Today's atrocities by genocidal Jews in occupied Palestine

More dead Arab babies overnight, Dave. Your conscience requires salving. Call me Reverend.
Apparently that condescending arrogant suicidal super ego Christiananality pedophilia cognitive dissonance avoidance in acceptance of human reproduction medical pseudoscience is way beyond public mental masturbation therapy……

Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Israeli infants were beheaded and burned alive by the barbarians in Hamas, a terrorist group.
Liar ^ No evidence ever produced. CIA deny it happened.

Don't start wars you can't win;

Begone, loser.


Don’t start a war if you can’t finish the war.

Israeli infants were beheaded and burned alive by the barbarians in Hamas, a terrorist group.
Don’t start a war if you can’t finish the war.

Israeli infants were beheaded and burned alive by the barbarians in Hamas, a terrorist group.
Call me Reverend in private, Dave. Practice until you feel up to it publicly.
Still that cognitive dissonance human reproduction medical pseudoscience obsession for compulsive acceptance as “serve the Pope or die” from the Catholic Church business assassination of JFK where Mengele “Angel of Death” baptize thine eyes by urinations which results in a George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C.born USA citizen ends up in the same hospital for medical care again…..
Try breaking it down into syllables, Dave - Rev-er-end. Rev-er-end .
Aw can’t get no satisfaction so still going for gratification of serve the moon or die like “serve the Pope or die” Christiananality pedophilia Phonetically…..
You can gain satisfaction with a change of attitude, Dave. Call me Reverend. Rev-er-end.
You can gain satisfaction with a change of attitude, Dave. Call me Reverend. Rev-er-end.
This can’t get no satisfaction from human reproduction medical pseudoscience serve the moon or die tautology is getting to be as pathetic as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom enforcement of Christiananality pedophilia like Islam Mohammed flaming flying chariot pseudoscience “death to the infidels” survival of the fittest fascists sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming not so master race not so master plan as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam pseudoscience…..
I can help you with your delusions, Dave. Call me Reverend.
This continuing suicidal super ego cognitive dissonance ChristHitler schizophrenic behavioral disorder certainly stimulates a homicidal human farming response of Christiananality pedophilia cross conditioning as Islam “death to the infidels”……