Top 5 points of Trump health care plan

"2. Subsidized cost of a policy more than doubles in five years" What did you expect when Republicans basically rolled over and allowed Big Insurance to write their own law?
what the freaking fuck.......the Demmycunts shoved this down our throats without ANY Republican input....remember "you have to vote for the plan before you can see the plan"? wasn't Republicans who let Big Insurance write the ACA......
Seriously, this is something I hate about Democrats. They refuse to fight dirty even when going up against people who will do literally anything to win. If Trump is going to parrot lies about Hunter, why the fuck is Biden not talking about the real crimes being committed by Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr?
I does get frustrating, but what voters want is an answer to the myriad ills that trump has wrought. Ironically, in '16 the 'when they go low, we go high' didn't work. By now, America is tired of the Jerry Springer show. They just want answers.

And...Ivanka shut down her brand shortly after she got the preferential treatment from China. The pressure was mounting, and her father ruined the brand by that time.
These were both true if you, as an individual, bought your insurance directly from an insurance company. Obamacare included a 'grandfathered in' clause which totally allowed you to keep a personal health insurance policy that you bought yourself if you liked it.

that is not true.......BC/BS sent me a notice immediately saying that the plan I was on was being discontinued because it did not include coverages required by the ACA.......I had to go with a plan that cost me more and had a higher deductible and copay.....keeping the same deductible and copay would have cost me over $1500 a month......and BC/BS of Michigan was a non-profit......
Hello T. A. Gardner,

"1. Overall policy cost goes up dramatically, not down." And who in this world was naive enough to believe that health care policy prices would have remained the same after years of steep hikes?

I'm no fan of insurance companies, and it's true that the industry crafted the law. However, they were forced to accept people with pre existing conditions. How costly do you believe that alone was?

They also had pages of preventive tests/procedures that they had to offer at no out of pocket cost to insured people.

The mandate was put in place to offset losses, and assure that people wouldn't sign up AFTER being diagnosed with an illness.

That's why there was an enrollment period.

The risk corridor program funded losses in excess of expectations, as well as seed programs for any insurance company that wanted to either start up as, or change to a non profit.

Risk sharing gave money to insurers with high losses from insurers with high profits.

With these key provisions removed by Republicans, ACA was essentially never allowed to exist as designed.

In theory, a healthier society would incur less cost to insurers after the initial few years.

The plan wasn't perfect, but it was a foundation. 60% of the nation refused to set up an exchange, which is why so many people like to complain about lack of choices.

NY had/has an amazing exchange.
Hello Althea,

I'm no fan of insurance companies, and it's true that the industry crafted the law. However, they were forced to accept people with pre existing conditions. How costly do you believe that alone was?

They also had pages of preventive tests/procedures that they had to offer at no out of pocket cost to insured people.

The mandate was put in place to offset losses, and assure that people wouldn't sign up AFTER being diagnosed with an illness.

That's why there was an enrollment period.

The risk corridor program funded losses in excess of expectations, as well as seed programs for any insurance company that wanted to either start up as, or change to a non profit.

Risk sharing gave money to insurers with high losses from insurers with high profits.

With these key provisions removed by Republicans, ACA was essentially never allowed to exist as designed.

In theory, a healthier society would incur less cost to insurers after the initial few years.

The plan wasn't perfect, but it was a foundation. 60% of the nation refused to set up an exchange, which is why so many people like to complain about lack of choices.

NY had/has an amazing exchange.

An excellent wrap up of the sordid details of how the Republicans destroyed Obamacare.

Hello Althea,

An excellent wrap up of the sordid details of how the Republicans destroyed Obamacare.

During the process of crafting the bill, message boards used tons of bandwidth arguing minutia!

And...I've been in the individual market for 40 years. I do know about insurance.

We lost a great member when DC Junkies shut down, who knew about health insurance. I believe he was an actuary.

I was hoping he would make his way here, but I don't believe he did.

I learned quite a bit from him.
Hello Althea,

During the process of crafting the bill, message boards used tons of bandwidth arguing minutia!

And...I've been in the individual market for 40 years. I do know about insurance.

We lost a great member when DC Junkies shut down, who knew about health insurance. I believe he was an actuary.

I was hoping he would make his way here, but I don't believe he did.

I learned quite a bit from him.

It would have been naive to simply believe McConnell would just give up and say "It's the law of the land" and leave it at that.


They did everything they could think of to make it fail.
The fact that you "write a check" for your premiums tells us that this post is a lie. But then, so is everything else you post. Your Fuehrer must be so proud of you!

What ? You don’t know how to write a check .... not surprised!

How do you pay for your credit cards ? FU !
Hello Althea,

It would have been naive to simply believe McConnell would just give up and say "It's the law of the land" and leave it at that.


They did everything they could think of to make it fail.
Truth is, it was Boehner. He held the purse strings and they never funded anything but continuing resolutions.

I never understood why Obama signed the defense spending omnibus bill that defunded the risk corridors.

Again...Supreme Court recently decided that the act was illegal.
What ? You don’t know how to write a check .... not surprised!

How do you pay for your credit cards ? FU !

I have them linked to my bank account and pay them directly. No stamps, no wondering if the payment got there on time. I pay them off in full every month so never owe any interest. And they pay me cash back on purchases, so at the end of the year I've actually made money on my cards.

But you... you pay by check. :laugh:
Good for you. Obamacare ensured about 6 million more. The rest were people (around 12 million) that had to migrate to Obamacare from previous plans. In fact, almost all newly insured were people getting expanded Medicare not new insurance policy holders. In most states, the number of providers for Obamacare plans shrank from a dozen or more down to a few and in many cases 1 to 3. Here in Arizona it's currently two except in a few more rural counties where it's just one. Those that are now providing Obamacare plans are mostly second tier companies, sort of like say Titan or The General for car insurance.

So, Obamacare really didn't do much other than expand Medicaid coverage, extending it to more people. Otherwise, it just forced people using individual insurance plans off their current coverage onto often crappier Obamacare plan coverage.
Another Obamacare blunder was the allowing children to stay on their parent's plans until 26. This cut the pool of eligible 18 to 34 year old healthy persons who were desperately needed in the Obamacare system buying insurance out of the pool of insured meaning that the number of high cost policies went up. Since policy costs were constant, insurers were forced to massively raise rates and losses on policies skyrocketed. Insurers fled the system to cut their losses.

Obamacare had limits to how bad coverage could be, It is what forced insurance companies to allow kids to stay on parents' policies until age 26. It is what got rid of the preconditions the Reubp are trying to kill. It is what ended lifetime limits. It did a lot more. You are wrong.
Obamacare had limits to how bad coverage could be, It is what forced insurance companies to allow kids to stay on parents' policies until age 26. It is what got rid of the preconditions the Reubp are trying to kill. It is what ended lifetime limits. It did a lot more. You are wrong.

Obamacare still sucks in many parts of the US today. Half of Arizona counties have just one provider on the plan. You take their coverage or you don't get covered...

The pre-existing conditions idea is good and bad both. On the good side it precludes higher premium costs for the sickly. On the bad side it defies good actuarial process. If we applied this to say car insurance then bad drivers with lots of accidents would pay the same as drivers who never had an accident. I think there should be limits to the practice.
Same thing with lifetime limits or other limits on coverage. These apply to other types of insurance. Again, having no lifetime limit just raises the cost of policies for everyone and is grossly unfair to the healthy by favoring the sickly.

By allowing kids to stay on their parent's plans to 26 eliminated half the most valuable pool of healthy people from getting a policy at all. That means you have to spread the cost over fewer policies and that the number of high cost policies goes up raising the costs for everyone.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Obamacare still sucks in many parts of the US today. Half of Arizona counties have just one provider on the plan. You take their coverage or you don't get covered...

The pre-existing conditions idea is good and bad both. On the good side it precludes higher premium costs for the sickly. On the bad side it defies good actuarial process. If we applied this to say car insurance then bad drivers with lots of accidents would pay the same as drivers who never had an accident. I think there should be limits to the practice.
Same thing with lifetime limits or other limits on coverage. These apply to other types of insurance. Again, having no lifetime limit just raises the cost of policies for everyone and is grossly unfair to the healthy by favoring the sickly.

By allowing kids to stay on their parent's plans to 26 eliminated half the most valuable pool of healthy people from getting a policy at all. That means you have to spread the cost over fewer policies and that the number of high cost policies goes up raising the costs for everyone.

People with preexisting conditions do not pay the same. All the law guarantees is that they can get coverage.
I have them linked to my bank account and pay them directly. No stamps, no wondering if the payment got there on time. I pay them off in full every month so never owe any interest. And they pay me cash back on purchases, so at the end of the year I've actually made money on my cards.

But you... you pay by check. :laugh:
Check? What the hell is a check?

I make about a thousand dollars/year on my credit cards.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

People with preexisting conditions do not pay the same. All the law guarantees is that they can get coverage.
Exactly. You notice that they just 'guarantee' coverage.

Before ACA, they were covered ONLY if you didn't have a 30 day lapse in coverage. So, if you lost your job, you had to pay through the nose for COBRA until you found another job.

Of course, many employers avoided certain people because their health issues would hike their group rates.
This is what the ACA did.
1. You can no longer be denied coverage with pre-existing conditions.
2. You cannot be dropped by insurance companies for getting sick
3. Young adults stay on family policy to 26
4. New plans have to supply free preventative care.
5. All patients guaranteed access to emergency care
6. lifetime limits on care cost
7. Small businesses get tax cuts to help pay for employee insurance. 100 percent coverage under 10 employees
8. increased funding for community healthcare
9 Insurance companies required to spend 85 percent of revenue on medical care
Hello Althea,

Exactly. You notice that they just 'guarantee' coverage.

Before ACA, they were covered ONLY if you didn't have a 30 day lapse in coverage. So, if you lost your job, you had to pay through the nose for COBRA until you found another job.

Of course, many employers avoided certain people because their health issues would hike their group rates.

It is just wrong for big corporations to be making big profits off health care.

The goal of our health care system should not be making people super-rich. It should be making people well.
Hello Althea,

It is just wrong for big corporations to be making big profits off health care.

The goal of our health care system should not be making people super-rich. It should be making people well.
Under Capitalism, everything centers around profit. Without profit, there is no reason to do anything.
Hello Althea,

Under Capitalism, everything centers around profit. Without profit, there is no reason to do anything.

Any concern for the plight of the under-advantaged is disregarded under capitalism. That is not profitable. The only gauge of concern to pure capitalists is money. All things (and people) are analyzed according to net worth and dollar value to the investor. Life itself has no value unless it produces profits. This is wrong thinking.
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