Topspin Eco 101


JPP Modarater

Citigroup to hack 17,000 jobs
Shake-up by nation's biggest bank will affect 8% of its work force but analysts say the move might hurt more than help.........

About 7,300 of the layoffs will be in the U.S.


Now, tell me again how this is going to help us?
Your not smart enough to comprehend my economic policy.
But hey I'll try you anyway.
I'm against illegal imigration for the reason that it drives down average joe's salary even though it's good for corp america.
Now that fly's in the face of your horseshit post doesn't it.
Top I'm teasing you and I'm definitely smart enough since I am moreso than you and you have even admitted as much indirectly in the past.
this water is way over you head junior, your smoking crack if you think I ever said you were smarter than me.
Go click your poloroid.
Oh, so you're saying that American's losing jobs is a bad thing? I thought for sure you'd bring up your one example of toyota insourcing.
you think you are with your little finance job
bet your education and experience pail in comparrison if you not ashamed to put them.
It's ok if you are, most quiver in my presence.
no having an MBA, an accounting degree and studing the market for 20yrs and putting it to work do though.
You have done well in one respective discipline apparently to the detriment of others.

You trying to claim that I lack the capacity to understand anything you espouse makes me laugh though.
Damm, I was so seeking your approval.
now I'll lose a nano second of sleep because a photographer feels morally superior to me. LOFL
You have done well in one respective discipline apparently to the detriment of others.

You trying to claim that I lack the capacity to understand anything you espouse makes me laugh though.

Could you translate his posts for me then IHG? Because darned if I don't get all confused everytime smart boy starts writing.

You could be like, the Rosetta stone of the JPP board, and unlock the grand mystery of all of Top's wisdom for us.