Tops General Store

I figured you'd head up to Tennessee and stay at some Resort with AC, a Swimming Pool, and Room Service.
Or ... you could always bang on Mason's door. I'm sure he'd put you up for a few days?

You must really think I'm a glutton for punishment.
Staying any where in Florida during a Hurricane ... is a glutton for punishment. :(

Nah. The only time the whole state has been in danger is when the hurricane went up the middle of the state and the panhandle got nothing.
Nah. The only time the whole state has been in danger is when the hurricane went up the middle of the state and the panhandle got nothing.

Okay. But if Hurricane Grumpy tears you a new asshole, don't come looking for sympathy here at JPP.

Okay. But if Hurricane Grumpy tears you a new asshole, don't come looking for sympathy here at JPP.


Okay. But if Hurricane Grumpy tears you a new asshole, don't come looking for sympathy here at JPP.

I already lived through a Cat 5 storm stronger than Katrina. It took over 30 years to get me so I expect my odds are pretty good it won't happen again in my lifetime.
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The natives are REALLY restless this morning;)
Big boost in the market...looks to be a grrrrrrreat day!
I already lived through a Cat 5 storm stronger than Katrina. It took over 30 years to get me so I expect my odds are pretty good it won't happen again in my lifetime.

:) hahahaha ...
Yeah. That's how I figure it too.
Hurricane Betsy-1965.
Hurricane Katrina-2005.
I should be good up til 2045. :)
Hope it continues my IRA has really taken a hit.

Mornin" all :mad:

Yeah, mine's taken a hit as well, but still not lower than it was before Trump took office, so it's all good.

On another note, I'm mad as hell! Yesterday when I opened the door to go out for the paper, a damned
cat ran across my front yard (it's no secret cats aren't my favorite animal). A week or so ago I mentioned
I had a rabbit build a nest in the Pachysandra next to my porch. Well, that damn cat killed them all and it
dropped one when it ran away. The poor thing was just clinging to life, but didn't make it. This is WAR!!
Pellet rifle is loaded and on the porch now. .22 is loaded and just inside the front door. I don't give a damn
who's cat it is, if they can't keep it in their own yard and it steps on my land, it will suffer the same fate
as those baby rabbits. I'm gonna gut shoot it and let it run off and die somewhere else. Damned evil cats!!
Mornin" all :mad:

Yeah, mine's taken a hit as well, but still not lower than it was before Trump took office, so it's all good.

On another note, I'm mad as hell! Yesterday when I opened the door to go out for the paper, a damned
cat ran across my front yard (it's no secret cats aren't my favorite animal). A week or so ago I mentioned
I had a rabbit build a nest in the Pachysandra next to my porch. Well, that damn cat killed them all and it
dropped one when it ran away. The poor thing was just clinging to life, but didn't make it. This is WAR!!
Pellet rifle is loaded and on the porch now. .22 is loaded and just inside the front door. I don't give a damn
who's cat it is, if they can't keep it in their own yard and it steps on my land, it will suffer the same fate
as those baby rabbits. I'm gonna gut shoot it and let it run off and die somewhere else. Damned evil cats!!
Oh dear...not good:(...I rescued a chipmunk from the neighbor's cat the other day (happily, I think it did survive...)...We all had a long discussion about the senseless killings....Boris has a bell now...if it's saves one life....
Oh dear...not good:(...I rescued a chipmunk from the neighbor's cat the other day (happily, I think it did survive...)...We all had a long discussion about the senseless killings....Boris has a bell now...if it's saves one life....

I understand pets get loose, but when you see the same one too often it means they let them
out all night to roam, torture and kill small game. "Domestic" cats only kill for pleasure. If they
only took one for food, that's one thing, but when they kill the whole nest just for the sake of
killing them, this is unacceptable! That damn cat will suffer the same fate as those baby rabbits.
Mornin" all :mad:

Yeah, mine's taken a hit as well, but still not lower than it was before Trump took office, so it's all good.

On another note, I'm mad as hell! Yesterday when I opened the door to go out for the paper, a damned
cat ran across my front yard (it's no secret cats aren't my favorite animal). A week or so ago I mentioned
I had a rabbit build a nest in the Pachysandra next to my porch. Well, that damn cat killed them all and it
dropped one when it ran away. The poor thing was just clinging to life, but didn't make it. This is WAR!!
Pellet rifle is loaded and on the porch now. .22 is loaded and just inside the front door. I don't give a damn
who's cat it is, if they can't keep it in their own yard and it steps on my land, it will suffer the same fate
as those baby rabbits. I'm gonna gut shoot it and let it run off and die somewhere else. Damned evil cats!!

Let me guess you're not a cat person. :laugh:
For those who asked...
1000mg isolate/1oz. hemp or MCT oil....each ML approx 33 g of CBD
50% off still good for the moment;)
Let me guess you're not a cat person. :laugh:

Nope! Not in the least. Those damn things torture and kill for pleasure, not necessarily for food. Large cats (Bobcats on up) only kill for food.
"Domestic" cat lovers either don't know how evil those damn things are, or they give them a pass. I don't...