APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again

Maybe you ought to read the WAR RESOLUTION (aka, Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002)and have someone explain it to you....

I have read it. Numerous times.

You don't understand it, and never have. And, once again, I think it speaks volumes that you want to give Dems so much "credit" for the decision to go in...
No one knows know what Clinton would have done, but he did manage to bomb an aspirin factory in Sudan. Now, that was brave.:eek:

Yes, how could the the CIA and the military and everybody else who "identified" the place have gotten it so wrong?

No need to explain, Toots, I get it. Clinton used faulty intelligence in his atttack and gets excoriated by RWs. bush used faulty intelligence in his invasion and gets praised by RWs.

The difference between us is that I strongly criticized Clinton for this action while you guys are still trying to justify the war.

A soil sample obtained clandestinely by U.S. intelligence led the
Clinton administration to conclude that the Sudanese plant was secretly
developing a key ingredient in deadly VX nerve gas, a U.S. intelligence
official said Monday...

"By the first week in September, Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted that he "should have known" that Al-Shifa made medical and agricultural products..."

"Terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden tried to develop chemical weapons to use against U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf, a high-ranking CIA official has said."

"Bin Laden's drive to obtain the chemical weapons could be linked to the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, Sudan, which was bombed by the United States in late August, said John Gannon, chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council."
Here's the deal, moron. I guess you didn't notice, but....SADDAM DIDN'T HAVE ANY WMD'S.

Did you miss that or something?

Oh, and as of March, 2003, Hans Blix was reporting to Congress that his teams had unfettered access to ALL suspected weapons sites. So, basically, had they been allowed to continue, they would have discovered that SADDAM DIDN'T HAVE ANY WMD'S, and that war was completely unnecessary.

But Mr. Blue Jean just had to rush in, to achieve "greatness"...

Yes, of course you are right... 2 years after Bush claimed he had WMD's, there were no drugs found in his apartment! RETARD!

You have the eyewitness testimony from CaptBillyTheKid in this very thread! YES, Saddam Hussein did have WMD's!

In March of 2003, we have 100k troops on Saddam's borders, ready to invade! Of course he said he would allow unfettered access then! Stop your retard brain from buzzing for a second and try to rationalize why Hans would be telling the UN this, if Saddam had been cooperative? It's because in the previous report, Hans stated he was not being given full access... that was before we put warships in the Persian Gulf and 100k troops on his borders.
Yes, how could the the CIA and the military and everybody else who "identified" the place have gotten it so wrong?

No need to explain, Toots, I get it. Clinton used faulty intelligence in his atttack and gets excoriated by RWs. bush used faulty intelligence in his invasion and gets praised by RWs.

The difference between us is that I strongly criticized Clinton for this action while you guys are still trying to justify the war.

A soil sample obtained clandestinely by U.S. intelligence led the
Clinton administration to conclude that the Sudanese plant was secretly
developing a key ingredient in deadly VX nerve gas, a U.S. intelligence
official said Monday...

"By the first week in September, Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted that he "should have known" that Al-Shifa made medical and agricultural products..."

"Terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden tried to develop chemical weapons to use against U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf, a high-ranking CIA official has said."

"Bin Laden's drive to obtain the chemical weapons could be linked to the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, Sudan, which was bombed by the United States in late August, said John Gannon, chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council."

It the same old shit over and over again, it never get any better though.'re dishonest, have been caught red handed and you make bogus claims about britain in WW2 and refuse to back it up because you know its bogus....

how sad to be you

"It the same old shit over and over again, it never get any better though."
I have read it. Numerous times.

You don't understand it, and never have. And, once again, I think it speaks volumes that you want to give Dems so much "credit" for the decision to go in...

Ironic that todays Dem. Sec. of State voted for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002...didn't she realize that military force could include the use of bombs, aircraft, artillery, missiles, and GROUND TROOPS....?

Can we call you Clarabell II...????
Surrrre, you read it. What a crock.:(

How is that a crock? Lord, are you an f'in idiot.

It's not a 100 page document or anything. I have actually read the thing about a dozen times, because people keep telling me it was a declaration of war.

And guess what, idiot? IT WAS NOT.
How is that a crock? Lord, are you an f'in idiot.

It's not a 100 page document or anything. I have actually read the thing about a dozen times, because people keep telling me it was a declaration of war.

And guess what, idiot? IT WAS NOT.

Well then break it down paragraph by paragraph then. Should be a walk in the park, eh?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
That's because the UN agreement was NOT violated until the infamous Aspirin factory strike, you blithering idiot!

And thanks for proving my point......Slick Willy WAS NOT about invasion and occupation. In fact, if you had done your homework proper, you would have noted that these policies were a CONTINUATION of what was initiated by the PREVIOUS administration....that was Daddy Bush, don't cha know.

Next time, know what the fuck you're talking about before you assume a condescending attitude, chuckles....makes you look less foolish. Carry on.

Get a clue, Clarabell(insult that rates with those old enough to have watched Howdy Doody on b/w the color television)....that letter was written 2 months after the infamous Clinton fuckup....

No shit sherlock! Why the fuck do you think they wrote it? Hint: JUSTIFICATION for the strike....which was really unnecessary given that "surgical" or "strategic" air strikes were part of the program that Daddy Bush started as part of the containment of Hussein after the first Gulf War. Still, it was an infringement of the UN agreement...especially since it interrupted the UN weapons inspectors under Butler on the ground....BUT it was NOT invasion/occupation. Get that through your thick skull.

Bush had troops IN Iraq, you fool....killing the ragheads far across the Iraqi border.....(don't cha know).... Really? Are you referring to Daddy Bush? Because the Gulf War DID NOT have troops marching into Baghdad or Faleujah. One of the criticisms by the right wingnuts was that Daddy Bush "didn't finish the job". A matter of history, a matter of fact. You must be erroneously referring to the Shrub's invasion/occupation....look up the definitions, because invasion comes before occupation, genius. And THAT was based on a bunch of lies and doctored up intel. See bunky, you should KNOW your subject matter....because it would save me a lot of time schooling you. His agreement with the coalition was not to enter the city of Baghdad and confront Saddam....and he kept his word to the coalition as an honorable man would.......

Man, get the crack out of the pipe....Daddy Bush was as big a liar as his son regarding Iraq. When he ran to the UN parading the Kuwaiti family that swore Iraqi troops were slaughtering babies in a hospital infirmary for the tipping point to garner approval for engagement, it was later discovered that was a big fucking lie. Also, do a little research regarding a conversation between fmr. Amb. Glaspie and Hussein right before the Iraq/Kuwait conflict....if you have the guts to do honest research.

Daddy Bush was TOLD by the military that invasion of Iraq was NOT an option, as it was NOT a doable or viable plan. Pity his son didn't follow suit.

See bunky, no matter how you twist and turn, lie and deny...the COMPLETE FACTS and the logic derived from them will be your undoing. The Brits are taking Blair to tasks for his BS complicity...I hope they have more guts to do the right thing than our wussy gov't.
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No invasion, no occupation.....

I thnk he meant harsh words and stern looks....thats Clintons idea of 'the bottom line'.....:rofl:

No, you chuckling chowderhead...he meant continuing "strategic bombing", economic embargo, no fly zones, UN weapons inspectors.....the SAME policy initiated by Daddy Bush AFTER the Gulf War. A matter of history, a matter of fact...Slick Willy doing what he did best, straddle the fence.

Jeezus, how do you manage with the neocon blinders on 24/7?
Well tool, there are some words that you'll never hear used by politicians, unless they have the balls to actually mean them......

but then, you'll never hear Clinton say he committed perjury, either, but any honorable person won't deny that fact....he'd say he didn't tell the truth, or he misled, or use other innocent wounding words to say it...

just like the Democrats did from 1995 up until 2003.....tiptoe and tapdance all around ...... trying to scare Saddam, to threaten him ....but even he knew they were cowards full of big talk and no stomach for what needed to be done....he probably never dreamed some of them would vote for the War Resolution.....

Now its the same thing we see with Obama and North Korea and Iran....they know this "emperor has no balls"....

To paraphrase a famous Saturday Nite Live, "Bravo, you ignorant neocon slut"!

Do you know how many Iraqi citizens were killed in the "strategic bombings" that were carried on by the Clinton Administration? And THAT was ADDED on to the same actions under Daddy Shrub.....12 years of strategic bombings that reduced the Iraqi infrastructure to of the reasons why all the reasons for the Shrub's invasion was even a bigger joke. By that time, Iraq had nearly no airforce, an army reduced to less than 1/3 it's strength, and a severely damaged infrastructure that could NOT replenish or properly supply it. Small wonder the invasion was so easy.

Did you even READ a newspaper from 1992 through 2000? Remember all the critics regarding the economic BOTH wingnuts and liberals pointed out that the people suffered more than the regime heads?

Tiptoe? The country was fucked, the regime contained. THAT'S why no politician with an 8th of a brain in the Dem party would beat the war drum. And mind you, this was with the Shrub & company was NOT releasing ALL the intel to the Congress and the Senate. Yeah, Hussein was our boy and we supplied him with the materials for WMD's for the Iran/Iraq war. So yeah, we knew he had stuff at one time...but by the time the second wave of WMD inspectors were in mid-stride, Hussein teeth had either been pulled or were to withered to be any threat.

As for your impotent saber rattler venom about Obama and you see Korea attacking anyone? Grow up.
You are positively insane! Do you think The Obama has helped to restore ANY measure of respect for the United States? Yeah, because unlike you, I listen to other news sources like the BBC, NPR, BusinessWeek, the WSJ...and the consensus is that the allies that left the Shrub in the lurch over Iraq all breathed a sigh of relief when that dummy's reign came to an end, and Obama won a fair election. With all his jetting around the globe, apologizing at every stop, bowing to despots, refusing to support democracy, insisting on supporting radical Islam and Socialism? Newsflash for you genius....I can supply articles and pics of Daddy Bush, Reagan, Nixon, and the Shrub kowtowing to "despots" well as blithely doing business with spare us all your hypocritical neocon brayings. Oh, and when you can provide QUOTES and DOCUMENTS of Obama supporting radical Islam and socialism (NOT your fevered rantings), let us know. We have the FRENCH lecturing us on our weak foreign policy with Iran...Well, willfully ignorant neocons like you wouldn't know that the Iranian mullahs (the power behind the presidency there) were reaching out for negotiations for YEARS after Clinton left office. As with everything else, the Shrub blew it with his "axis of evil" bullshit. We have the Communist Chinese lecturing us about capitalism! Hey, they've got us by the economic short no matter how two faced and hypocritical they are, they just remind us of that. You should know that this situation was building for years...and you can thank corporate america and all the presidents since 1980 for that. And the Russians just doing whatever they damn well please!! And why shouldn't they, they are not Soviets anymore. Cold War is over, stupid...we "won". Remember toodles, any whining you do about Russia best be balanced by your own country doing the SAME DAMNED THING.

You are totally full of shit, and it is literally spewing from every orifice! Why can't you be content to fuck up your own country and leave us to hell alone?

Projecting again bunky?
Wow...four incoherent rants in row ...obviously talking to yourself positively entertaining, Clarabell.....we should rename you "SuperClown".....
Toying with you at all has become boring in the're like a boxer, decked by Ali three or four times thats just too fuckin' stupid
to stay on the mat where you belong.......its embarrising to sucker you into looking like a moron day after day....I don't want to give others the
impression I'm a bully.....people like you, too fuckin' narrow minded to consider historical fact, isn't worth the trouble conversing with....
Anyone responing to you might just as well try reasoning with a rabid dog or a burning hemorroid, for all the good it does.....right now, there is
a rerun on TV of Hee Haw that will, no doubt, be more interesting than you.....
Wow...four incoherent rants in row ...obviously talking to yourself positively entertaining, Clarabell.....we should rename you "SuperClown".....
Toying with you at all has become boring in the're like a boxer, decked by Ali three or four times thats just too fuckin' stupid
to stay on the mat where you belong.......its embarrising to sucker you into looking like a moron day after day....I don't want to give others the
impression I'm a bully.....people like you, too fuckin' narrow minded to consider historical fact, isn't worth the trouble conversing with....
Anyone responing to you might just as well try reasoning with a rabid dog or a burning hemorroid, for all the good it does.....right now, there is
a rerun on TV of Hee Haw that will, no doubt, be more interesting than you.....

Translation: our intellectually impotent, willfully ignorant neocon parrot cannot logically or factually refute or disprove anything I like a petulant child he stamps his little feet and wails all sort of invective, suppostion and self aggrandizing conjecture.

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again[/ame]

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again[/ame]

He's done folks! "Bravo" indeed!
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