Time for the Anti-Immigrant crowd to put up or shut up!

If such were the case they wouldn't come here. Not only are they able to feed themselves, but they have enough left over to send money to people in Mexico too.

The trouble with Mexico's economy is they don't have much of one. They have a very small middle class rendering it basically non-existant.

The way to solve the problem is a focused, armed, and dertemined border security effort combined with a healthy and vibrant guest worker program and punishment of any employer who hires an illegal. After these things are in place for a few years, then begin looking at sending those still here illegally to the back of the line to apply for citizenship.

And revist the 14th with regards to anchor babies.
I did plenty of farm labor in my youth. I'd have to be unemployed for a long time to take one of those jobs.
I did plenty of farm labor in my youth. I'd have to be unemployed for a long time to take one of those jobs.

Which cuts into the arguments that populists like Asshate and Crash have been making about how throwing out the illegals will open up jobs for Americans. No one WANTS those effing jobs!! This isn't necessarily the reason why we are so lazy about combating illegal immigration, but if we were smart we'd find a way to reform the guest-worker program for migrant workers.
Which cuts into the arguments that populists like Asshate and Crash have been making about how throwing out the illegals will open up jobs for Americans. No one WANTS those effing jobs!! This isn't necessarily the reason why we are so lazy about combating illegal immigration, but if we were smart we'd find a way to reform the guest-worker program for migrant workers.

They would want them if wages weren't driven as low as possible by corporations lobbying the federal government to keep the borders open and drive wages down.

Do you understand how markets work? look up the term "glut" and see if you can educate your monkey ass.
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If such were the case they wouldn't come here. Not only are they able to feed themselves, but they have enough left over to send money to people in Mexico too.

LoL! You have no idea what you're talking about. I've seen hundreds sleeping on the ground in the middle of the orange groves. I know people who put their relatives up for a while so their cousins in Mexico might have a few bucks to eat on. Hunger is a great motivator. These illegals don't come here and rent an apt. or buy a car. They work for cash, paid each day, and it's not enough to do anything except buy enough food to come back the next day and send $10 back home. If you would take one of these jobs you would loose 100 lbs, fry in the sun like a piece of bacon and starve to death.

But hey, the Republicon party is built on the backs of cheap labor and dead coal miners so what do you care. Exploitation of labor is at the root of your radical right ideology so why should you care if a couple of brown skins die picking your strawberries or a few hillbillies die mining your coal?
I don't think I understand the lefties position on this... The fruit picker jobs are long hours, low pay, and deplorable working conditions.....sooooo.... we want to keep allowing Mexican slave labor to flood over our border and do the jobs? I never thought I would actually SEE Liberals condoning slavery, but nothing surprises me anymore.
LoL! You have no idea what you're talking about. I've seen hundreds sleeping on the ground in the middle of the orange groves. I know people who put their relatives up for a while so their cousins in Mexico might have a few bucks to eat on. Hunger is a great motivator. These illegals don't come here and rent an apt. or buy a car. They work for cash, paid each day, and it's not enough to do anything except buy enough food to come back the next day and send $10 back home. If you would take one of these jobs you would loose 100 lbs, fry in the sun like a piece of bacon and starve to death.

But hey, the Republicon party is built on the backs of cheap labor and dead coal miners so what do you care. Exploitation of labor is at the root of your radical right ideology so why should you care if a couple of brown skins die picking your strawberries or a few hillbillies die mining your coal?

For the record, $40 billion is the amount of US money sent to Mexico last year by illegals. That's just slightly higher than Crashk's estimate of $10.

And the Republican party was build by Abraham Lincoln, the United States of America was built on the backs of hard work and the coal industry, which built the railroad. Last I checked, Liberals weren't boycotting the strawberry aisle at the supermarkets, I think they probably consume as much fruit as everyone else, I haven't seen a study on it, but they do tend to be fruity.
They would want them if wages weren't driven as low as possible by corporations lobbying the federal government to keep the borders open and drive wages down.

Do you understand how markets work? look up the term "glut" and see if you can educate your monkey ass.

Look Einstein, what those people get paid is based on the market value of what they are picking... replacing cheap immigrant labor with citizens looking for work doesn't mean squat with regards to costs.

A bushel of cherries is still going to sell for the same price whether it was picked by illegal immigrants or American teenagers, and the selling price is what dictates wages.
Look Einstein, what those people get paid is based on the market value of what they are picking... replacing cheap immigrant labor with citizens looking for work doesn't mean squat with regards to costs.
And a market GLUT occurs when there is too much supply and wages are driven low. Refusing to enforce the border is a market manipulation, for corporations and against american labor. But you new liberals are fascists, so what should I expect.
A bushel of cherries is still going to sell for the same price whether it was picked by illegal immigrants or American teenagers, and the selling price is what dictates wages.

No, wages dictates the cost, which establishes the price. your mind is in backwards, dumbass. Do you realize how cretinesque you are?
I don't think I understand the lefties position on this... The fruit picker jobs are long hours, low pay, and deplorable working conditions.....sooooo.... we want to keep allowing Mexican slave labor to flood over our border and do the jobs? I never thought I would actually SEE Liberals condoning slavery, but nothing surprises me anymore.

Come on Dixie. You know that labor is like any other resource. The more you have the cheaper it is. So which political party wants slave labor? Which party is currently blocking all attempts at immigration reform? Which party makes the most money and gains the most political influence from their labor? If you knew anything about the history of the labor movement in this country the answer would be clear to you.

Start here
Leo Gerard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Leo_Gerard_2008_cropped.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Leo_Gerard_2008_cropped.jpg/280px-Leo_Gerard_2008_cropped.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/7/7c/Leo_Gerard_2008_cropped.jpg/280px-Leo_Gerard_2008_cropped.jpg
Come on Dixie. You know that labor is like any other resource. The more you have the cheaper it is. So which political party wants slave labor? Which party is currently blocking all attempts at immigration reform? Which party makes the most money and gains the most political influence from their labor? If you knew anything about the history of the labor movement in this country the answer would be clear to you.

I think most every Tea Party Conservative favors closing our borders and stopping the flow of illegal immigration. Once that can be realized, we can talk about what to do with the illegal immigrants in the country. I've not heard anyone advocating that we do nothing, and let the problem continue.

Here's what I think we should do... Close the border, secure it adequately, stop the FLOOD of illegal immigration right there. Require that all illegal immigrants register for documentation, so that we know how many legitimate ones there are, and once we have a pretty good idea, we move to phase 2... Let's use some arbitrary numbers here, since I don't know the actual totals... Let's say our normal allowance of Mexican immigrants to legally become citizens is 2 million per year... I don't know if it's 1 or 2 mil, but let's just say it's 2... And lets assume we have documented 10 million illegal Mexicans living in the US... We suspend all legal migration from Mexico for 5 years (5x 2mil= 10mil) and at that time, those guys become official legal immigrants, and we resume normal annual allowances for Mexican immigrants.

But we can't do anything until we stop the flow. Even a brain-dead idiot should realize this. IF you have a leak in your bathroom, you don't sit around talking about what fixtures you'll put in when you remodel, you don't start putting up new wallpaper or go grab the paint brushes... the FIRST thing you do, is stop the water flow! Anything else you do, is just unproductive and stupid, at that point. Once the flow is stopped, you can discuss what measures to take next, but that has to be the priority, and it certainly WILL be come November.
LoL! You have no idea what you're talking about. I've seen hundreds sleeping on the ground in the middle of the orange groves. I know people who put their relatives up for a while so their cousins in Mexico might have a few bucks to eat on. Hunger is a great motivator. These illegals don't come here and rent an apt. or buy a car. They work for cash, paid each day, and it's not enough to do anything except buy enough food to come back the next day and send $10 back home. If you would take one of these jobs you would loose 100 lbs, fry in the sun like a piece of bacon and starve to death.

But hey, the Republicon party is built on the backs of cheap labor and dead coal miners so what do you care. Exploitation of labor is at the root of your radical right ideology so why should you care if a couple of brown skins die picking your strawberries or a few hillbillies die mining your coal?
You are incorrect. I live in an agricultural area. Your attempt to use anecdotal rubbish to feed ignorance of others is evident. Over $1 Billion is sent to Mexico each year by people who do exactly that.
nAHZi said:
No, wages dictates the cost, which establishes the price. your mind is in backwards, dumbass. Do you realize how cretinesque you are?

Stupid Marxist. Price is determined by utility value to the consumer. A seller can not raise his prices in direct proportion to his costs.

If the cost of labor increases farmers will not be able to sell at current prices and still turn a profit. A rise in prices will decrease demand and create a "glut" in food products. Farmers will have to accept an unprofitable price in order to clear their inventories. Many farmers will go under and supply will decrease until it reaches equlibrium with decreased demand at some new higher price. The result will be fewer farmers and consumers will be less able to afford food products.

I seriously doubt cherries are that price elastic. Demand will fall sharply for all but the staples and things like cherries will become MORE of a luxury item.
Stupid Marxist. Price is determined by utility value to the consumer. A seller can not raise his prices in direct proportion to his costs.
Of course he can. Don't be retarded.
If the cost of labor increases farmers will not be able to sell at current prices and still turn a profit. A rise in prices will decrease demand and create a "glut" in food products. Farmers will have to accept an unprofitable price in order to clear their inventories. Many farmers will go under and supply will decrease until it reaches equlibrium with decreased demand at some new higher price. The result will be fewer farmers and consumers will be less able to afford food products.

I seriously doubt cherries are that price elastic. Demand will fall sharply for all but the staples and things like cherries will become MORE of a luxury item.

Blah blah blah. Shut up liar. The market will conform to the new conditions. We will all survive. And more americans will be employed.
Of course he can. Don't be retarded.

Blah blah blah. Shut up liar. The market will conform to the new conditions. We will all survive. And more americans will be employed.

Non-responsive. Yes, the market will conform to the new conditions. I stated just that. The new conditions will be fewer farmers with higher prices and less diet diversity for consumers. Further, fewer Americans will be employed, overall wages will decline as more goes to consumption and less to capital.
Obama dismissed the focus on a "border security first" approach, saying the system is too big to be fixed "only with fences and border patrols." He advocated a comprehensive approach that would call on the government, businesses and illegal immigrants themselves to live up to their responsibilities within the law.
Obama also wants to create a pathway to citizenship for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S; critics call it amnesty. But Obama said the immigrants must first acknowledge that they broke the law, pay fines and back taxes, perform community service and learn English.
Without setting a timeline, Obama questioned whether the political will exists to get a bill through Congress.
"Reform that brings accountability to our immigration system cannot pass without Republican votes," he said.


Securing the border is a stalling tactic and you know it Dixie. If Obama is for it - your party is against it no matter what it is. You prove again that your party can't govern, or won't govern when it is not in corporate interests.

Besides, what makes you think illegals will register? Lol yea right.
You are incorrect. I live in an agricultural area. Your attempt to use anecdotal rubbish to feed ignorance of others is evident. Over $1 Billion is sent to Mexico each year by people who do exactly that.
Was that one big check for a billion or was it more like $10 a week.

Since you live in a agricultural area do you hire illegals?
Non-responsive. Yes, the market will conform to the new conditions. I stated just that. The new conditions will be fewer farmers with higher prices and less diet diversity for consumers. Further, fewer Americans will be employed, overall wages will decline as more goes to consumption and less to capital.

Yes. the market will conform to the new conditions. I think we all agree here. the sky won't fall. Now shut your jew hole and go erode the sovereignty of Israel, if you love eroding sovereignty so much.
Obama dismissed the focus on a "border security first" approach, saying the system is too big to be fixed "only with fences and border patrols." He advocated a comprehensive approach that would call on the government, businesses and illegal immigrants themselves to live up to their responsibilities within the law.

Well here's the deal, pinhead... People are about sick to death of this president and you libtards running around pontificating and telling the rest of us what ought to be done! You seem to not be able to actually DO any goddamn thing, except run your fucking mouths and tell other people what they are going to have to accept and deal with!

Obama also wants to create a pathway to citizenship for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S; critics call it amnesty. But Obama said the immigrants must first acknowledge that they broke the law, pay fines and back taxes, perform community service and learn English.
Without setting a timeline, Obama questioned whether the political will exists to get a bill through Congress.
"Reform that brings accountability to our immigration system cannot pass without Republican votes," he said.

Pull your head out of a politician's ass long enough to take a breath, will ya? Obama and the Democrats want to declare amnesty for 11 million DEMOCRAT voters! That's what they are all about, and you know it.

Securing the border is a stalling tactic and you know it Dixie. If Obama is for it - your party is against it no matter what it is. You prove again that your party can't govern, or won't govern when it is not in corporate interests.

Besides, what makes you think illegals will register? Lol yea right.

Stalling tactic? WTF? IF your bathroom was flooding, would it be a "stalling tactic" to want to stop the water first, before you decide on remodeling plans? No one is stalling except YOU, democrats are in FULL control of power, and can DO anything they like right now... so why aren't they???

I think illegals who legitimately came here to work for their family, would be happy to register and become legitimate citizens, maybe even bring their families to America eventually... Of course, there would be a contingent of criminals and misfits who wouldn't want to register, but we'd deport them. Faced with the prospect of being deported or becoming a legitimate citizen, what would YOU choose?
Yes. the market will conform to the new conditions. I think we all agree here. the sky won't fall. Now shut your jew hole and go erode the sovereignty of Israel, if you love eroding sovereignty so much.

"The sky will not fall" any lower than it was when food did command a larger share of our resources. We were poorer then and we'd be poorer as a result of your attempts to artificially inflate the costs of farm labor.