Top 15 cities with the highest homeless population

Nope. At least the homeless camps have been cleaned up.

Jesus Christ, Dr. Snowflake.
You've really gone Full libtard on this one.
You got your Year End Statement, ... how much of a ding do you want to put in that?
Isn't it cheaper to just import more Mexicans?
Jesus Christ, Dr. Snowflake.
You've really gone Full libtard on this one.
You got your Year End Statement, ... how much of a ding do you want to put in that?
Isn't it cheaper to just import more Mexicans?

I give this post the finger.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Fuck you with that!
I give this post the finger.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Fuck you with that!

Can I copy and paste that in a file or is it copyrighted?
I give this post the finger.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Fuck you with that!

Smell the Tortillas, Matt. That is what is happening.
Everyone has their own journey to take. It can include college but certainly doesn't have to. Maybe I was making a wrong assumption by what you meant when you said dregs of society and my apologies if I did. To me, that term usually refers to those with lessor education who aren't doing much with their life.

Don't assume what someone says.
You can say the same thing about any place. Big, lib'rul city or small redneck town.

Why is it OK to make broad brush generalizations about one, but you piss your panties when it gets done regarding the other?

And where did I say that all Republicans are rednecks?

Sounds like something hit a nerve there.

Maybe a little too close to home.....?

So you want to deny your own arguments, eh? Okay.
FWC put you in jail for fishing without a license. I can't just decide to blow off work 1 day and go fishing twice a year or so. Gotta have that license first if you don't want to be arrested and/or fined.

Pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me. You just can't go fishing, you have to get a license with all the proper stamps first. Talk about restricting freedom? That does it.

VA requires licenses. FWC sounds federal which I dont get.

VA uses the proceeds to pay for its restocking programs and boat version of the state police. Believe it or not, you can get a DUI driving a damn boat. The restocking is helpful as a lot of people fish here (lots of rivers streams and lakes/ponds).

However the fricking dem guv a few back raised the living shit out of the rates to buy votes. Used to be like $4.00 which was fair.
VA requires licenses. FWC sounds federal which I dont get.

VA uses the proceeds to pay for its restocking programs and boat version of the state police. Believe it or not, you can get a DUI driving a damn boat. The restocking is helpful as a lot of people fish here (lots of rivers streams and lakes/ponds).

However the fricking dem guv a few back raised the living shit out of the rates to buy votes. Used to be like $4.00 which was fair.

PA does as well. In fact, you need a trout stamp along with the license or you get a hefty fine. As to boating, PA Fish & Game Commission patrols the rivers and will arrest you with a beer operating a fucking john-boat. Hell, they might arrest you paddling a canoe or a kayak with a beer (I'm not positive about that though).
For the sake of discussion you referenced that the lowest dregs of society vote Democratic.
Rather by definition, since Democrats are the lowest dregs of society themselves.
Traditionally Democrats were the party of the working class
Democrats NEVER supported people that work in trades. There is no 'class'.
and garnered a majority of the votes among those without a college degree.
Four term fallacy. College degree doesn't have any correlation to anything here.
That's started to change however and I believe Trump won a majority of non college educated voters. And then he had the famous speech in Nevada where he was riffing on all the groups he liked and at one point said "I love the poorly educated". That pretty much cemented Democrats now hating most non college educated people and we now have Republican Congressmen suggesting people drop out of college.
Four term fallacy. College degree doesn't have any correlation to anything here.
And think about Bernie supporters who are the ones most likely to support progressive DA's and the like. Many of them are young and college educated. And plenty of educated economically well to do people vote for progressive policies. I've seen it for decades.
College has nothing to do with how well someone does economically.

There are a lot of college educated idiots that work at McDonald's.
There are a lot of college educated idiots that don't work at all! They are on welfare!
Do you know how rich you can become by being a plumber?

Bill Gates happens to be a college dropout. He is a Democrat, of course, but that's immaterial to how much money he's made from Microsoft.

College does not have anything to do with how rich someone becomes. That has more to do with innovation and drive, not college.

I have seen a lot of incompetent DA's (Kenosha a recent very public example). I've seen a lot of incompetent defense attorneys as well. Some of these guys are doing so bad economically they can't even afford a decent suit for the courtroom.