Topspin Eco 101

If China is more efficient at socket wrench production than us it would hurt us more to keep the jobs than to ship them away. That's simply a fact.
We are getting more efficient at graduating college kids.
Each generation is graduation more than the last.
So the rich will get richer, they always do. It will just be a higher percentage
So your position is don't graduate kids from college, will that be what you tell your grandkids.
Some go to big expanding companies, some go to small companies, some start comapanies and some teach.
Offshore you have assembly jobs, call centers, and a few programmers.
New graduates are going into, high tech, Finance, Architecture, tourism, Investment Management, Retail Management, Corp Real Estate Development, Advertising, Consumer Electronics.
My point is as the % of college grads expands the economy grows more than if it were to fall. Basic economics, the Pie gets bigger not who gets what piece.
umm. Virtually all of the clothing and textile industry has moved offshore.
Look for a pair of USA made shoes..TV ? Consumer Electronics..(95)% are manufactured overseas.

College grads are good for the USA no doubt, but they will not fix the trade imbalance and industries moving offshore.

Just start checking labels in virtually any retail store, how manu USA made Items do you find....

We are rapidly becoming a society of too many chiefs and not enough indians.....That cannot endure long.
Your learning grasshopper.
You have move to the next level.
In this next level you learn we don't need jobs that don't require the IQ of a dishrag to do ie assemble TV, sew jeans etc. We pay slave labor to do it.
You will have more googles, ebay's, youtube's, Ditecs, Apple inc. SunPower solar, Cobaysis hybrid batteries with college grads.
I'd rather have an engineer develop something than more people sewing or assembling.
Mr. Miagi:clink:
Unemployment is at decades lows even with 20 million illegal workers.
There no shortage of work for the undereducated.
Yep no shortage of low paid low benefit work. This means overall our lifestyles will drop. Just a matter of time, world trade ensures it will happen. Our overall standard of living will drop and the rest of the worlds will rise. And aGain I realize it is not a zero sum game but not too far from zero sum either.
Well if you keep crying wolf eventually when we have a recession you'll be right one year. Prob with your theory is 6 out 7 yrs we'll be up and our standard of living will and does go up.
the rest of the world will only excellarate that.
Your catching on just slowly.:clink:
It is like a big rock Spin. Slow to start rolling but once it starts is is difficult to stop.

I am saying over all our standards of living will go down, not just for one year a slump if you will.
Actually it is already happening. How many employers provide paid health insurance vs 3 yrs ago ?

A decline or rise is not only measured by average income....
Those who are narrow of view will tend to run into more unexpected things than those who are broader of view.
It's absolutely not going down, that is blatently rediculous.
Problem areas yes.
But when you have median incomes going up > inflation and record low unemployment it most definately is going up on average.
It's absolutely not going down, that is blatently rediculous.
Problem areas yes.
But when you have median incomes going up > inflation and record low unemployment it most definately is going up on average.
Median incomes are not going up by nearly as much as the average is. That's an important distinction: it indicates the widening gap between rich and poor.

Indeed, I believe that median income hasn't risen in several years.
You must have a strong middle class to buy the product created for the elites by the lower class or the entire structure falls. So far you have shown the higher ups to be strong and the lower class to be strong but you have failed to show that the purchasers will also remain strong. If most from the purchasing class fall to the lower class and cannot afford products produced where does that leave the economy, Topspin?

In order to convince them that the economy is going to continue doing well you will need to factor in the middle class and show how it is not shrinking.
Ornot check the numbers, average and median are not as far off as the way out lefties make it out to be.
They are both going up.
the economy is expanding at > 2%
our standard of living is going up.