Scut Farkus
Well here's the deal, pinhead... People are about sick to death of this president and you libtards running around pontificating and telling the rest of us what ought to be done! You seem to not be able to actually DO any goddamn thing, except run your fucking mouths and tell other people what they are going to have to accept and deal with!
Pull your head out of a politician's ass long enough to take a breath, will ya? Obama and the Democrats want to declare amnesty for 11 million DEMOCRAT voters! That's what they are all about, and you know it.
Stalling tactic? WTF? IF your bathroom was flooding, would it be a "stalling tactic" to want to stop the water first, before you decide on remodeling plans? No one is stalling except YOU, democrats are in FULL control of power, and can DO anything they like right now... so why aren't they???
I think illegals who legitimately came here to work for their family, would be happy to register and become legitimate citizens, maybe even bring their families to America eventually... Of course, there would be a contingent of criminals and misfits who wouldn't want to register, but we'd deport them. Faced with the prospect of being deported or becoming a legitimate citizen, what would YOU choose?
Shut your idiot hole dixie. Your precious republican party are anti-american corporate fascist asshounds.