie. You know that labor is like any other resource. The more you have the cheaper it is. So which political party wants slave labor? Which party is currently blocking all attempts at immigration reform? Which party makes the most money and gains the most political influence from their labor? If you knew anything about the history of the labor movement in this country the answer would be clear to you.
I think most every Tea Party Conservative favors closing our borders and stopping the flow of illegal immigration. Once that can be realized, we can talk about what to do with the illegal immigrants in the country. I've not heard anyone advocating that we do nothing, and let the problem continue.
Here's what I think we should do... Close the border, secure it adequately, stop the FLOOD of illegal immigration right there. Require that all illegal immigrants register for documentation, so that we know how many legitimate ones there are, and once we have a pretty good idea, we move to phase 2... Let's use some arbitrary numbers here, since I don't know the actual totals... Let's say our normal allowance of Mexican immigrants to legally become citizens is 2 million per year... I don't know if it's 1 or 2 mil, but let's just say it's 2... And lets assume we have documented 10 million illegal Mexicans living in the US... We suspend all legal migration from Mexico for 5 years (5x 2mil= 10mil) and at that time, those guys become official legal immigrants, and we resume normal annual allowances for Mexican immigrants.
But we can't do anything until we stop the flow. Even a brain-dead idiot should realize this. IF you have a leak in your bathroom, you don't sit around talking about what fixtures you'll put in when you remodel, you don't start putting up new wallpaper or go grab the paint brushes... the FIRST thing you do, is stop the water flow! Anything else you do, is just unproductive and stupid, at that point. Once the flow is stopped, you can discuss what measures to take next, but that has to be the priority, and it certainly WILL be come November.