Topspin Eco 101

Duhla your in denial if you every think you can come to the same ballpark as me much less kick my ass on economics.
Home economics maybe. LOL
Duhla your in denial if you every think you can come to the same ballpark as me much less kick my ass on economics.
Home economics maybe. LOL

I already did that this morning on your Reagan thread. Try and keep up, we've moved on. Where is my anti-male feminist post?
On this message board you are anti-male...

You just can't win, can you, Darlin!
you think you are with your little finance job
bet your education and experience pail in comparrison if you not ashamed to put them.
It's ok if you are, most quiver in my presence.

LOL, Oh really!

I believe the word you're looking for is "pale".
"grammer is a cheap jab for ownage, but I'll take it."

Probably a good idea. Knowing you, it'll take a long time before you have a legit claim. Take the bogus one while you can. :D
Can you get him to clean my house? I'm not very good at homemaking kind of things, but somehow, I think he would be.

Sure! I'll loan him out for house and yard work.

Top, Darla needs someone to clean her house. Please be advised that if you do not arrive in the proper traditional french attire, there will be penalty ownage.
Top, you come off as the person with the biggest inferiority complex on this board, so you're accusing anyone else of feeling inadequate is amusing.
Just call him TopSpiderMBA from now on.