Tops General Store

Morning Top. Man is that Walt a piece of work.
Something (someone) else for sure---why he's trying to fight a losing battle with you, I'm not sure;)...I met him once...reminded him that was Saturday, so it might not be such a good idea to take the kids to school...
Something (someone) else for sure---why he's trying to fight a losing battle with you, I'm not sure;)...I met him once...reminded him that was Saturday, so it might not be such a good idea to take the kids to school...

I honestly don't believe I have ever met anyone as truly paranoid as he appears.
Did anyone see where Miss New Zealand passed away at 23? No cause is known at this time. What a waste, a beautiful you woman struck down in her prime.
Mornin" all :)

You gotta watch this, this is cool

I had slot cars when I was a kid, I still have one or two stashed around here somewhere.