To Maineman

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Congrats on being able to live your dream!
thank you... my son just came down with his fiance for a visit last week.... he was totally blown away by how cool this place is and how much there is to see and do and experience here. He said, "Dad... it really doesn't do you two justice to merely say you are "retired", you have perfected the life of bon vivants!

I said, "bingo". Living very well is the best revenge.
actually, the inspiration was a quote from Mark Twain:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

My wife found that online about the same time she was looking for a good beach/golf destination in Mexico for vacation several years ago. We looked at our finances and realized we could afford to retire earlier than later and we decided to have an adventure. Our home in Mexico is named "Casa de los Vientos Alisios" which means house of the trade winds. The trade winds blew us here and the trade winds sweep through our backyard in the afternoons. It's gorgeous.

Jealous! It is snowing here today?
If DY did actually work up the guts to track MM down, I can only hold MM would put a bullet thru DY's brain.

given the minuscule size of THAT target, I am not sure I'm that good a shot. I was going to say that I'd aim at the spot where his legs come together, but hitting that tiny piece of anatomy would be just as difficult, I fear. I'll probably settle for a pattern on the torso.
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