"Tit and Clit"

if you were my sons age and hanging with him and his friends and suggested some shit like that

they would have fucked you up big time


and knew how to pick friends who had morals

he was at a party once and a few girls got too drunk

Instead of taking advantage of them he and his friends keep helping watch them and played life guard to make sure they were OK in the pool.

and made sure they didn't drink more and took care of them

They were their friends and cared about them as humans

they didn't see them as easy rape targets that wouldn't even remember who fucked them.

I guess that is what you taught your sons to think

MY son is 1000 times the MAN any of you sick fucks are

It's usually the ones who act like their so innocent, are the ones who are involved in the most underhanded behavior; like your offspring. :D
What fraternity were you in??

The human conditions means anything is theoretically possible over the course of time. Sleaziness, crime, and assault included.

But I have been to hundreds of parties, including at least half a dozen frat parties. And I cannot ever recall seeing a guy whip out his junk and shove it in the face of an unsuspecting girl. I am pretty sure if it happened, he would be asked to leave the party. He might even get his lights punched out.

That's probably because the Frat you were in, usually whipped out their junk and shoved in your face.

Should she press charges? Or is it enough that he should not be on the court?

Don’t you find it amazing these women are coming out now?

Didn’t they know he was on the short list for two years now?

Why didn’t they stop him then? Why are they ok with being on Circuit Court?

Makes sense to me, they were hoping it would go away. But when faced with a man like that getting on the Supreme Court, they summoned the courage to come forward. The second woman, from the report I saw, did not come forward at first... but a witness told Democrats and they had an investigator go to her. When asked she told them the truth, but was not looking to come forward.
Women hate women who lie and scream "rape" when they have nothing else.

I hope this dumb bitch and her family wear a figurative scarlet letter for life over this.
Republican women don’t want sexual crimes reported

It’s why their female children are not truly safe in such families
Yale's campus newspaper just revealed Kavanaugh …

Sep 20, 2018 · The paper includes an article about Kavanaugh’s days at the university, during which he was part of an all-boys Yale secret society called “Truth and Courage” which was referred to as “Tit and Clit.”
The sad thing is - SCOTUS justices are accountable to no one. The reason is: The founders never thought there'd be such fucking scumbags like the trump appointees ever appointed.