Today’s Teabagger News: Only 41% of Texans know humans did not live with dinosaurs

Teabagging Message Board Poster DIXIE:

"There is NO scientific evidence that any species has ever changed species. Evolution is the changes within a species (genus), and we've NEVER discovered anything to suggest that one genus transformed into something else! Those drawings you see of a fish turning into a lizzard turning into a mammal, are just drawings, they are NOT "proof" of anything except a vivid imagination. The kind of imagination which would conjure up fairies."

In contrast.......

The Universally Respected Science Program: NOVA:

”In 2004, scientists digging in the Canadian Arctic unearthed fossils of a half-fish, half-amphibian that all but confirmed paleontologists' theories about how land-dwelling tetrapods–four-limbed animals, including us–evolved from fish.

It is a classic example of a transitional form, one that bridges a so-called evolutionary gap between different types of animal. In this slide show, examine five important cases.”

Transitional fossils (popularly termed missing links) are the fossilized remains of intermediary forms of life that illustrate an evolutionary transition. They can be identified by their retention of certain primitive (plesiomorphic) traits in comparison with their more derived relatives, as they are defined in the study of cladistics. Numerous examples exist***, including those of primates and early humans.

***List of Transitional Fossils
• 1 Nautiloids to Ammonoids
• 2 Invertebrates to Fish
• 3 Fish to Tetrapods
• 4 Amphibians to Amniotes (early reptiles)
• 5 Synapsid ("mammal-like reptiles") to mammals
• 6 Dinosaurs to birds
• 7 Evolution of whales
• 8 Evolution of the horse
• 9 Human evolution
• 10 Pterosaurs
• 11 See also
• 12 References
• 13 External links

Proponents of creationism (and flat earth climate-deniers) have frequently made claims about the existence or implications of transitional fossils that some of the scientific community considers to be false and misleading. Some of these claims include:

• 'There are no transitional fossils.' This is a claim made by groups like Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research.(and Climate Denialism) Such claims may be based on a misunderstanding of the nature of what represents a transitional feature but are also explained as a tactic actively employed by creationists seeking to distort or discredit evolutionary theory and has been called the "favorite lie" of creationists.
Transitional fossil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Examine five transitional species that fill so-called gaps in the fossil record.
Nope. That was someone else.

Then what is this?

And 71% ...7 out of 10, said they either didn't believe this or were not sure.

As several have pointed out, we have critters presently here with us, which evolved from their dinosaur ancestors. Technically speaking, even if the first humans came about 30k years ago, they were here at the same time as the dinosaurs, or at least the close ancestors of the dinosaurs. I don't profess to know what these people were thinking when they answered the question, and I don't know what kind of people were asked, or who asked the question. Just like I don't know that humans may have inhabited the earth a billion years before the dinosaurs, and something wiped them out. Do you KNOW that didn't happen?
Nope. That was someone else. I believe birds are the product of evolution, but the modern bird is not a completely different 'genus' than its predecessor, it has just radically changed over time. Let's be clear, prehistoric ancestors to birds were not "cold blooded" or reptilian, and they didn't evolve from fish, or any other genus.

As I said, you have ZERO scientific evidence to support all life evolving from a single organism... not a lick! In fact, as far as biology can tell, that idea completely contradicts everything we can observe or test today. That's not to say something miraculous didn't happen during the Cambrian period, but now we're talking "miracles" and that is not really a scientific measure.

It's clear you don't even know what a genus is.
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I'd hardly say I was "running all over the board." I just saw Dixie basically filtering out anything that contradicted his own view, and you were a good illustrative example of that, so I mentioned you.

You should have included Cypress and Taichiliberal as well... that is their MO as well.
As several have pointed out, we have critters presently here with us, which evolved from their dinosaur ancestors.

Yeah, the alligator thingy.

How is that possible in Dixie world?

For fucks sake, You JUST said that evolution can't happen outside the taxonomic unit of the species.

Alligators and dinosaurs aren't even in the same species or genus. I'd have to ask Mott or Thorn, but I don't even think they are in the same family.
It's clear you don't even know what a genus is.

In biology, a genus (plural: genera) is a taxonomic unit (a taxon) used in the classification of living and fossil organisms. The term comes from Latin genus "descent, family, type, gender", cognate with Greek: γένος – genos, "race, stock, kin".

The hierarchy of biological classification's eight major taxonomic ranks. A family contains one or more genera. Intermediate minor rankings are not shown.

The composition of a genus is determined by a taxonomist. The standards for genus classification are not strictly codified, and hence different authorities often produce different classifications for genera. In the hierarchy of the binomial classification system, genus comes above species and below family.

So now... kindly present some evidence that any genus has ever "evolved" into another genus, or shut the fuck up with the insults.
Yeah, the alligator thingy.

How is that possible in Dixie world?

For fucks sake, You JUST said that evolution can't happen outside the taxonomic unit of the species.

Alligators and dinosaurs aren't even in the same species or genus. I'd have to ask Mott or Thorn, but I don't even think they are in the same family.

If they evolved from dinosaurs they are in the same genus, because there is no evidence of cross-genus evolution.
In contrast.......
Examine five transitional species that fill so-called gaps in the fossil record.

All you are showing me is evidence that we discovered a unique species. Since 95% of the species which have inhabited the planet have become extinct, the finding of an unusual one is not really surprising. It does not prove that something "transitioned" that is only a THEORY... You DO understand what a THEORY is, don't you?
My name is Dixie. More evidence has been presented to me, but I will continue to ignore it, or spin it as "non-evidence."

That's what I do, because my name is Dixie.
My name is Dixie. More evidence has been presented to me, but I will continue to ignore it, or spin it as "non-evidence."

That's what I do, because my name is Dixie.

Stop pretending to be me! I know you wish and dream of one day being like me, but it is just foolish and you are publicly embarrassing yourself to do it here.

Now present your "evidence" like I asked!
HaHa! Well, my work here is done. This has been a barrel of fun.

DIXIE: "There is NO scientific evidence that any species has ever changed species. Evolution is the changes within a species (genus), and we've NEVER discovered anything to suggest that one genus transformed into something else!

NOVA: ”In 2004, scientists digging in the Canadian Arctic unearthed fossils of a half-fish, half-amphibian that all but confirmed paleontologists' theories about how land-dwelling tetrapods–four-limbed animals, including us–evolved from fish.

DIXIE: All you are showing me is evidence that we discovered a unique species. Since 95% of the species which have inhabited the planet have become extinct, the finding of an unusual one is not really surprising. It does not prove that something "transitioned" that is only a THEORY?
If they evolved from dinosaurs they are in the same genus, because there is no evidence of cross-genus evolution.

Now you're just making shit up and desparately googling the definition of "genus", hoping you won't get caught just blathering randomly.

I can't remember college biology and paleontology that well, but I'm pretty sure Dinosaurs are their own order, and a alligator in not the same genus as a dinosuar.

And I'm almost positive that homo sapiens, neanderthals, and homo eructus are all separate genus'.

So your contention is that there is zero, nada, zilch common evolutionary lineage between us, homo erectus, neanderthals, and the others of the genus homo? That all the genus homo just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere? And that every species in the fossil record and the modern world just spontaneously appeared in some semblance of they physical form?
Now you're just making shit up and desparately googling the definition of "genus", hoping you won't get caught just blathering randomly.

I can't remember college biology and paleontology that well, but I'm pretty sure Dinosaurs are their own order, and a alligator in not the same genus as a dinosuar.

And I'm almost positive that homo sapiens, neanderthals, and homo eructus are all separate genus'.

So your contention is that there is zero, nada, zilch common evolutionary lineage between us, homo erectus, neanderthals, and the others of the genus homo? That all the genus homo just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere? And that every species in the fossil record and the modern world just spontaneously appeared in some semblance of they physical form?

Apparently someone doesn't know what a "genus" is.
I have spiritual beliefs.

But there is a difference between not believing in the theory of evolution, and not wanting to believe in the theory of evolution.

I believe in evolution, I just don't believe that evolution explains the things that you do.....I believe it explains why there are thousands of different types of beetles and hundreds of different types of song birds....I do not believe that butterflies and humans share a common single celled ancestor......
I believe in evolution, I just don't believe that evolution explains the things that you do.....I believe it explains why there are thousands of different types of beetles and hundreds of different types of song birds....I do not believe that butterflies and humans share a common single celled ancestor......

No, a single celled common ancestor is total stupidity. God's magic ET finger is much more plausible.

Originally Posted by Cypress

Now you're just making shit up and desparately googling the definition of "genus", hoping you won't get caught just blathering randomly.

I can't remember college biology and paleontology that well, but I'm pretty sure Dinosaurs are their own order, and a alligator in not the same genus as a dinosuar.

And I'm almost positive that homo sapiens, neanderthals, and homo eructus are all separate genus'.

So your contention is that there is zero, nada, zilch common evolutionary lineage between us, homo erectus, neanderthals, and the others of the genus homo? That all the genus homo just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere? And that every species in the fossil record and the modern world just spontaneously appeared in some semblance of they physical form?


Apparently someone doesn't I don't know what a "genus" is.


So now that we know you didn't know what a genus is, let's get back to your previous assertion.

You claimed alligators evolved from dinosaurs (false by the way), AND you said that evolution can ONLY happen within the species or genus taxonomic level.

How can BOTH of these things be true?

How can you say alligators evolved from Dinosaurs, yet they are like four orders of taxonomic levels apart...i.e., not even close to being the same genus.
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So now that we know you didn't know what a genus is, let's get back to your previous assertion.

You claimed alligators evolved from dinosaurs (false by the way), AND you said that evolution can ONLY happen within the species or genus taxonomic level.

How can BOTH of these things be true?

How can you say alligators evolved from Dinosaurs, yet they are like four orders of taxonomic levels apart...i.e., not even close to being the same genus.

I don't think I said alligators evolved from dinosaurs, I don't know where they came from for certain. Someone else had said that earlier, and I mentioned what had previously been said in a completely different context. You are really dimwitted when it comes to context, which is why you have trouble grasping the fact that cross-genus evolution has never been substantiated. There are a lot of THEORIES about it, but the actual "PROOF" is subject to interpretation... being you are so simple minded regarding context, it is not surprising you cling to a THEORY as your PROOF of something, but that has nothing to do with science or what we KNOW for a FACT.