Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).

Are you willing to say the same thing about the Elite Class.....that bad work should carry consequences...that this represents Justice?

It is most certainly true, I am trying to figure out how educated you are.

It applies to everyone.

You're going to leap to whatever conclusion you want. I have no control over your life choices.
Hello Darth,

He does not appear to be following Fauci's advice.

And for that we are all paying a heavy price.
Agreed Trump hasn't followed the advice, but he's not alone. Congress has the option to disagree and make it stick. They haven't. Why? For the aforementioned reasons; the plague is here but, at a certain level, the economy is a national security issue. That's their job: protect the United States of America.

The Preamble. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Hello tsuke,

What I dont understand is if the goal is to make sure no one gets covid ever then why are we still allowing things like grocery stores, uber eats, etc? After all they can spread the inifection right?

Unless the left is telling me that they have made a calculated to choice to let some people die for this economic activity.

How would people live without food?
Hello Darth,

You keep tap-dancing around a simple question lol.

The reason I want to know is because if you [or anyone] thinks Trump did the right thing in following Fauci’s guidelines; it follows that they can’t fault Trump for the *economic consequences* of Trump following a Fauci’s guidelines.

Because they were basically asking for it.

You can’t have it both ways. Anyone who was on Fauci’s side through all this can’t bitch about economic consequences of it or blame Trump for it.

Because for all intents—this economy has Fauci’s name written all over it.

OK, what's going on here is plain to see.

Your logic is based on a false concept, and that renders everything derived from it corrupted. Like a database which is based on an incorrect entry, it has thrown off everything derived from it.

The false concept is that Trump was never in error.

Except he was.

He was in error when he ignored numerous warnings that this was going to be a world wide pandemic. I have heard that he had the intelligence briefings to that effect in January. That is when decisive action would have made all the difference, and actually prevented the economy from becoming as bad as it is right now.

The proper course of action, we can now see, would have been to create a plan with Congress to systematically shut down the economy and have the government begin paying wages and business expenses. We had time back then to craft legislation which would accomplish that without massive layoffs, soaring unemployment, and bankruptcies.

Since we didn't do that, didn't have that skilled leadership (because he fired anybody who would not kiss up to him, and thus had no comprehensive team,) and we had no plan in place, that set the stage for a hard shut down, which caused massive unemployment.

And because we waited too long to do that, the virus spread much farther and wider than it had to.

Now we have soaring unemployment and the most deaths.

As to your question, Fauci was correct, but President 'Very Stable Genius' didn't listen to him early enough.

We had to do what Fauci said, but it didn't have to be this catastrophe of unplanned socially and economically shocking haphazard events, as if nobody saw this coming.

President 'Very Stable Genius' even tried to claim nobody saw this coming, but we all know that wasn't true at all. We had plenty of warning, plenty of time, we could see this coming, but the chance was foolishly squandered, and it is HIS fault.
Hello dukkha,

hindsight is 20/20 shutting down the economy was the most possible drastic measure taken by Trump at Fauci's advice -but he didn't do it until it was evident the WHO was wrong. Mid Feb they were still not calling for drastic measures.

The states had little PPE on hand as well . Trump launched a combination of government/business partnership
that got us what we needed so quickly (like ventillators) we made enough to send overseas relief.
When companies like 3M still shipped masks to China Trump used the Defense Production Act to stop it.

The proof is is the limited dead - most of them came from stupid state decisions like Cuomo on nursing homes.

Of course you will never say anything but "Trump lied / people died" much less credit Trump
for that and banning Chinese flights

He didn't ban flights. He only banned immigration. Thousands of people continued to flow in from China after the ' ban.'

Basicially, he just used to crisis to enact an immigration ban that he wanted to do anyway.
Hello tsuke,

The funny thing is if trump did shut all this down in the middle of his impeachment you would be the first to cry foul lol.

Sometimes what a president has to do for the good of the country is not popular with the general public.

Presidential decisions should not be based on public image or approval polling.

Obama knew very well that health care reform was the third rail of politics. He knew it was going to cost him political capital, but he pushed forward anyway. In the end he was right, and his approval is now way higher than the 'very stable genius,' who has tried to keep his base pleased and lives in fear of falling approvals. HE never had the political capital Obama had, it wasn't the biggest inauguration, he lost the popular vote, he had no decisive mandate, his only power comes from whipped up hatred. He would never have gotten elected without the racist votes of VERY DEPLORABLE PEOPLE.
Hello Darth,

OK, what's going on here is plain to see.

Your logic is based on a false concept, and that renders everything derived from it corrupted. Like a database which is based on an incorrect entry, it has thrown off everything derived from it.

The false concept is that Trump was never in error.

Except he was.

He was in error when he ignored numerous warnings that this was going to be a world wide pandemic. I have heard that he had the intelligence briefings to that effect in January. That is when decisive action would have made all the difference, and actually prevented the economy from becoming as bad as it is right now.

The proper course of action, we can now see, would have been to create a plan with Congress to systematically shut down the economy and have the government begin paying wages and business expenses. We had time back then to craft legislation which would accomplish that without massive layoffs, soaring unemployment, and bankruptcies.

Since we didn't do that, didn't have that skilled leadership (because he fired anybody who would not kiss up to him, and thus had no comprehensive team,) and we had no plan in place, that set the stage for a hard shut down, which caused massive unemployment.

And because we waited too long to do that, the virus spread much farther and wider than it had to.

Now we have soaring unemployment and the most deaths.

As to your question, Fauci was correct, but President 'Very Stable Genius' didn't listen to him early enough.

We had to do what Fauci said, but it didn't have to be this catastrophe of unplanned socially and economically shocking haphazard events, as if nobody saw this coming.

President 'Very Stable Genius' even tried to claim nobody saw this coming, but we all know that wasn't true at all. We had plenty of warning, plenty of time, we could see this coming, but the chance was foolishly squandered, and it is HIS fault.

So, you approved of Fauci’s recommendations but not the economic consequences of it lol?
Hello Darth,

Technically, you’re right: it’s the governor’s economy.

So the economic recovery will be state by state. Some states should come back faster than others. Michigan, with its Nazi wannabe governor, will lag behind some others.

But it’s an election year so Democrats will tie themselves into pretzels trying to lay the economic blame on Trump—when they spent the last 8 weeks *advocating, loudly, for the very things* that gave us our current economy.

And they’re counting on voters not being able to see the obvious.

Yeah, see the obvious propaganda.
Hello tsuke,

so what your saying is that its ok for some economic activity to take place despite the risk to people? How does this differentiate you from the protesters?

I said what I said.

If you want to say something that's you saying it.

Now I am going to say something and it is coming from me.

There is no risk-free handling of the crisis. We can only minimize risk.

People need food, so a certain amount of risk must be dealt with to accomplish that. Taking appropriate measures can mitigate that risk, so that is what should be done.
Hello I<3Big Anime Tiddies,

There's no point anymore. The options are poverty and death, or just death. So ya know, have fun.

That is no true. I have faith in humanity to kick this bug's ass. It is just going to take dedication and time.

Science is suddenly very important to human survival
So, you approved of Fauci’s recommendations but not the economic consequences of it lol?

Which Fow-uchi, the "it's no big deal" Fow-uchi, or the "death mongering, fear mongering, monger mongering, monger man" Fow-uchi? Dude's been in more green rooms than Justin Timberlake.
Hello Darth,
Lame straw man attempt rejected.

Why is it a straw man?

If one approves of Fauci’s recommendations they tacitly concede the economic pain is worth it. By all appearances you approved of Fauci’s recommendations in shutting down the economy.

Yet, somehow, Trump gets faulted for the very thing you knew was coming and even condoned.
Which Fow-uchi, the "it's no big deal" Fow-uchi, or the "death mongering, fear mongering, monger mongering, monger man" Fow-uchi? Dude's been in more green rooms than Justin Timberlake.

Well, Fauci gets some points for questioning the models—after, the damage was done.