APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again

The regime change that was being discussed by the Bush admin, within days of entering the White House, was a full scale land war and not in the least bit comparable to Clinton's use of cruise missiles and no fly zones. Anybody with an ounce of nous knows this is the case, to say anything else is just a pathetic attempt to try to link the two and say they are the same.

There has been years and years of lies, obfuscation and dissemination on the run up to the Iraq War, the truth is finally coming out at the Chilcot Inquiry for all to see, deal with it.

Bravo said earlier:

HR 4655 specifically ruled out military action with ground troops.??

I'd be the first to admit that....thats a fact, and I've never claimed otherwise...
war is war with or without ground troops....and 'regime change' in Iraq was OFFICIAL CLINTON ADMINISTRATION POLICY long before President Bush and no amount of of spin will change that fact of history....

Yes, thats what I said....and Yurt has pointed out my mistake......I was absolutely wrong....

I will clarify my inaccurate claim....

Clinton specifically ruled out using ground troops to accomplish HIS POLICY of regime change in Iraq.....not HR 4655
HR 4655 ruled out the use of US military in general , with exception..Sec.4,A,2 I beleive

Unlike Tom and TC the pinhead, I admit it when I make an error....
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.regime change was the official policy of the US during the Clinton administration, meaning post 9 is a misleading lie....

thats the subject in debate....refute it or STFU, Clarabell....:rofl: Yeah, "Clarabell" must get a real laugh out of the geezers at the retirement home. :palm:[/QUOTE]

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again[/ame]

Once again, our intellectually impotent neocon parrot squawks loudly his ignorance....desperately ignoring what has previously transpired. Pity the poor schnook didn't READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY what I stated in the last post. It would have saved him the embarassment.

Laugh, clown, laugh.
Yes, thats what I said....and Yurt has pointed out my mistake......I was absolutely wrong....

I will clarify my inaccurate claim....

Clinton specifically ruled out using ground troops to accomplish HIS POLICY of regime change in Iraq.....not HR 4655
HR 4655 ruled out the use of US military in general , with exception..Sec.4,A,2 I beleive

Unlike Tom and TC the pinhead, I admit it when I make an error....

Oh, stop lying! Until one of your fellow neocon parrots pointed out your error, you would've REFUSED to admit your error until doomsday. The history of your posts show don't even recognize when other people agree with you if they have dared questioned the Shrub & company's actions.

Once again, you demonstrate your intellectual impotency and basic dishonesty on something as anonymous as this discussion board. But then again, you do have a knack for thinking using antiquated and childish insults is a substitute for logical debate and discussion. Carry on.
regime change was the official policy of the US during the Clinton administration, meaning post 9 is a misleading lie....

thats the subject in debate....refute it or STFU, Clarabell...
Amazing....two pinheads get pwned on the specific subject matter in debate...then deflect admitting their stupidity by trying to introduce issues not in question and whine that we don't try to refute those irrelevant issues....its laughable....

You are truly a pathetic liar....either that or just too damn stupid to comprehend what you read.

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again[/ame]
I glad to know that you had a good time with all the other blue rinse broads at Lake Tahoe, I can just imagine you sitting in front of the slots hour after hour waiting for the big one.

He's just a gutless neocon wonk....never debates, just throws rocks from behind the skirts of his equally ignorant compadres. Toss him in the bin like I have....saves on scrolling time.
regime change was the official policy of the US during the Clinton administration, meaning post 9 is a misleading lie....

thats the subject in debate....refute it or STFU, Clarabell (geezer relevence to the last 40 years...sad) ...

Post 9 never claimed or implied or insinuated that Clinton didn't have regime change on the mind, you nit. It did state the FACT that the Shrub was gearing up for regime change from the moment he stole into office...and he had NO intention of doing anything else.....Again, for the cheap seats....regime change via embargos, diplomacy, and military containment AFTER a "war" is a BIG difference from invasion/occupation.

Get your head out of Karl Rove's ass and deal with the FACTS, mastermind...or just follow your own advice.

Oh, and for the record:

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again[/ame]
Very interesting article....

to be accurate...regime change was the official policy of the US during the Clinton the article US discussed Iraq regime change a month after Bush took office (2001)....By John Byrne
is quite misleading to begin with.....regime change was already official US policy.....

Spinning history might work for some pinheads, but the facts will not change .....

Not only was "regime change" a Clinton policy, it was adopted by the Congress in 1998 as official US foreign policy, and not ONLY regime change, but the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act actually called for replacing the regime with a democracy! None of this was Bush's idea, he hadn't even announced he was running for president in 1998.
Post 9 never claimed or implied or insinuated that Clinton didn't have regime change on the mind, you nit. It did state the FACT that the Shrub was gearing up for regime change from the moment he stole into office...and he had NO intention of doing anything else.....Again, for the cheap seats....regime change via embargos, diplomacy, and military containment AFTER a "war" is a BIG difference from invasion/occupation.

Get your head out of Karl Rove's ass and deal with the FACTS, mastermind...or just follow your own advice.

Oh, and for the record:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again

They know that perfectly well but it seems to be more important to score cheap debating points, I will allow Yurt his Pyrrhic Victory.
My God, you are beyond pathetic.

whatever it takes to keep your dishonesty going....why can't you be honest and admit the bill did not actually specifically say ground troops? it was military in general....yet clinton continued to bomb iraq and engage their airforce....

apparently you have to call me pathetic when you're the dishonest hack who at first couldn't admit your error and now you compound it with outright dishonesty...kind of like your bullshit claim that the brits saved america in WW2
Not only was "regime change" a Clinton policy, it was adopted by the Congress in 1998 as official US foreign policy, and not ONLY regime change, but the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act actually called for replacing the regime with a democracy! None of this was Bush's idea, he hadn't even announced he was running for president in 1998.

No one said it was the Shrub's idea....lord knows that dumbass had very little going in that department.....but nowhere in the 1998 act does it state that the President breaks the agreement with the UN and violates the Congressional mandate to invade and occupy Iraq.
Post 9 never claimed or implied or insinuated that Clinton didn't have regime change on the mind, you nit.

No..It didn' did imply Bush was the mastermind behind 'regime change'...
thats why I said it was it now, boy ?....

It did state the FACT that the Shrub was gearing up for regime change from the moment he stole into office...and he had NO intention of doing anything else....

.Again, for the cheap seats....regime change via embargos, diplomacy, and military containment AFTER a "war" is a BIG difference from invasion/occupation.

What war, Clarabell....who was talking about regime change via embargos, diplomacy, and military containment after this imaginary war...???

Get your head out of Karl Rove's ass and deal with the FACTS, mastermind...or just follow your own advice.

You fair better to get you head out of your own ass and into a superior person's ass..... like Roves....Clarabell
Oh, and for the record:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Tony B'liar lied and lied again
No one said it was the Shrub's idea....lord knows that dumbass had very little going in that department.....but nowhere in the 1998 act does it state that the President breaks the agreement with the UN and violates the Congressional mandate to invade and occupy Iraq.

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998:rofl:
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whatever it takes to keep your dishonesty going....why can't you be honest and admit the bill did not actually specifically say ground troops? it was military in general....yet clinton continued to bomb iraq and engage their airforce....

apparently you have to call me pathetic when you're the dishonest hack who at first couldn't admit your error and now you compound it with outright dishonesty...kind of like your bullshit claim that the brits saved america in WW2

As I have already stated, I will allow your Pyrrhic Victory as it seems to matter so much to you.
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by: -- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

woopdeedoo....Scarry stuff....

Odd...they didn't mention this strange UN agreement that floats around in TC hollow skull....
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998:rofl:

And where does he say invade? occupation? He utilized the containment policies that were set up BY THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION. That was Daddy Bush, remember bunky? That meant no fly zones, strategic bombings, economic embargos, and UN weapons inspectors.

Nothing about invasion or occupation in his 8 years.

See chuckles, his words in 1998 were followed up by the actions above....unlike the Shrub & company, who invaded and occupied a country that was NOT a threat, as ALL the facts available showed.

Keep laughing, you clown, keep laughing.....because over 4,000 dead and over 30,000 wounded & maimed must be hysterical for one who's head is so far up Karl Rove's ass.
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by: -- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

woopdeedoo....Scarry stuff....

Odd...they didn't mention this strange UN agreement that floats around in TC hollow skull....

That's because the UN agreement was NOT violated until the infamous Aspirin factory strike, you blithering idiot!

And thanks for proving my point......Slick Willy WAS NOT about invasion and occupation. In fact, if you had done your homework proper, you would have noted that these policies were a CONTINUATION of what was initiated by the PREVIOUS administration....that was Daddy Bush, don't cha know.

Next time, know what the fuck you're talking about before you assume a condescending attitude, chuckles....makes you look less foolish. Carry on.