Topspin Eco 101

Oh the "WRITER" chimes in
How witty Duhla you get a cookie too.
Class dismissed, I gotta go sign my life away on my new house.
Damm, I was so seeking your approval.
now I'll lose a nano second of sleep because a photographer feels morally superior to me. LOFL

I'm going to guess that your earlier rudeness is because you thought I was IB1YSSGUY. I'm not a photographer.
Could you translate his posts for me then IHG? Because darned if I don't get all confused everytime smart boy starts writing.

Sure the value of a leader lies in how many millionaires are created.

All political policy that beneifts the rich is to be favored.

If you disagree it is because you are poor trailor trash.

My wealth makes me morally and intellectually superior.
Money is politics, bet you never heard that one.
People vote there wallets another one you prob never heard.
Formal education and practical application makes me economically more intellectual never claimed anyother kind.
Sorry you feel so inadequate about it.
Money is politics, bet you never heard that one.
People vote there wallets another one you prob never heard.
Formal education and practical application makes me economically more intellectual never claimed anyother kind.
Sorry you feel so inadequate about it.

Top, you come off as the person with the biggest inferiority complex on this board, so you're accusing anyone else of feeling inadequate is amusing.
Top nothing you say is news to me. I understand politics all to well and its relation to money. Politics is just a construct to control money.
what a coincidence I say your inferiority complex has you breaking out the anti-male feminist jabs duhla.
You've yet to post anything I would call business or economically savy.
Turbo-feninist manhatter, your #1 there
what a coincidence I say your inferiority complex has you breaking out the anti-male feminist jabs duhla.
You've yet to post anything I would call business or economically savy.
Turbo-feninist manhatter, your #1 there

Where did I post an anti-male feminist jab Top? Could you point that out to me?

On your last point; I do like a man in a hat. I wouldn't call myself a manhatter though. I mean, I don't go round putting hats on their heads. But, the right hat on the right man, can be quite striking.
"You'd be surprised how many men keep bananas in their pockets. It's always my first guess."

Nah... nothing surprises me... one of the downsides to knowing everything.
"You'd be surprised how many men keep bananas in their pockets. It's always my first guess."

Nah... nothing surprises me... one of the downsides to knowing everything.

Now we've got the Dalia Lama posting here, God, and Topspin.

I'm starting to get overwhelmed by greatness.
everytime it looks like your getting owned Duhla you pullout a "you men this are guys and there penis's that"
quite funny actually
everytime it looks like your getting owned Duhla you pullout a "you men this are guys and there penis's that"
quite funny actually

Top, you've yet to do anything other than get your ass kicked by me today, so keep your dreams of grandeur to yourself.

And if you rewrite this "you men this are guys and there penis's that" in English, i can maybe figure out what you are alluding to, since other than calling you a dick, I don't remember mentioning the word penis today.
"I don't go round putting hats on their heads."

You should always put a hat on their head... otherwise you could end up with an unexpected surprise... child, STD... etc... ;)