There is no reverence in suicidal super ego cognitive dissonance sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming for religious acceptance of the moon…..'Reverend ', Dave. Rev-er- end. You can do it.
For all this autistic homicidal human farming of human reproduction medical pseudoscience cognitive dissonance over 2 millennium one could theoretically deduce killing for the reason of being schizophrenic ChristHitler suicidal super ego Christiananality pedophilia is more than an obsession…….'Reverend ', Dave. Rev-er- end. You can do it.
This suicidal super ego cognitive dissonance of trying to force subscription to human reproduction medical pseudoscience certainly leaves Eisenhower’s “ Never Again” as insignificant to Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law”…..Eight little letters, Dave. Give it a try.
Still advocating as well as attempting brainwashing to accomplish Christiananality pedophilia human reproduction medical pseudoscience for suicidal super ego satisfaction of flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Freudian slip……Compliance will help your eyesight, Dave. Call me Reverend.
Updates: Women, children among the dead in Israeli attack on north Gaza
Israel claims to have hit Hamas ‘command centre’ in the attack that killed several people, including women and
No doubt these feeble attempts of Christiananality pedophilia will lead to Mohammed flaming flying chariot pseudoscience suicidal super ego cognitive dissonance Valhalla in sociological homicidal human farming…….It's real, Dave. Call me Reverend;
This ongoing Christiananality pedophilia cognitive dissonance autistic tautology is little more than a suicidal super ego Freudian slip for Oct 7 kidnappings, hostage takingYou are complicit, Dave. Repent. Call me Reverend.
As usual that Christiananality pedophilia autistic tautology of human reproduction medical pseudoscience cognitive dissonance is still advocating Mohammed flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Valhalla as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist for 9/11 and Oct 7 as if it’s “one nation under God” worthy……Who will forgive those that are complicit, Dave ?
Call me Reverend.
About the only taxes are those Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial Fourth Reich July Christiananality pedophilia “one nation under God with equal justice under law” Klues Klucks duh Klans “man is God” Islam flaming flying chariot pseudoscience “death to the infidels” sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming of serve the moon or die suicidal super ego Nazi economic security…..or just a waste of time subscribing to….Write a poem, Dave, about the little children killed by Jews today with your taxes.
Call me Reverend.
"They are vampires"Your taxes, Dave. The means to ghoulish murder. Repent.
Call me Reverend.
You’d probably know more about utilizing ghoulish murder as human reproduction medical pseudoscience cognitive dissonance taxation without representation with Islam flaming flying chariot pseudoscience of “man is God” “death to the infidels” as “one nation under God with equal justice under law”…..Your taxes, Dave. The means to ghoulish murder. Repent.
Call me Reverend.