"Tit and Clit"

here is an example of some of my sons friends

My son was not at this party

Now note the clown never touches the women

see how relaxed and safe she seems to feel during this ?

now watch what his friends do to the clown for his treatment of this girl.

The clown is a good guy and is now alcohol free

I would like to mention Greg is also the most amazing artist I had ever seen

stunningly talented

and now alcohol free
what do you think he hoped to gain with the act?

charm her into bed?

it was an act of bullying idiot

sexual bullying

Sweet God of Mercy! Are you so provincial you've never left the small village you were born in? Did you learn nothing out of life? Your Mother taught you nothing? Jesus1

Look, evince ... refined girls, girls of substance, girls that were brought up with culture and refinement handle these situations like this, not in every case, not all the time, but basically in a similar manner.
She looks up at the drunk male, smiles, puts his cock in her mouth, muzzles it down about halfway, then looks up, bares her teeth, and playfully 'bites' on it a few times, as she clamps down on it with teeth exposed, she says "No Thanks". The male, even though drunk, realizes ... he's in a precarious position. That this girl has his most precious possession in between her teeth. Seeing she has the upperhand, he graciously withdraws his penis from her mouth and says "OK".
he will be traumatized, he will remember the incident for the rest of his life, and ... he will always be indebted to the girl that showed him Mercy.
Sweet God of Mercy! Are you so provincial you've never left the small village you were born in? Did you learn nothing out of life? Your Mother taught you nothing? Jesus1

Look, evince ... refined girls, girls of substance, girls that were brought up with culture and refinement handle these situations like this, not in every case, not all the time, but basically in a similar manner.
She looks up at the drunk male, smiles, puts his cock in her mouth, muzzles it down about halfway, then looks up, bares her teeth, and playfully 'bites' on it a few times, as she clamps down on it with teeth exposed, she says "No Thanks". The male, even though drunk, realizes ... he's in a precarious position. That this girl has his most precious possession in between her teeth. Seeing she has the upperhand, he graciously withdraws his penis from her mouth and says "OK".
he will be traumatized, he will remember the incident for the rest of his life, and ... he will always be indebted to the girl that showed him Mercy.

in college I rented a huge Victorian house near campus and ran a room and board style deal renting the rooms to other students ( so I could afford college)

as you might imagine most my roomies were males

I also have four brothers

Most the best friends I have had in life have been men

I know guys

Not one of my renters would have done anything like that at our parties

I can spot a decent man from miles away

scum bag men think all men are scumbags like them

There are good and decent men out there

I have known MANY a decent man as friends

I have been with my hubby since I was 19

met him while I lived in that house

he and the guys would have heaved them out the door on their asses

meant the guys had lots of girls at the parties

They just had to charm them not harm them
jeeze dude I just read that whole bullshit

you are a fucking perve

how about she just punch in the balls and stomp his dick when hes down as shes running out of the room
in college I rented a huge Victorian house near campus and ran a room and board style deal renting the rooms to other students ( so I could afford college)

as you might imagine most my roomies were males

I also have four brothers

Most the best friends I have had in life have been men

I know guys

Not one of my renters would have done anything like that at our parties

I can spot a decent man from miles away

scum bag men think all men are scumbags like them

There are good and decent men out there

I have known MANY a decent man as friends

I have been with my hubby since I was 19

met him while I lived in that house

he and the guys would have heaved them out the door on their asses

meant the guys had lots of girls at the parties

They just had to charm them not harm them

evince. I just watched the 'Clown video'. Some guy runs up and puts his dick in the Clown's face. Did you think that was funny? I noticed the girl on the couch was laughing, did she think it was funny? I also noticed the other two males thought it was funny. Is this 'sexual assault'? Should the Police be called? See, this looks like the kind of stuff drunk teens do.
evince. I just watched the 'Clown video'. Some guy runs up and puts his dick in the Clown's face. Did you think that was funny? I noticed the girl on the couch was laughing, did she think it was funny? I also noticed the other two males thought it was funny. Is this 'sexual assault'? Should the Police be called? See, this looks like the kind of stuff drunk teens do.

the bologna guy and the clown were big time buddies

they were after this incident

he new the rules

don't harass the ladies

He can as her if she wants to go get naked with him.

But he cant keep asking once she says NO

he broke the rules

he knew the risks

he got slapped down

those were the rules
Oh and BTW

I am the one who taught them about the benefits of those type of rules

make the house completely safe for the girls and you will always have girls at your party.
the bologna guy and the clown were big time buddies

they were after this incident

he new the rules

don't harass the ladies

He can as her if she wants to go get naked with him.

But he cant keep asking once she says NO

he broke the rules

he knew the risks

he got slapped down

those were the rules

You know ... thinking about this, the Rules should be that a naked girl runs up to the Clown and sticks her cooch into the guys face. THAT should be the Rules!
What fraternity were you in??

The human conditions means anything is theoretically possible over the course of time. Sleaziness, crime, and assault included.

But I have been to hundreds of parties, including at least half a dozen frat parties. And I cannot ever recall seeing a guy whip out his junk and shove it in the face of an unsuspecting girl. I am pretty sure if it happened, he would be asked to leave the party. He might even get his lights punched out.

I see you didn't read the article. It does not say it was shoved in her face. She was drunk and reached out and touched it by accident thinking it wasn't a real penis when pushing him away.
I see you didn't read the article. It does not say it was shoved in her face. She was drunk and reached out and touched it by accident thinking it wasn't a real penis when pushing him away.

but is was a real penis huh

was she sitting and he standing ?

that would be in the face huh
Shoving it in a woman’s face and naked frat behavior are two different things.

Should she press charges? Or is it enough that he should not be on the court?

Don’t you find it amazing these women are coming out now?

Didn’t they know he was on the short list for two years now?

Why didn’t they stop him then? Why are they ok with being on Circuit Court?