Topspin Eco 101

We share much in common though Darla. Do not fear my presence. :clink:

No I don't. I am just trying to figure out who you are really. My only guess, is such an obvious one that I figure, nah can't be. And of course you could be new. It doesn't matter. You wrote an interesting post.
No I don't. I am just trying to figure out who you are really. My only guess, is such an obvious one that I figure, nah can't be. And of course you could be new. It doesn't matter. You wrote an interesting post.

My real name is Tenzin Gyatso.
Walmart same store sales up 4%
Target up 12%

Yep that Chinese stuff is selling like hotcakes.

I just bought a Chinese butterfly air impact wrench yesterday.
It came with a rebuild kit, unlike my US built one that bit the dust and parts were not available for.
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"Lord Buddha was a male, GOD."

Ummm... thank you captain obvious, but I was referring to the Buddha on THIS SITE. Thanks for playin... now go back to prayin...
"I'm above trolling thank you! "

Too bad... we used to have such fun listening to your buddha...

So Darla... who is your alter ego?
I can honestly say that of the known people I know to troll Darla is better at it than anyone else.

Her characters are quite good.