Topspin Eco 101

It's absolutely not going down, that is blatently rediculous.
Problem areas yes.
But when you have median incomes going up > inflation and record low unemployment it most definately is going up on average.

Back to that old median income vs real wage spin spinner ?
I don't know if your for anything, you sure are against a lot of things.
My point is to the dems and independents,
It's very easy to get ahead in this economy.
Sure it is. Sometimes that might make it easier.
A lot of rich boy's, like my kids. Sit on their lazy asses waiting on Daddy.
I was poor (or lower middle class) as a kid.
Made me work since 12 cutting grass
13 paper route (thought I was rich on $100 mo in 1973
14 mcdonalds (lied about my age to get working permit)
15 pizza delivery
17 bartender (though college and till 27)
I always saved half what I got paid till I was married, something my mom taught me when I thought I was rich with $100 mo at 13
Sure it is. Sometimes that might make it easier.
A lot of rich boy's, like my kids. Sit on their lazy asses waiting on Daddy.
I was poor (or lower middle class) as a kid.
Made me work since 12 cutting grass
13 paper route (thought I was rich on $100 mo in 1973
14 mcdonalds (lied about my age to get working permit)
15 pizza delivery
17 bartender (though college and till 27)
I always saved half what I got paid till I was married, something my mom taught me when I thought I was rich with $100 mo at 13

I came from a poor background. Dad died when I was 16, drafted a few years later....I have worked all but 6 months of my life since is was about 12.

Your mom taught you well, Most poor moms will not do that. It is why they are poor in the first place, and the traits are passed on. Children grow up emulating their parents.
Yes you are right, but mom had a bs in nursing. Had the common sense for herself and long gone dad.
A higher % of Immagrants are millionaires than natural born citizens.
It's because of what we are talking about. It's bad parents that don't teach work ethic that are the largest problem. Me being one of them, hopefully not foreever.