Tops General Store

Well. Nice going Grumps. You've made somebody pissed off already.

"Yeah, too bad. But I'm not going to let someone sit there and made nasty comments about me, because it's yet another thumb-sucking safe house where she thinks I won't respond in kind. I see EE made her another TSSH where she can dish all she wants but I can't respond because I'm thread-banned. He made me one too. I declined. I don't need to hide behind someone else like Toxic does. That's what chickenshits do."

(shaking head)
Apparently Eagle Eye is the Moderator of his own Thread.

EE: "I have requested this thread be closed it seems most of you refuse to play by the rules!"
Jack: Rules? What Rules! (TOP would NEVER have a Thread with 'Rules')
And now THIS!

"Grumpy has just created Tops General Store,proving once again as we already knew
He is Top's bitch his balls hanging from her rearview mirror!I wonder what his vet buddies would think that he has become a twat!
A gutless wonder!
His supposed friends Top and RB started shit on his General Store.But when Owl and Mason
Responded,he closed up,and crawls back to Top!
I warned Owl not to trust the cocksucker!
That he was playing her!"
Mornin' all :)

I apologize for being the asshole that was part of the reason the other thread was closed.

Then there's another asshole trying to be the "firestarter" again. Not difficult to see who that might be...
Mornin' all :)

I apologize for being the asshole that was part of the reason the other thread was closed.

Then there's another asshole trying to be the "firestarter" again. Not difficult to see who that might be...
I don't think there were any hard time like the present to reopen with a fresh start....
Not outside;) They'll be available for those who want them, though...cute puppy prints/alumni patterns available....just send in your request....

I have my mask


So does he

And now THIS!

"Grumpy has just created Tops General Store,proving once again as we already knew
He is Top's bitch his balls hanging from her rearview mirror!I wonder what his vet buddies would think that he has become a twat!
A gutless wonder!
His supposed friends Top and RB started shit on his General Store.But when Owl and Mason
Responded,he closed up,and crawls back to Top!
I warned Owl not to trust the cocksucker!
That he was playing her!"

Jack,Jack,Jack did I hurt your itsy bitsy feelings by not starting a thread just for you? Poor little snowflake. I certainly hope you don't throw your childish temper tantrums in front of your family. Have a great day now y'all hear.
You're all set I see....But I'll order you PSU one for a backup;)

I think my mother has one already! She's a big PSU fan. Her and my father used to go to PSU games all the time, both home and away games. She dresses up in PSU "outfits" to watch the games on TV now that my father is gone and it's a little much for her to attend the games.

GO PSU!! :cool:
Jack,Jack,Jack did I hurt your itsy bitsy feelings by not starting a thread just for you? Poor little snowflake. I certainly hope you don't throw your childish temper tantrums in front of your family. Have a great day now y'all hear.

Ever wonder why he lives alone????
I think my mother has one already! She's a big PSU fan. Her and my father used to go to PSU games all the time, both home and away games. She dresses up in PSU "outfits" to watch the games on TV now that my father is gone and it's a little much for her to attend the games.

GO PSU!! :cool:
Stadiums can have "mask out" games this year;) You give you're mom a high five/ hug from us;)