Tops General Store

Happy Memorial Day a moment of silence to remember those who made the supreme sacrifice for our country.

"Everyone please have a safe and healthy Memorial Day...Remember the reason for the day...Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it." ....HP
Too lovely not to share.....
"We don't know them all, but we owe them all"....FDG
I get news feeds from various outlets. Why the interest? The whole world doesn't revolve around politics and coronavirus.

I don't know, I was just curious. I have a hard time seeing you lay around the House in your Boxer shorts reading 'Miss Universe World' that you picked up off the corner 7-Eleven.
I don't know, I was just curious. I have a hard time seeing you lay around the House in your Boxer shorts reading 'Miss Universe World' that you picked up off the corner 7-Eleven.

Looking it the mirror? I have never lounged around in my undies. I get up have my coffee, do my ablutions, get dressed Jeans and tee-shirt have breakfast and go about my normal activities. BTW we don't have 7-11's here.
I just read that the clerk at the store Floyd tried to pass the bogus $20 was extremely drunk. The article also said.

Police were trying to put Floyd in a squad car Monday when he stiffened and fell to the ground, saying he was claustrophobic, a criminal complaint said. Chauvin and Officer Tou Thoa arrived and tried several times to get the struggling Floyd into the car.
Chauvin eventually pulled Floyd out of the car, and the handcuffed Floyd went to the ground face down. Officer J.K. Kueng held Floyd’s back and Officer Thomas Lane held his legs while Chauvin put his knee on Floyd’s head and neck area, the complaint said.

That sounds contradictory to me or am I miss reading the article.

ADD: The clerk said Floyd was extremely drunk.
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I just read that the clerk at the store Floyd tried to pass the bogus $20 was extremely drunk. The article also said.

That sounds contradictory to me or am I miss reading the article.
I'm sure there will be a complete investigation....this is truly a horrible tragedy....
The "response/reactions", however.. tragic as well....these need to be investigated as well....