Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).

Yup, if there are dark times ahead it will be because we fall into a full-blown Depression. No guarantees we will recover or the country will be what it once was.

And we did it to ourselves, on purpose, over the prospect of what *might happen*.

Future historians will not be kind to us. I expect the word ‘cowards’ to be used quite a lot

Conservatives put business before life.
Well, you’d have a 99.9%-ish chance of surviving so you’re probably screwed.

You’re not in a nursing home are you?

No, I'm sadly a healthy 32, so I get the privilege to watch as my future is stripped from me to save the fucking Boomers again and die destitute in 20 or 30 years.
Disabled? Not so much. Spoiled shut-ins? Yes. That and some cranky non-essential workers. Here's a list of things that were restricted. 1. Live sports and stuff played at gyms, etc. 2. Bars and nightlife. 3. Boating and fishing unless you had a lakeside residence. That is changing though. 4. Casinos and hotels closed. 5. No comic stores, gaming events, etc. 6. Concerts and festivals. I'd say the first 4 got the cranky non-essentials and the last two really hounded the shut-ins. As for me, the only gripe is the anime and manga delays and not being able to find gloves and hand wipes.

YEEEEEEEEAH, it had nothing to do with people being unable to pay for their rent, utilities, and acquire essentials.

Things will likely open up too soon again. It seems some were already trying in Europe but they scurried back under the rock when cases increased too fast. Time to jump ahead and get self-supplied. I recommend finding that green thumb no matter where you live and get busy. Yes, even city-dwellers have options. I would also go local for meat and fruit as much as possible. Often more expensive but exponentially safer and reliable. You can also forage yourselves. Yes, once again even cities often have options not too far off. It's up to you to find the best options. My pup adores her green beans and I bought a 4 oz pack of just that to grow. We already have fresh asparagus growing fast. If not watching carefully they can go from not quite there to overgrown and woody. If you have large acreage consider growing a community garden even. It's nice to help the neighbors.

Lighter ban list including Tapatalk user Teflon Don. So no excuse if you post since it's announced.

It's always smart to be comfortably stocked up for two weeks in advance and another 2-4 weeks of harder rations like rice, cheap canned meats, etc. Natural disasters happen.

I've been through five hurricanes and two typhoons. It surprises me to see those living on the Gulf Coast to swamp the stores for batteries and canned goods. WTF? They should already be stocked up on those things. Just a run to the store for ice.
It's always smart to be comfortably stocked up for two weeks in advance and another 2-4 weeks of harder rations like rice, cheap canned meats, etc. Natural disasters happen.

I've been through five hurricanes and two typhoons. It surprises me to see those living on the Gulf Coast to swamp the stores for batteries and canned goods. WTF? They should already be stocked up on those things. Just a run to the store for ice.

We have a large box freezer stocked up with all sorts of stuff. We also live in a great area to forage. Our neighbor admitted he swiped a morel growing in our yard once.
We have a large box freezer stocked up with all sorts of stuff. We also live in a great area to forage. Our neighbor admitted he swiped a morel growing in our yard once.

All people are make choices in life. Justice is them living with the consequences of those choices. I'm not a city person. :)
All people are make choices in life. Justice is them living with the consequences of those choices. I'm not a city person. :)

We were planned to move down to a more suburban area in Ohio before this happened but I believe we will be staying put till there's at least a vaccine.
All people are make choices in life. Justice is them living with the consequences of those choices. I'm not a city person. :)

Are you willing to say the same thing about the Elite Class.....that bad work should carry consequences...that this represents Justice?

It is most certainly true, I am trying to figure out how educated you are.
There isn't a vaccine.
Of course not, it takes a good while to develop one. 2021 at the earliest. Save the anger for when anti-vaxxers don't want to take it. They are already part of the stay at home protestors. You can also save it for anti-mask people and those opening things up too soon. If they open up and things downward spiral the economy will be even worse for wear. The Spanish Flu killed the most in the second wave.