Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).

Hello Darth,

Why is it a straw man?

If one approves of Fauci’s recommendations they tacitly concede the economic pain is worth it. By all appearances you approved of Fauci’s recommendations in shutting down the economy.

Yet, somehow, Trump gets faulted for the very thing you knew was coming and even condoned.

It is a straw man because you were attempting to speak for me.

I told you I approve of Fauci's recommendations, but not the delay in implementing them. It was the delay which has caused unnecessary deaths. You have consistently overlooked my point about the delay, and instead made up things and pinned them on me.

But I get it. If you have no good argument, try to spin the conversation to be more beneficial for your position.

What else have you got?

Nothing. Might as well try.

And I appreciate that you have remained cordial.

But I reserve the right to call straw man when it applies.

Care to try another angle?
But he's still fear mongering. What useful purpose does that serve? He needs to go.

Sooooo, according to you, when a parent gives straight facts to their teenage child about "protection" and life-altering changes an unwanted pregnancy would bring, then they are just fear-mongering? The teenage child should just ignore them and do whatever they like?
Sooooo, according to you, when a parent gives straight facts to their teenage child about "protection" and life-altering changes an unwanted pregnancy would bring, then they are just fear-mongering? The teenage child should just ignore them and do whatever they like?

Libs make the worst analogies. Maybe time to cut back on the methane gas for a bit.
Of course not, it takes a good while to develop one. 2021 at the earliest. Save the anger for when anti-vaxxers don't want to take it. They are already part of the stay at home protestors. You can also save it for anti-mask people and those opening things up too soon. If they open up and things downward spiral the economy will be even worse for wear. The Spanish Flu killed the most in the second wave.

You can wait until 2100, there still won't be a vaccine.
Libs make the worst analogies. Maybe time to cut back on the methane gas for a bit.

Translation: I have nothing intellectual to add or to counter your argument so I'll lie about you being a fucking lefty loony liberal.

No worries. I was posting to the reading audience, not to help you pull your head out of your own ass. :)
Top scientists spent centuries trying to turn lead into gold. Let me know when that gets done.

Once the fusion puzzle is solved, they will do so. That's the same day the economy changes since neither gold nor oil will be able to fuel the world. Heck, I might even live long enough to see it happen, but doubt it will in the next 10-15 years.

Hello Darth,

It is a straw man because you were attempting to speak for me.

I told you I approve of Fauci's recommendations, but not the delay in implementing them. It was the delay which has caused unnecessary deaths. You have consistently overlooked my point about the delay, and instead made up things and pinned them on me.

But I get it. If you have no good argument, try to spin the conversation to be more beneficial for your position.

What else have you got?

Nothing. Might as well try.

And I appreciate that you have remained cordial.

But I reserve the right to call straw man when it applies.

Care to try another angle?

I’m not going to entertain your biased *speculations* about Trump causing more deaths.

I’m not even talking about deaths: the question has to do with the economy.

Regardless of when they were implemented, Fauci’s recommendations trashed the economy.

How is it fair—or even logical, to approve of Fauci’s economically ruinous recommendations and then turn around and blame Trump for what happened to the economy?
You can wait until 2100, there still won't be a vaccine.

We've made countless vaccines for diseases and have muted them. The problem is the anti-vaxxers in addition to Christian fundy drones that won't take the vaccine because they stupidly think vaccines use fetal cells. They threaten the effectiveness but I don't doubt there will be certain mandates against them. You can't make them take it but employers can mandate it as a hiring practice. And health insurers will likely kick your ass a bit if you don't.
We've made countless vaccines for diseases and have muted them. The problem is the anti-vaxxers in addition to Christian fundy drones that won't take the vaccine because they stupidly think vaccines use fetal cells. They threaten the effectiveness but I don't doubt there will be certain mandates against them. You can't make them take it but employers can mandate it as a hiring practice. And health insurers will likely kick your ass a bit if you don't.

I believe the purpose of the government is to protect the rights of all citizens which includes choice. If someone wants to inject Lysol into their veins and no vaccines, I fully support letting them do themselves. Minors are a different matter.

Agreed that businesses, public institutions and private places can set rules for admittance such having proper vaccinations.
We've made countless vaccines for diseases and have muted them. The problem is the anti-vaxxers in addition to Christian fundy drones that won't take the vaccine because they stupidly think vaccines use fetal cells. They threaten the effectiveness but I don't doubt there will be certain mandates against them. You can't make them take it but employers can mandate it as a hiring practice. And health insurers will likely kick your ass a bit if you don't.

This isn't one of those times. Believing it is is delusional.
Hello Darth,

I’m not going to entertain your biased *speculations* about Trump causing more deaths.

I’m not even talking about deaths: the question has to do with the economy.

Actually it is a thread about improving your personal food supply, so your loaded question is what veered off-topic.
We've made countless vaccines for diseases and have muted them. The problem is the anti-vaxxers in addition to Christian fundy drones that won't take the vaccine because they stupidly think vaccines use fetal cells. They threaten the effectiveness but I don't doubt there will be certain mandates against them. You can't make them take it but employers can mandate it as a hiring practice. And health insurers will likely kick your ass a bit if you don't.

There's never been a vaccine for a coronavirus, ever. Your comments about "Christian fundy drones" is just your usual made up bullshit. I'll bet you a saltine cracker you can't back it up with anything reliable. Most anti vaxxers are hippie dippy libs.
If this was the first time something like this happened it would be easy to think that. Granted this is a worldwide one thanks to the spread of Chinese travel and business but it's not hopeless.

It is entirely hopeless. Push your blind optimism on some other rube, I'm not buying it.
There's never been a vaccine for a coronavirus, ever. Your comments about "Christian fundy drones" is just your usual made up bullshit. I'll bet you a saltine cracker you can't back it up with anything reliable. Most anti vaxxers are hippie dippy libs.
Do you know why there is no vaccine for other coronaviruses? SARS and MERS weren’t pandemic and therefore, no funding for research, but the research done on those coronaviruses are helping with developing a vaccine for this one.