Based on....?
I don't know what the answer is on the shutdowns. It's not my job to know.
What I do know is that Trump downplayed the virus throughout Februrary, when the information he was getting contradicted his statements, and at a time when early action could have had a huge impact on the damage done.
Trump hasn't known what to do here. His inexperience has been exposed in the worst way. As I said before, I don't know why he didn't have a much more expanded task force, with the top people in medicine, economics, analytics, et al., to compile a much more complete picture regarding the impact of shutting down vs. a more open approach, and make a sound executive decision based on that data.
Instead, it's been all about his "gut," and wishful thinking. It's the worst possible leadership during a crisis like this.
It is your job as a citizen to make an honest effort to educate yourself about this pandemic and the response to date, and evaluate the ones responsible along those good of a job did they do.
Dont ditch your duty.