Still that suicidal super ego of Christiananality pedophilia human reproduction medical pseudoscience “man is God” Christian Nation where flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Islam “death to the infidels” is “one nation under God with equal justice under law”…..Dave-funded deaths are over 50,000, Dave. Call me Reverend and join with us.
While it’s obvious your avoidance in acceptance of human reproduction medical pseudoscience for acceptance of flaming flying chariot pseudoscience is as much a statistical probability as Hamas starting those fires in LA with a conscience of Christiananality pedophilia practice of Islam “death to the infidels”…..Your conscience needs help, Dave. Call me Reverend.
No doubt since most of that population is obsessed with human reproduction medical pseudoscience and flaming flying chariot pseudoscience more perfect union to rule the world and destroy civilization in survival of the fittest fascists…..Almost half the world is now antisemitic
Nearly half the globe has ‘elevated levels’ of antisemitic beliefs, ADL survey finds - Jewish News
About 46% of the global adult population is projected to harbor heightened levels of antisemitic
This cognitive dissonance autistic obsession of propagation with human reproduction medical pseudoscience for extermination of another race is just disgraceful avoidance….24,000 murdered children, Dave. With your taxes. You are complicit. Repent. Call me Reverend.
Oh, lookie here, we've stumbled upon the grand assembly of hate-filled, racist, Jew-hating morons having their little circle jerk. And what do we have here? 'Davy the dancer' pulling out his big boy dictionary to pretend he's got a brain cell to rub together. Bless his heart, this poor little libtard thinks spewing hate and racism is the fast track to wisdom or intelligence. Newsflash, genius: it's not. Have you and 'Moon Pie' thought about starting your own little club? You could call it "Neo-Nazis Anonymous" or something equally pathetic. Just a thought since you both seem so keen on spreading your special brand of hate.This cognitive dissonance autistic obsession of propagation with human reproduction medical pseudoscience for extermination of another race is just disgraceful avoidance….
While this SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial Fourth Reich July reincarnation of human reproduction medical pseudoscience as “one nation under God with equal justice under law” of a Christian Nation not so master race not so master plan is little more than a veritable plethora of a mass neuroses of fascism for a mass psychosis of fascism from those crooks on Capital Hill Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate….Oh, lookie here, we've stumbled upon the grand assembly of hate-filled, racist, Jew-hating morons having their little circle jerk. And what do we have here? 'Davy the dancer' pulling out his big boy dictionary to pretend he's got a brain cell to rub together. Bless his heart, this poor little libtard thinks spewing hate and racism is the fast track to wisdom or intelligence. Newsflash, genius: it's not. Have you and 'Moon Pie' thought about starting your own little club? You could call it "Neo-Nazis Anonymous" or something equally pathetic. Just a thought since you both seem so keen on spreading your special brand of hate.
Get lost, kid. We've seen you already. ^Oh, lookie here, we've stumbled upon the grand assembly of hate-filled, racist, Jew-hating morons having their little circle jerk. And what do we have here? 'Davy the dancer' pulling out his big boy dictionary to pretend he's got a brain cell to rub together. Bless his heart, this poor little libtard thinks spewing hate and racism is the fast track to wisdom or intelligence. Newsflash, genius: it's not. Have you and 'Moon Pie' thought about starting your own little club? You could call it "Neo-Nazis Anonymous" or something equally pathetic. Just a thought since you both seem so keen on spreading your special brand of hate.
Wow, clearly triggered! I love stating the obvious when it's this glaring. You dug out the dictionary and thesaurus, called in some buddies for backup, just to craft that monumental pile of shit you think passes for an argument. LOL, your bitterness and hatred are on full, glorious display.While this SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial Fourth Reich July reincarnation of human reproduction medical pseudoscience as “one nation under God with equal justice under law” of a Christian Nation not so master race not so master plan is little more than a veritable plethora of a mass neuroses of fascism for a mass psychosis of fascism from those crooks on Capital Hill Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate….
Get lost, kid. Nobody trolls Dave and gets away with it. Dave had almost half of his brain blown away by a Jewish sniper's bullet. You are an insensitive adolescent asshole. Get lost, before I insult you.Wow, clearly triggered! I love stating the obvious when it's this glaring. You dug out the dictionary and thesaurus, called in some buddies for backup, just to craft that monumental pile of shit you think passes for an argument. LOL, your bitterness and hatred are on full, glorious display.
But let's get one thing straight, your comment doesn't make you look smart, it just confirms you're an ass. How about using some coherent sentences next time, if you can manage to squeeze out an original thought from that echo chamber you call a brain.
Not my problem your lack of Bicentennial university education cognitive dissonance elicits suicidal super ego reincarnation of Christian Nation national religion establishment in this day & age…..Wow, clearly triggered! I love stating the obvious when it's this glaring. You dug out the dictionary and thesaurus, called in some buddies for backup, just to craft that monumental pile of shit you think passes for an argument. LOL, your bitterness and hatred are on full, glorious display.
But let's get one thing straight, your comment doesn't make you look smart, it just confirms you're an ass. How about using some coherent sentences next time, if you can manage to squeeze out an original thought from that echo chamber you call a brain.