Shaken, not stirred!
.Originally Posted by tom prendergast
I provided the evidence and you chose to gainsay it, you are still wrong nonetheless
I read it...and it changes nothing...
Do you deny that Clinton was using US aircraft and cruise missiles to destroy Iraqi installations and kill Iraqi soldiers?
No, you can't, of course...you can't deny facts....
Actually, it is YOU who are OMITTING FACTS, like the FACT that Clinton's actions were part of the "containment" measures that were started by the Reagan/Bush era. Mind you, the "strategic bombing" decimated the Iraq infrastructure, people and army...making the Shrub's claim of "imminent danger" all the more preposterous. But it was "more or less" in line with the UN agreement of containment. Slick Willy, under pressure from the neocon GOP, initiated the INfamous aspirin factory bombing (for which the GOP ridiculed him for), which interrupted the UN inspectors on the ground..... No one is excusing Slick Willy, but he DID NOT INVADE IRAQ BASED ON DOCTORED INTEL.
Do you deny that the official policy of the US under Clinton was "regime change" in Iraq?
No, you can't, of course...you can't deny facts....
Ahhh, but it is YOU who can't deny the FACT that Clinton DID NOT invade Iraq based on doctored intel, and kept within the parameters laid out by the UN...EXCEPT for the strategic bombing, which was a grey area he exploited.
So, the reality of it all is undeniable no matter what HR 4655 says.....Clinton was already using the US military in an attempt to weaken Saddam to the point that Iraqi citizens would rebel against him to provide the final step in "regime change".....the US absolutely playing a vital part....
But it was NOT invading via doctored intel under Clinton....big fucking difference. Clinton did what he was famous for...straddling the fence and doing just enough to keep both sides happy. Looking back, which has been more damaging and detrimental to Iraq, the region, the American military and American economy.....the Shrub's bogus invasion/occupation or Slick Willy's containment policy?
Its always better to open your eyes to what is actually happening around you instead of just believing what is on the news or in the paper or in some bullshit House Resolution..... You're willful ignorance and myopic revisionism is always a sight to behold.Bombs WERE exploding and people WERE dying in Iraq because of Clinton and his policies.....that is just the unvarnished truth whether you agree or not....
See previous responses above.
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