Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).

Hello Crocodile,

Things will likely open up too soon again. It seems some were already trying in Europe but they scurried back under the rock when cases increased too fast. Time to jump ahead and get self-supplied. I recommend finding that green thumb no matter where you live and get busy. Yes, even city-dwellers have options. I would also go local for meat and fruit as much as possible. Often more expensive but exponentially safer and reliable. You can also forage yourselves. Yes, once again even cities often have options not too far off. It's up to you to find the best options. My pup adores her green beans and I bought a 4 oz pack of just that to grow. We already have fresh asparagus growing fast. If not watching carefully they can go from not quite there to overgrown and woody. If you have large acreage consider growing a community garden even. It's nice to help the neighbors.

Lighter ban list including Tapatalk user Teflon Don. So no excuse if you post since it's announced.

I have been into growing my own food for a while now. It is so nice to make shorter trips to the grocery store, walk right by the produce section musing 'got that,' and 'got that too.' And bonus: The things you grow are almost always better than what you can buy.

I had very little experience when I got started, no mentor, no training. The first thing I learned was you gotta make your own compost. If you try to go buy all the soil amendments you need it will quickly add up to more than simply buying groceries.

The economic challenge is to grow from seed, and to create your own nutrients through composting.

The best way to get started is with compost. That is the key to everything green.
Hello moon,

You're shining brightly now:


Not only that, but America needs a revolution in education. It's plain that the existing model produces a brain-washed consumer class for the greater enrichment of the 1%.

Totally agree.

And a VERY astute observation, I might add.
Because of our poor electoral choice in 2016, God has visited us with a plague.

We have retired to a high desert town, arid and dry, and here our family will follow the scientists and doctors' advice.

China visited us with their plague.

The Grand Architect is not pleased with the 1 million murders of unborn children.
Hello BartenderElite,

I was reading about the sacrifices the WWII generation made yesterday. I swear - if the "Fox" crowd was around in the '40's, they would have had mass protests about the rationing we did and how turning their lights off during air raid drills was an infringement on their "liberty."

They're the snowflakes. They're the ones that have no concept of small sacrifices for the common good. They forced an ice cream store in New England to shut down for a day after reopening because of their terrible behavior and refusing to comply w/ the owner's social distancing guidelines. Because, of course, we all have a consititutional right to ice cream.

The silver lining of this crisis is that we can make some long overdue changes that may actually preserve our planet. We have to live sustainably, and with conscientiousness for future generations.

It is almost a certainty that some will learn to grow vegetables during this crisis, discover they like doing that, and continue doing it after the crisis has passed. And that will be a good thing for the country, and it will make them healthier, and reduce the demand for health care, and thus the cost.
Hello jimmymccready,

Russian trolls and their supporters go on Ignore, automatically: no second chance.

Thanks for making your Ignore Policy public.

I believe that the more people who do this, the better the forum becomes.

Trolling is busywork for the shallow.

Relegating trolls to the sidelines results in higher quality polite academic posting, and more knowledge.

Stating an Ignore Policy in writing challenges us to follow through on what we say, and doing so reaffirms that we mean what we say.

This forum is what we make it.

Nicely done!
China visited us with their plague.

The Grand Architect is not pleased with the 1 million murders of unborn children.

Republicans keep telling us that if we elect Republicans God will reward us... And then God keeps punishing us when we elect Republicans.
Because of our poor electoral choice in 2016, God has visited us with a plague.

We have retired to a high desert town, arid and dry, and here our family will follow the scientists and doctors' advice.


And never forget who voted for this, who enabled it, who coddled it, who defended it.
You don't see progressives protesting something as simple as wearing a mask. Sorry - conservatives are the snowflakes.

"If people won't social distance, then a business needs to adapt" - huh? The owner of the business can set those guidelines, especially now. Do you not believe in capitalism and private ownership?

Masks are a straw man.

We basically put a record breaking economy in the hands of *an epidemiologist* and the left cheered his every move. So they own this economy as much as Fauci does.

First it was ‘flatten the curve’ then the goal post was shifted to ‘prevent the second wave’ or lockdown 4-ever until there’s a vaccine.

Enough already, time to open it up.
I agree. There will be countless weighty tomes written, innumerable doctorates will be granted to social scientists, and hundreds of documentaries on what the Chickenshit-in-Chief and his merry band of enablers did wrong to exacerbate the demise of this once-mighty nation. You Covidiot Crusaders will finally get the recognition you so richly deserve.

This is the most mindless babble you have managed to come up with yet. No worries though, I am sure you will beat it.
Hello Darth,

Masks are a straw man.

We basically put a record breaking economy in the hands of *an epidemiologist* and the left cheered his every move. So they own this economy as much as Fauci does.

First it was ‘flatten the curve’ then the goal post was shifted to ‘prevent the second wave’ or lockdown 4-ever until there’s a vaccine.

Enough already, time to open it up.

No. Don't rush it over nothing more than impatience.

The curve is being flattened. We may have just reached a peak in Active Cases. That proves the social distancing and mask-wearing is working.

Opening should only be done under safe guidelines.

Simply passing the peak does not mean it is safe. We have to go slowly in phases, meeting established benchmarks before proceeding to the next phase.

Lives are more important than money.
Hello Darth,

No. Don't rush it over nothing more than impatience.

The curve is being flattened. We may have just reached a peak in Active Cases. That proves the social distancing and mask-wearing is working.

Opening should only be done under safe guidelines.

Simply passing the peak does not mean it is safe. We have to go slowly in phases, meeting established benchmarks before proceeding to the next phase.

Lives are more important than money.

What about the ones that are being destroyed?
Masks are a straw man.

We basically put a record breaking economy in the hands of *an epidemiologist* and the left cheered his every move. So they own this economy as much as Fauci does.

First it was ‘flatten the curve’ then the goal post was shifted to ‘prevent the second wave’ or lockdown 4-ever until there’s a vaccine.

Enough already, time to open it up.

This is hilarious. You're just like Trump. He's just an innocent bystander, with no power to stop a marauding Fauci or "cheering Dems."

I wish you could hear yourself. Trump OWNS this economy, and always will. No one cares how it was at the beginning of the year. He blew it, and now we all have to deal w/ it.
And masks are not a "straw man." You want to open this economy up? You should enthusiastically support masks and much more extensive testing.

I know Fox is instructing you otherwise, but if you don't support masks & testing, you don't really support opening the economy.
We basically put a record breaking economy in the hands of *an epidemiologist* and the left cheered his every move. So they own this economy as much as Fauci does.

What records did this economy break prior to the crisis?

Not Obama's best annual or quarterly GDP growth.

And the only reason we have to do this is because you didn't take this seriously.
They wouldn't be if we guaranteed everyone's wages instead of guaranteeing shareholder profits.

But you oppose that, which means you are the one trying to destroy lives here.

Get a fucking job and support yourself. You lazy ass fucking bum.
Things will likely open up too soon again. It seems some were already trying in Europe but they scurried back under the rock when cases increased too fast. Time to jump ahead and get self-supplied. I recommend finding that green thumb no matter where you live and get busy. Yes, even city-dwellers have options. I would also go local for meat and fruit as much as possible. Often more expensive but exponentially safer and reliable. You can also forage yourselves. Yes, once again even cities often have options not too far off. It's up to you to find the best options. My pup adores her green beans and I bought a 4 oz pack of just that to grow. We already have fresh asparagus growing fast. If not watching carefully they can go from not quite there to overgrown and woody. If you have large acreage consider growing a community garden even. It's nice to help the neighbors.

Lighter ban list including Tapatalk user Teflon Don. So no excuse if you post since it's announced.

We’re eating leaner and healthier these days. For protein, pork and chicken are still our mainstays, at least for now. Mixing in beans quite a bit to stretch things. Growing some veggies this summer. Stopped eating out, even with drive through. Lots of healthy smoothies with things like spinach, flax seed, etc. thrown in. Make my own peanut butter now. Also great in smoothies.

Small steps, but simplifying a new way to live