Time for the Anti-Immigrant crowd to put up or shut up!

Well here's the deal, pinhead... People are about sick to death of this president and you libtards running around pontificating and telling the rest of us what ought to be done! You seem to not be able to actually DO any goddamn thing, except run your fucking mouths and tell other people what they are going to have to accept and deal with!

Pull your head out of a politician's ass long enough to take a breath, will ya? Obama and the Democrats want to declare amnesty for 11 million DEMOCRAT voters! That's what they are all about, and you know it.

Stalling tactic? WTF? IF your bathroom was flooding, would it be a "stalling tactic" to want to stop the water first, before you decide on remodeling plans? No one is stalling except YOU, democrats are in FULL control of power, and can DO anything they like right now... so why aren't they???

I think illegals who legitimately came here to work for their family, would be happy to register and become legitimate citizens, maybe even bring their families to America eventually... Of course, there would be a contingent of criminals and misfits who wouldn't want to register, but we'd deport them. Faced with the prospect of being deported or becoming a legitimate citizen, what would YOU choose?

Shut your idiot hole dixie. Your precious republican party are anti-american corporate fascist asshounds.
"The sky will not fall" any lower than it was when food did command a larger share of our resources. We were poorer then and we'd be poorer as a result of your attempts to artificially inflate the costs of farm labor.

That depends on who you ask. Now, shut up and go away. the sky wil not fall. More americans will be employed.

The artificiality is the refusal of the federal government to do it;s job.

Fortress America 2012!

Populism Forever.
Remember when Stringfield was saying that citizens were just another "special interest group".

What a douchebag he turned out to be.
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I never said anything like that. I said that special interest groups are behind protectionism. You are nothing but an idiot Marxist who does not have the first clue about economics.
Lazy americans deserve to starve. You sound like a lib.

it's not the kind of work it is. it's the low wage achieved from glutting the labor market through federal duty shirking.

My point is that people won't do the jobs. If you want to deny people unemployment benefits, that's another argument. Its a low wage, you fucking cretin, because its not worth 10-20 bucks an hour to pick crops, because you can't sell a carrot for $6 on the market.
My point is that people won't do the jobs. If you want to deny people unemployment benefits, that's another argument. Its a low wage, you fucking cretin, because its not worth 10-20 bucks an hour to pick crops, because you can't sell a carrot for $6 on the market.

They would do them if the wages were higher. See? Why are you such a dumb queed?
I never said anything like that. I said that special interest groups are behind protectionism. You are nothing but an idiot Marxist who does not have the first clue about economics.

Yes. citizens. You said citizens were a special interest group, in derogatory way. The purpose of this nation is to serve citizens.

Enforcing the border is not marxism. You have destroyed your credibility with your own stupidity.
Shut your idiot hole dixie. Your precious republican party are anti-american corporate fascist asshounds.

Oh, I know, one of my MAIN beefs with Bush was the bullshit about "jobs americans won't do..." and refusing to address the problem of illegals coming across the border OR the companies who hire them! It's been a problem NEITHER party has wanted to do anything about, and I have raised hell about it for years.

We're going to close the border to Mexico, that's going to happen. It might take completely re-seating an entire Congress, but it is going to happen because the people want it to happen. Don't want to hear GOP excuses so businesses can continue to use slave labor... don't want to hear DEM excuses about immigration reforms and amnesty for democrat voters ...errr...undocumented persons... It's going to get done, there will be a wall or fence under construction, and ample National Guard troops on our borders to stop the illegal influx, and it will happen by 2013.
They would do them if the wages were higher. See? Why are you such a dumb queed?

Don't play pretend. No one could afford to pay workers a decent wage and still sell the produce at a marketable rate. One must assume that the wages are dirt cheap because its only logical. Either way, working on crops is a bitch job, and anyone who's ever been stuck with relatives who are into gardening (such as me) knows what a shitty chore it is...

This is partly why the taxpayers are already stuck paying farm subsidies.
In recent days, the issue of immigration has become once more a source of fresh contention in our country, with the passage of a controversial law in Arizona and the heated reactions we’ve seen across America.

Some have rallied behind this new policy.

Others have protested and launched boycotts of the state, and everywhere, people have expressed frustration with a system that seems fundamentally broken.

Of course, the tensions around immigration are not new.

On the one hand, we’ve always defined ourselves as a nation of immigrants, a nation that welcomes those willing to embrace America’s precepts.

Indeed, it is this constant flow of immigrants that helped to make America what it is.
To this day, America reaps incredible economic rewards because we remain a magnet for the best and brightest from across the globe.

Folks travel here in the hopes of being a part of a culture of entrepreneurship and ingenuity, and by doing so they strengthen and enrich that culture.

The scientific breakthroughs of Albert Einstein, the inventions of Nikola Tesla, the great ventures of Andrew Carnegie’s U.S. Steel and Sergey Brin’s Google, Inc., all this was possible because of immigrants, and then there are the countless names and the quiet acts that never made the history books but were no less consequential in building this country, the generations who braved hardship and great risk to reach our shores in search of a better life for themselves and their families; the millions of people, ancestors to most of us, who believed that there was a place where they could be, at long last, free to work and worship and live their lives in peace.

So this steady stream of hardworking and talented people has made America the engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope around the world, and it’s allowed us to adapt and thrive in the face of technological and societal change.
To this day, America reaps incredible economic rewards because we remain a magnet for the best and brightest from across the globe.

Folks travel here in the hopes of being a part of a culture of entrepreneurship and ingenuity, and by doing so they strengthen and enrich that culture.

The scientific breakthroughs of Albert Einstein, the inventions of Nikola Tesla, the great ventures of Andrew Carnegie’s U.S. Steel and Sergey Brin’s Google, Inc., all this was possible because of immigrants, and then there are the countless names and the quiet acts that never made the history books but were no less consequential in building this country, the generations who braved hardship and great risk to reach our shores in search of a better life for themselves and their families; the millions of people, ancestors to most of us, who believed that there was a place where they could be, at long last, free to work and worship and live their lives in peace.

So this steady stream of hardworking and talented people has made America the engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope around the world, and it’s allowed us to adapt and thrive in the face of technological and societal change.

Blah blah blah. the point of a nation is not to possess the most trophy human beings. It's fine to attract talent. That's not the same as importing illegal aliens because you can pay them less, just to glut the labor pool.

And the reason we import foreign engineers now is not because they're einstein, it's because they work as near indentured servants on h1b visas and will accept much less pay, and there's a lot of them. So they invented the narrative whole cloth that there "aren't enough skilled americans". it's because they don't want to pay. So in these instances we see the alleged benefits of globalization to be nothing more than destroying the american worker.
Blah blah blah. the point of a nation is not to possess the most trophy human beings. It's fine to attract talent. That's not the same as importing illegal aliens because you can pay them less, just to glut the labor pool.

And the reason we import foreign engineers now is not because they're einstein, it's because they work as near indentured servants on h1b visas and will accept much less pay, and there's a lot of them. So they invented the narrative whole cloth that there "aren't enough skilled americans". it's because they don't want to pay. So in these instances we see the alleged benefits of globalization to be nothing more than destroying the american worker.

If that was ever true, it certainly is not now. A new regulation was implemented a couple of years ago stating clearly that the wages paid to workers on H1B visas must be the same as those paid to Americans in the same positions. The official notice was posted on our announcements board in the dept. at the med. school.
If that was ever true, it certainly is not now. A new regulation was implemented a couple of years ago stating clearly that the wages paid to workers on H1B visas must be the same as those paid to Americans in the same positions. The official notice was posted on our announcements board in the dept. at the med. school.

Well that must mean it's true then. It must be enforced 100% and there's no possible way corporations can manipulate a nebulous "should have been paid" law. there are other factors too. H1b visa holders will take abusive work situations because they are really not free to switch jobs.
Well that must mean it's true then. It must be enforced 100% and there's no possible way corporations can manipulate a nebulous "should have been paid" law. there are other factors too. H1b visa holders will take abusive work situations because they are really not free to switch jobs.

The salary is part of the paperwork that has to be filed with and approved by the former INS (I forget the current acronym: USCIS?) before the visa is approved. There are minimum salary requirements for specific job categories. You're correct about the second part, though. A person may switch jobs but the red tape is onerous and the person certainly is largely at the mercy of the employer. In science that may mean the principal investigator in the lab where the person does research. More often than not, those PIs have no management training of skills whatsoever and frequently is not a good thing.
Yes. citizens. You said citizens were a special interest group, in derogatory way. The purpose of this nation is to serve citizens.

Enforcing the border is not marxism. You have destroyed your credibility with your own stupidity.

I did not.

Your Marxism is shown in your views on the source of value and what sets price. It's not labor. You don't realize that you are a Marxist because you are an economic illiterate.
Immigration also means we have a younger workforce and a faster-growing economy than many of our competitors, and in an increasingly interconnected world, the diversity of our country is a powerful advantage in global competition.

Just a few weeks ago, we had an event of small business owners at the White House, and one business owner was a woman named Prachee Devadas who came to this country, became a citizen, and opened up a successful technology services company.

When she started, she had just one employee.

Today, she employs more than a hundred people.

This past April, we held a naturalization ceremony at the White House for members of our armed forces.

Even though they were not yet citizens, they had enlisted.

One of them was a woman named Perla Ramos, born and raised in Mexico, came to the United States shortly after 9/11, and she eventually joined the Navy, and she said, “I take pride in our flag and the history that forged this great nation and the history we write day by day.”

These women, and men and women across this country like them, remind us that immigrants have always helped to build and defend this country, and that being an American is not a matter of blood or birth.

It’s a matter of faith.

It’s a matter of fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear.

That’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes us strong.

Anybody can help us write the next great chapter in our history.

Now, we can’t forget that this process of immigration and eventual inclusion has often been painful.

Each new wave of immigrants has generated fear and resentments towards newcomers, particularly in times of economic upheaval.