Althea told me...........
Blame your governor if your exchange sucked. Red states refused to take part.So, Obamacare really didn't do much other than expand Medicaid coverage, extending it to more people. Otherwise, it just forced people using individual insurance plans off their current coverage onto often crappier Obamacare plan coverage.
Another Obamacare blunder was the allowing children to stay on their parent's plans until 26. This cut the pool of eligible 18 to 34 year old healthy persons who were desperately needed in the Obamacare system buying insurance out of the pool of insured meaning that the number of high cost policies went up. Since policy costs were constant, insurers were forced to massively raise rates and losses on policies skyrocketed. Insurers fled the system to cut their losses.
ACA gave everyone access to the same quality health plan that only large groups could offer previously. Coverage was much better, not worse.
For the first two years. Then House Republicans defunded the risk corridors, which was the first in a number of funding attacks that never allowed ACA to exist as designed.
My insurance was the best I ever had. Only for two years. Then Republicans put 12 non profit insurers out of business.
The Supreme Court recently awarded insurance companies hundreds of millions of dollars that they were owed under the law. Republicans had no right to defund risk corridors and cost sharing programs.
It drove premiums up, which is exactly what Republicans wanted. Biden will refund ACA, and it will be a good first start.