Time to plan ahead for possible dark futures. (Civil discussion).

Based on....?

I don't know what the answer is on the shutdowns. It's not my job to know.

What I do know is that Trump downplayed the virus throughout Februrary, when the information he was getting contradicted his statements, and at a time when early action could have had a huge impact on the damage done.

Trump hasn't known what to do here. His inexperience has been exposed in the worst way. As I said before, I don't know why he didn't have a much more expanded task force, with the top people in medicine, economics, analytics, et al., to compile a much more complete picture regarding the impact of shutting down vs. a more open approach, and make a sound executive decision based on that data.

Instead, it's been all about his "gut," and wishful thinking. It's the worst possible leadership during a crisis like this.

It is your job as a citizen to make an honest effort to educate yourself about this pandemic and the response to date, and evaluate the ones responsible along those lines....how good of a job did they do.

Dont ditch your duty.
So lol, did Trump make a mistake in following Fauci’s economically ruinous recommendations or not?

So let me see if I understand your self contradictory story:
trump did not make the decisions, and he only made the decisions because of advice from Fauci. trump has no power, but has all the power. trump is going to make the opposite decision soon, but is not responsible for any of the problems that causes....

I could go on, but do you see why we want to get trump out of office as quickly as possible.
What I dont understand is if the goal is to make sure no one gets covid ever then why are we still allowing things like grocery stores, uber eats, etc? After all they can spread the inifection right? Unless the left is telling me that they have made a calculated to choice to let some people die for this economic activity.

Without essential activities, people will die. With essential activities, people will die. So we make calculating choices about how to do the least damage. I would hope that it is not only the left doing it, but all the leadership, and even the citizens who are trying to figure this out.

Will we always make the right choice? Of course not, we are dealing with incomplete information and unknowns. We try our best, and leave it at that.

What confuses me is that you are not getting this. Why not?
The lockdown 4-ever crowd typically aren’t essential workers.

There is no "lockdown forever" crowd, but the scientists who support lockdown are usually essential workers. Many of the rest are able to work from home. It would be true to say they are feeling less financial pain from this all.

A lot of the most violent opposition to lockdowns have not had a job in a while, and have no interest in having a job. So you see people on disability with guns screaming at nurses going to work that the lockdown is evil.
Without essential activities, people will die. With essential activities, people will die. So we make calculating choices about how to do the least damage. I would hope that it is not only the left doing it, but all the leadership, and even the citizens who are trying to figure this out.

Will we always make the right choice? Of course not, we are dealing with incomplete information and unknowns. We try our best, and leave it at that.

What confuses me is that you are not getting this. Why not?

"We are flying blind, which is a really stupid and dangerous way to live, we have to do better" I started hearing in FEB.

And yet we are still here.

We are so screwed.

The lockdown 4-ever crowd typically aren’t essential workers. They’re content to stay at home and wait for the vaccine while the essentials keep the country running and delivering their Amazon orders on time.

As you're one of the pandemic deniers I can see why you're so anxious to have people ignore the effects of the catastrophe you laughed at in order to cover your own ass.
Ain't gonna work, Daft Omar. You're a collaborator with the virus.
There is no "lockdown forever" crowd, but the scientists who support lockdown are usually essential workers. Many of the rest are able to work from home. It would be true to say they are feeling less financial pain from this all.

A lot of the most violent opposition to lockdowns have not had a job in a while, and have no interest in having a job. So you see people on disability with guns screaming at nurses going to work that the lockdown is evil.
Disabled? Not so much. Spoiled shut-ins? Yes. That and some cranky non-essential workers. Here's a list of things that were restricted. 1. Live sports and stuff played at gyms, etc. 2. Bars and nightlife. 3. Boating and fishing unless you had a lakeside residence. That is changing though. 4. Casinos and hotels closed. 5. No comic stores, gaming events, etc. 6. Concerts and festivals. I'd say the first 4 got the cranky non-essentials and the last two really hounded the shut-ins. As for me, the only gripe is the anime and manga delays and not being able to find gloves and hand wipes.
So let me see if I understand your self contradictory story:
trump did not make the decisions, and he only made the decisions because of advice from Fauci. trump has no power, but has all the power. trump is going to make the opposite decision soon, but is not responsible for any of the problems that causes....

I could go on, but do you see why we want to get trump out of office as quickly as possible.

You’ve been trying to get Trump out of office since the day he was elected.

See my sig.

There’s nothing contradictory about your stance: you approved of every one of Fauci’s recommendations. Cheered for them. Therefore, you were more than willing to accept the economic consequences of Fauci’s recommendations.

The contradictions arise when you try and blame Trump for Fauci’s Economy.
You’ve been trying to get Trump out of office since the day he was elected.

See my sig.

There’s nothing contradictory about your stance: you approved of every one of Fauci’s recommendations. Cheered for them. Therefore, you were more than willing to accept the economic consequences of Fauci’s recommendations.

The contradictions arise when you try and blame Trump for Fauci’s Economy.

Especially because it is the states lead by their governors who have been in charge...legally and in every other way....the Feds only support.
So let me see if I understand your self contradictory story:
trump did not make the decisions, and he only made the decisions because of advice from Fauci. trump has no power, but has all the power. trump is going to make the opposite decision soon, but is not responsible for any of the problems that causes....

I could go on, but do you see why we want to get trump out of office as quickly as possible.

It’s such a simple question.

Why does no one want to answer it lol?
Especially because it is the states lead by their governors who have been in charge...legally and in every other way....the Feds only support.

Technically, you’re right: it’s the governor’s economy.

So the economic recovery will be state by state. Some states should come back faster than others. Michigan, with its Nazi wannabe governor, will lag behind some others.

But it’s an election year so Democrats will tie themselves into pretzels trying to lay the economic blame on Trump—when they spent the last 8 weeks *advocating, loudly, for the very things* that gave us our current economy.

And they’re counting on voters not being able to see the obvious.
Technically, you’re right: it’s the governor’s economy.

So the economic recovery will be state by state. Some states should come back faster than others. Michigan, with its Nazi wannabe governor, will lag behind some others.

But it’s an election year so Democrats will tie themselves into pretzels trying to lay the economic blame on Trump—when they spent the last 8 weeks *advocating for the very things* that gave us our current economy.

And they’re counting on voters not being able to see the obvious.

They have been blaming Trump for everything since 11.9.16.

Ya, assuming that the citizens will not do our duty has been the winning bet for 50 years....just look at where we are!
As you're one of the pandemic deniers I can see why you're so anxious to have people ignore the effects of the catastrophe you laughed at in order to cover your own ass.
Ain't gonna work, Daft Omar. You're a collaborator with the virus.

You’d be screwed without the virus.

You’re not fooling anyone lol.
Without essential activities, people will die. With essential activities, people will die. So we make calculating choices about how to do the least damage. I would hope that it is not only the left doing it, but all the leadership, and even the citizens who are trying to figure this out.

Will we always make the right choice? Of course not, we are dealing with incomplete information and unknowns. We try our best, and leave it at that.

What confuses me is that you are not getting this. Why not?

because your side calls anyone who makes these calculations by even discussing opening up again a murderer.
because your side calls anyone who makes these calculations by even discussing opening up again a murderer.

Using the English language as a club as they destroy it has long been one of the Lefts favorite things, because it has worked so well for so long to bully their peers.

Those days have to be over.
Hello Darth,

What about the ones that are being destroyed?

Financial lives?

Is that the 'lives being destroyed' you are referring to?

Quality of life?

You know, you have to have life in order to have a financial life or other quality of life.

Death does not allow any quality of life.
Masks are a straw man.

We basically put a record breaking economy in the hands of *an epidemiologist* and the left cheered his every move. So they own this economy as much as Fauci does.

First it was ‘flatten the curve’ then the goal post was shifted to ‘prevent the second wave’ or lockdown 4-ever until there’s a vaccine.

Enough already, time to open it up.

There's no point anymore. The options are poverty and death, or just death. So ya know, have fun.
There's no point anymore. The options are poverty and death, or just death. So ya know, have fun.

I don’t know how old you are but based on current odds you could have as little as 1/10,000 chance of dying from THE COVID lol.

Enjoy yourself. We all die at some point and it will almost certainly be from something besides COVID.
I don’t know how old you are but based on current odds you could have as little as 1/10,000 chance of dying from THE COVID lol.

Enjoy yourself. We all die at some point and it will almost certainly be from something besides COVID.

I would welcome dying from the stupid thing. The imminent and unavoidable economic collapse which will leave us all starving and destitute is what will most likely kill me instead.
I would welcome dying from the stupid thing. The imminent and unavoidable economic collapse which will leave us all starving and destitute is what will most likely kill me instead.

Well, you’d have a 99.9%-ish chance of surviving so you’re probably screwed.

You’re not in a nursing home are you?