APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again

That's because the UN agreement was NOT violated until the infamous Aspirin factory strike, you blithering idiot!

And thanks for proving my point......Slick Willy WAS NOT about invasion and occupation. In fact, if you had done your homework proper, you would have noted that these policies were a CONTINUATION of what was initiated by the PREVIOUS administration....that was Daddy Bush, don't cha know.

Next time, know what the fuck you're talking about before you assume a condescending attitude, chuckles....makes you look less foolish. Carry on.

Get a clue, Clarabell....that letter was written 2 months after the infamous Clinton fuckup....

Bush had troops IN Iraq, you fool....killing the ragheads far across the Iraqi border.....(don't cha know)....
His agreement with the coalition was not to enter the city of Baghdad and confront Saddam....and he kept his word to the coalition as an honorable man would.......
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998:rofl:

No invasion, no occupation.....

I thnk he meant harsh words and stern looks....thats Clintons idea of 'the bottom line'.....:rofl:
Reminds me of the weak president we have now.

It doesn't take strength to send OTHER people needlessly into a war of choice.

I love how the right keeps trotting out the '90's quotes on WMD's from Dems. I still haven't seen one that calls for the invasion of Iraq.
It doesn't take strength to send OTHER people needlessly into a war of choice.

I love how the right keeps trotting out the '90's quotes on WMD's from Dems. I still haven't seen one that calls for the invasion of Iraq.

Well tool, there are some words that you'll never hear used by politicians, unless they have the balls to actually mean them......

but then, you'll never hear Clinton say he committed perjury, either, but any honorable person won't deny that fact....he'd say he didn't tell the truth, or he misled, or use other innocent wounding words to say it...

just like the Democrats did from 1995 up until 2003.....tiptoe and tapdance all around ...... trying to scare Saddam, to threaten him ....but even he knew they were cowards full of big talk and no stomach for what needed to be done....he probably never dreamed some of them would vote for the War Resolution.....

Now its the same thing we see with Obama and North Korea and Iran....they know this "emperor has no balls"....
Reminds me of the weak president we have now.

Trouble is, stupid, that the man YOU think was strong brought your nation to its weakest point ever.
Even under Carter we had a modicum of respect for you.
Even under HW we gave you the benefit of the doubt.
When Clinton mislaid his cigar we chuckled at the right wing foolishness but it did not damage the United States.
Under the most stupid national leader since Idi Amin you were brought almost to your knees.
Of course, you are so small that someone on their knees is still big and wonderful to you.
Trouble is, stupid, that the man YOU think was strong brought your nation to its weakest point ever.
Even under Carter we had a modicum of respect for you.
Even under HW we gave you the benefit of the doubt.
When Clinton mislaid his cigar we chuckled at the right wing foolishness but it did not damage the United States.
Under the most stupid national leader since Idi Amin you were brought almost to your knees.
Of course, you are so small that someone on their knees is still big and wonderful to you.

You are positively insane! Do you think The Obama has helped to restore ANY measure of respect for the United States? With all his jetting around the globe, apologizing at every stop, bowing to despots, refusing to support democracy, insisting on supporting radical Islam and Socialism? We have the FRENCH lecturing us on our weak foreign policy with Iran... We have the Communist Chinese lecturing us about capitalism! And the Russians just doing whatever they damn well please!!

You are totally full of shit, and it is literally spewing from every orifice! Why can't you be content to fuck up your own country and leave us to hell alone?
The main problem is that Bush was discussing regime change even before he became President and he was looking for a reason to invade Iraq.

So this assertion has been proven erroneous. Of course Bush was discussing it, as was anyone who had anything to do with American foreign policy, because our official policy had already been established. Bush didn't need a reason to invade Iraq, the United States Congress had already established a reason, to change the regime to democracy. Now, was Bush "justified" in taking this action? I believe he was, Iraq had violated 17 previous UN mandates and showed NO signs of ever cooperating with the international community.

You nitwit pinheads can bitch and moan all you like, but the bottom line is this, you can't tell us what we are supposed to do when all attempts at diplomatic resolution fails, other than to use military force. Even a retarded idiot realizes there is no other viable option at that point, which is precisely why the U.S. Congress authorized the use of military force, when diplomatic efforts had been exhausted.
It's an absurd, insane rewriting of history to say that all options had been exhausted, and that war was a necessity.

Good ol' Dixie.
Do you think The Obama has helped to restore ANY measure of respect for the United States?

You better frickin well believe it, mister. And if you crawled from under your stone for long enough to let the sun dry out what you think is a brain you would know.
He may be good, he may be bad. At THIS moment in time he is making people like me, who have spent a lifetime in international trade, reconsider our position towards your country.
If he fails we are back to the bush years, if he succeeds YOUR miserable existence, for one, will get better .... IF you have the intelligence to let it.
You better frickin well believe it, mister. And if you crawled from under your stone for long enough to let the sun dry out what you think is a brain you would know.
He may be good, he may be bad. At THIS moment in time he is making people like me, who have spent a lifetime in international trade, reconsider our position towards your country.
If he fails we are back to the bush years, if he succeeds YOUR miserable existence, for one, will get better .... IF you have the intelligence to let it.

Well, I am sorry, but we currently have over 10% unemployment, with massive inflation soon to follow. I don't think we can afford to let him "succeed" ...whatever the fuck that means! International trade? You think that is some kind of problem for us? We run a massive trade deficit, and have done so for years. We have no problems finding people to sell us their shit, in fact, most of our real problems stem from the fact that we don't produce anything anymore, we can't compete on the world stage, because the labor unions have driven us out of the market.

He will ultimately fail, because Socialism ultimately fails. Simple as that! In the meantime, we will hear the Socialist sycophants trying to convince us that 'capitalism' has failed, but capitalism is what is being abandoned now, thrown under the bus for the statist notions of the anti-capitalist liberal left.
It's an absurd, insane rewriting of history to say that all options had been exhausted, and that war was a necessity.

Good ol' Dixie.

Well, I pose the question to you again, stupid.... What option had not been tried yet? Let's be honest here, what in the world would you have suggested, that we hadn't already attempted? Go ahead, take your time, I realize you are a little slower than the others....

... still waiting....

That's right, bird brain, everything else had already been tried, numerous times. We imposed sanctions, Saddam ignored them, we passed resolutions condemning his actions, he laughed at us... we tried every possible diplomatic effort, only to be made a mockery of and scoffed at by Saddam Hussein. We even had the unanimous support of the United Nations in demanding he abide by the resolutions passed, and he flipped us the bird and said "fuck you!" So.... tell me genius... what else could we have done?
Well, I am sorry, but we currently have over 10% unemployment, with massive inflation soon to follow. I don't think we can afford to let him "succeed" ...whatever the fuck that means! International trade? You think that is some kind of problem for us? We run a massive trade deficit, and have done so for years. We have no problems finding people to sell us their shit, in fact, most of our real problems stem from the fact that we don't produce anything anymore, we can't compete on the world stage, because the labor unions have driven us out of the market.

He will ultimately fail, because Socialism ultimately fails. Simple as that! In the meantime, we will hear the Socialist sycophants trying to convince us that 'capitalism' has failed, but capitalism is what is being abandoned now, thrown under the bus for the statist notions of the anti-capitalist liberal left.

You do not know what you are talking about. Not ONCE did I mention selling stuff to you. 10% unemployment? tough shit. Other countries have had that and not whined like the squeaking wheel on your new house.
He may well fail. If he does it will be because half brains like you are so far up their own arses they cannot see the possibility that this man MIGHT just MIGHT make you a better country. It will have jack shit to do with socialism because he is further from frickin socialism that Genghis Khan! Socialist my arse! Dixie have you EVER been outside your country? Ever? Cos, brother, you sure act like a home tied hick.
Well, I pose the question to you again, stupid.... What option had not been tried yet? Let's be honest here, what in the world would you have suggested, that we hadn't already attempted? Go ahead, take your time, I realize you are a little slower than the others....

... still waiting....

That's right, bird brain, everything else had already been tried, numerous times. We imposed sanctions, Saddam ignored them, we passed resolutions condemning his actions, he laughed at us... we tried every possible diplomatic effort, only to be made a mockery of and scoffed at by Saddam Hussein. We even had the unanimous support of the United Nations in demanding he abide by the resolutions passed, and he flipped us the bird and said "fuck you!" So.... tell me genius... what else could we have done?

Just a little wide of the mark there. Just a little.
Well, I pose the question to you again, stupid.... What option had not been tried yet? Let's be honest here, what in the world would you have suggested, that we hadn't already attempted? Go ahead, take your time, I realize you are a little slower than the others....

... still waiting....

That's right, bird brain, everything else had already been tried, numerous times. We imposed sanctions, Saddam ignored them, we passed resolutions condemning his actions, he laughed at us... we tried every possible diplomatic effort, only to be made a mockery of and scoffed at by Saddam Hussein. We even had the unanimous support of the United Nations in demanding he abide by the resolutions passed, and he flipped us the bird and said "fuck you!" So.... tell me genius... what else could we have done?

Here's the deal, moron. I guess you didn't notice, but....SADDAM DIDN'T HAVE ANY WMD'S.

Did you miss that or something?

Oh, and as of March, 2003, Hans Blix was reporting to Congress that his teams had unfettered access to ALL suspected weapons sites. So, basically, had they been allowed to continue, they would have discovered that SADDAM DIDN'T HAVE ANY WMD'S, and that war was completely unnecessary.

But Mr. Blue Jean just had to rush in, to achieve "greatness"...
It's an absurd, insane rewriting of history to say that all options had been exhausted, and that war was a necessity.

Good ol' Dixie.

Well, it was voted on in the US Congress and with a bi-partisan majority, PASSED.....think you're so smart? Run for election,,,,:pke:
Well, it was voted on in the US Congress and with a bi-partisan majority, PASSED.....think you're so smart? Run for election,,,,:pke:

Well, there is your rewriting of history. Sorry, but it was not a declaration of war. In fact, most legislators - Dem & GOP, including DICK ARMEY - made statements on the day of the signing that they were assured by the President, and expected of him, that he would continue diplomatic efforts and inspections, and would only use the force authorized if absolutely necessary.

Deal w/ it.
You better frickin well believe it, mister. And if you crawled from under your stone for long enough to let the sun dry out what you think is a brain you would know.
He may be good, he may be bad. At THIS moment in time he is making people like me, who have spent a lifetime in international trade, reconsider our position towards your country.
If he fails we are back to the bush years, if he succeeds YOUR miserable existence, for one, will get better .... IF you have the intelligence to let it.

If he fails, our country succeeds in avoiding the stigma of socialism...we don't need you and never have....we are the most successful country on earth because of who we are, not because we kowtowed to Europe or Asia or anyone else........get over it
Well, there is your rewriting of history. Sorry, but it was not a declaration of war. In fact, most legislators - Dem & GOP, including DICK ARMEY - made statements on the day of the signing that they were assured by the President, and expected of him, that he would continue diplomatic efforts and inspections, and would only use the force authorized if absolutely necessary.

Deal w/ it.

Maybe you ought to read the WAR RESOLUTION (aka, Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002)and have someone explain it to you....