It's Libertarian thinking, which is why there has never been a Libertarian society in historyHello Althea,
Any concern for the plight of the under-advantaged is disregarded under capitalism. That is not profitable. The only gauge of concern to pure capitalists is money. All things (and people) are analyzed according to net worth and dollar value to the investor. Life itself has no value unless it produces profits. This is wrong thinking.
It's Libertarian thinking, which is why there has never been a Libertarian society in history
It's simply not possible. If you read the history of our nation, all of our major economical advancements are a direct result of the govt. spending money on massive infrastructure projects.Hello Althea,
I don't see how a large modern intricate society could function without a large functional government, laws and intricate regulation. And dedicated people to make it all function properly.
Any dream of a short-cut through all of that is ill advised over simplified wishful thinking.
Other than being infinitely better than Trump's mythical plan, Obamacare does suck.
We need to stop screwing around and adopt a UK style NHS.
Even "medicare for all" isn't nearly good enough, but might be a good start.
tRump cant release his healthcare plan. It is under audit.
You need to fucking move to the the UK and quit being a goddamn beggar because you refuse to provide for yourself what YOU should be providing.
I'm fine. My heathcare is excellent.
It's not all about me, banjofuck.
That's what you slithering troglodytes will never understand.