Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).

Quote Originally Posted by countryboy View Post
There's never been a vaccine for a coronavirus, ever. Your comments about "Christian fundy drones" is just your usual made up bullshit. I'll bet you a saltine cracker you can't back it up with anything reliable. Most anti vaxxers are hippie dippy libs.

I am a Christian and deal in it enough. It's been a long-debated topic in some areas of Christianity. Heard the debate on my mother's religious radio just the other day. If you want to look it up just search about Christians and fetal cells in vaccines yourself. I won't subject myself to that infuriating stupidity again just to appease people online. Too much of a migraine trigger. The idea you have on liberal anti-vaxxers is false. It's on all spectrums and have been involved in the shutdown protests with the conservatives.
Do you know why there is no vaccine for other coronaviruses? SARS and MERS weren’t pandemic and therefore, no funding for research, but the research done on those coronaviruses are helping with developing a vaccine for this one.
A science-denier is unlikely to understand the consequences of a "novel virus".
Do you know why there is no vaccine for other coronaviruses? SARS and MERS weren’t pandemic and therefore, no funding for research, but the research done on those coronaviruses are helping with developing a vaccine for this one.

SARS underwent a mutation and accidentally deleted a large segment of its genome that was relevant to its virulence in humans and it happened late in the SARS epidemic.

In the case of COVID [which may also mutate itself into irrelevance, as long as it’s not before November, right lol?] there’s an immunological approach available: as I’ve pointed out about 12 times now, people aren’t being killed by a viral ‘infection’ so much as the Cytokine Storm—which is an immune system malfunction.

Figure out a way to regulate the immune system in COVID patients *before* they become critical and a vaccine won’t be necessary.
I am a Christian and deal in it enough. It's been a long-debated topic in some areas of Christianity. Heard the debate on my mother's religious radio just the other day. If you want to look it up just search about Christians and fetal cells in vaccines yourself. I won't subject myself to that infuriating stupidity again just to appease people online. Too much of a migraine trigger. The idea you have on liberal anti-vaxxers is false. It's on all spectrums and have been involved in the shutdown protests with the conservatives.

So, as per usual, you make a claim and have nothing whatsoever to back it up. Shocker.