Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).


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Things will likely open up too soon again. It seems some were already trying in Europe but they scurried back under the rock when cases increased too fast. Time to jump ahead and get self-supplied. I recommend finding that green thumb no matter where you live and get busy. Yes, even city-dwellers have options. I would also go local for meat and fruit as much as possible. Often more expensive but exponentially safer and reliable. You can also forage yourselves. Yes, once again even cities often have options not too far off. It's up to you to find the best options. My pup adores her green beans and I bought a 4 oz pack of just that to grow. We already have fresh asparagus growing fast. If not watching carefully they can go from not quite there to overgrown and woody. If you have large acreage consider growing a community garden even. It's nice to help the neighbors.

Lighter ban list including Tapatalk user Teflon Don. So no excuse if you post since it's announced.
As the infection rates have risen in countries which have relaxed their lock-downs so it seems INEVITABLE that the policy of ' economy first ' is going to crash and burn everywhere. Lawyers are going to be busy for years bringing cases against those who forced victims back to work. It seems probable that the current occupants of the White House won't be immune from that PARTICULARLY when it is shown that they ignored the warnings of leading medical specialists in their own employ. There are safeguards against military commanders who go rogue.

Getting ' self-supplied ' in cities is very difficult, outside of stock-piling- and we've already witnessed the results of that, so what's needed are governments that accept that their economies will be crushed when they respect their primary raison d'etre- the well-being of their populations- and provide for those populations regardless of the costs . Those that don't put people first won't survive- perhaps not even for the duration of the second wave of infection that they will have precipitated.
Things will likely open up too soon again. It seems some were already trying in Europe but they scurried back under the rock when cases increased too fast. Time to jump ahead and get self-supplied. I recommend finding that green thumb no matter where you live and get busy. Yes, even city-dwellers have options. I would also go local for meat and fruit as much as possible. Often more expensive but exponentially safer and reliable. You can also forage yourselves. Yes, once again even cities often have options not too far off. It's up to you to find the best options. My pup adores her green beans and I bought a 4 oz pack of just that to grow. We already have fresh asparagus growing fast. If not watching carefully they can go from not quite there to overgrown and woody. If you have large acreage consider growing a community garden even. It's nice to help the neighbors.

Lighter ban list including Tapatalk user Teflon Don. So no excuse if you post since it's announced.

Living through a Depression well is an art.
Living through a Depression well is an art.

Yup, if there are dark times ahead it will be because we fall into a full-blown Depression. No guarantees we will recover or the country will be what it once was.

And we did it to ourselves, on purpose, over the prospect of what *might happen*.

Future historians will not be kind to us. I expect the word ‘cowards’ to be used quite a lot

Not only that, but America needs a revolution in education. It's plain that the existing model produces a brain-washed consumer class for the greater enrichment of the 1%.
Future historians will not be kind to us. I expect the word ‘cowards’ to be used quite a lot

Do current historians complain that past people were "cowards" for not being violent enough? Rarely. The word more often used would be "ignorant".
Do current historians complain that past people were "cowards" for not being violent enough? Rarely. The word more often used would be "ignorant".

Why Darth brings up history is a mystery. He should recall we had a time just like this and the words that best suffice it are impatient and stupid.
Things will likely open up too soon again. It seems some were already trying in Europe but they scurried back under the rock when cases increased too fast. Time to jump ahead and get self-supplied. I recommend finding that green thumb no matter where you live and get busy. Yes, even city-dwellers have options. I would also go local for meat and fruit as much as possible. Often more expensive but exponentially safer and reliable. You can also forage yourselves. Yes, once again even cities often have options not too far off. It's up to you to find the best options. My pup adores her green beans and I bought a 4 oz pack of just that to grow. We already have fresh asparagus growing fast. If not watching carefully they can go from not quite there to overgrown and woody. If you have large acreage consider growing a community garden even. It's nice to help the neighbors.

Lighter ban list including Tapatalk user Teflon Don. So no excuse if you post since it's announced.

Gardening is not the solution to getting most of your calories, but it is an excellent solution to getting a diverse healthy diet.

I was amazed that there are still 30 pound bags of rice in the local grocery stores. I assumed everyone would grab one. Rice is a very storable, great source of calories. Canned soups can be used to add some flavor. Grow some vegetables to make sure you get all your vitamins.
I recall reading that the Revolutionary War was rather violent.

When was the last time you saw historians point to people who failed to join into the violence of the Revolutionary War and call them "cowards"? Can you name some of the "cowards" of the Revolutionary War?
Yup, if there are dark times ahead it will be because we fall into a full-blown Depression. No guarantees we will recover or the country will be what it once was.

And we did it to ourselves, on purpose, over the prospect of what *might happen*.

Future historians will not be kind to us. I expect the word ‘cowards’ to be used quite a lot

I agree. There will be countless weighty tomes written, innumerable doctorates will be granted to social scientists, and hundreds of documentaries on what the Chickenshit-in-Chief and his merry band of enablers did wrong to exacerbate the demise of this once-mighty nation. You Covidiot Crusaders will finally get the recognition you so richly deserve.
Yup, if there are dark times ahead it will be because we fall into a full-blown Depression. No guarantees we will recover or the country will be what it once was.

And we did it to ourselves, on purpose, over the prospect of what *might happen*.

Future historians will not be kind to us. I expect the word ‘cowards’ to be used quite a lot

85,000 people have died in less than two months. COVID is the leading cause of death in the country right now.

The only cowards are those who try to blame anyone else for the poor choices they made in 2016 that got us to this point.
Trying to appeal to the brain dead bloc lol?

The Fauci Economy. Biden is advocating for it.

Wait - isn't the "free market" supposed to be so agile and innovate? Why isn't it innovating to adapt to new market conditions? Forcing people to put their lives at risk seems to indicate the so-called "free market" is really just complacency and is incapable of adapting or innovating to meet new market conditions.

So you can't pretend that the fundamentals of our capitalist economy are strong if it needs people to return to business as usual, nor can you pretend that the free market is the best economic system when it comes to adapting to new market conditions.

Basically, your entire economic belief system is a joke laid bare by this crisis.
I was reading about the sacrifices the WWII generation made yesterday. I swear - if the "Fox" crowd was around in the '40's, they would have had mass protests about the rationing we did and how turning their lights off during air raid drills was an infringement on their "liberty."

They're the snowflakes. They're the ones that have no concept of small sacrifices for the common good. They forced an ice cream store in New England to shut down for a day after reopening because of their terrible behavior and refusing to comply w/ the owner's social distancing guidelines. Because, of course, we all have a consititutional right to ice cream.

The silver lining of this crisis is that we can make some long overdue changes that may actually preserve our planet. We have to live sustainably, and with conscientiousness for future generations.
I was reading about the sacrifices the WWII generation made yesterday. I swear - if the "Fox" crowd was around in the '40's, they would have had mass protests about the rationing we did and how turning their lights off during air raid drills was an infringement on their "liberty."

They're the snowflakes. They're the ones that have no concept of small sacrifices for the common good. They forced an ice cream store in New England to shut down for a day after reopening because of their terrible behavior and refusing to comply w/ the owner's social distancing guidelines. Because, of course, we all have a consititutional right to ice cream.

The silver lining of this crisis is that we can make some long overdue changes that may actually preserve our planet. We have to live sustainably, and with conscientiousness for future generations.
that's absolutely hilarious. Progressives are the biggest bunch of "give me free stuff" America has ever produced.
They don't want "pursuit of happiness" they want the government to guarantee it for them
They forced an ice cream store in New England to shut down for a day after reopening because of their terrible behavior and refusing to comply w/ the owner's social distancing guidelines.
if people won't social distance, the a business needs to adapt.
but his has nothing to do with reopening in general.. I went to a barber yesterday. He sanitized the clippers and wipes down chairs between cuts.
He keeps the doors locked. Appointment only.. This has been the general trend I've seen..
that's absolutely hilarious. Progressives are the biggest bunch of "give me free stuff" America has ever produced.
They don't want "pursuit of happiness" they want the government to guarantee it for them
if people won't social distance, the a business needs to adapt.
but his has nothing to do with reopening in general.. I went to a barber yesterday. He sanitized the clippers and wipes down chairs between cuts.
He keeps the doors locked. Appointment only.. This has been the general trend I've seen..

You don't see progressives protesting something as simple as wearing a mask. Sorry - conservatives are the snowflakes.

"If people won't social distance, then a business needs to adapt" - huh? The owner of the business can set those guidelines, especially now. Do you not believe in capitalism and private ownership?
You don't see progressives protesting something as simple as wearing a mask. Sorry - conservatives are the snowflakes.

"If people won't social distance, then a business needs to adapt" - huh? The owner of the business can set those guidelines, especially now. Do you not believe in capitalism and private ownership?
I see most all Americans wearing masks, but the ones that won't aren't conservative -they are mostly young.
It more generational then anything else

see this thread for my thoughts on business ability to adapt
Because of our poor electoral choice in 2016, God has visited us with a plague.

We have retired to a high desert town, arid and dry, and here our family will follow the scientists and doctors' advice.