Transgender support isn't "woke"

It is psychological therapy as well as, eventually, hormonal therapy, and possible surgery. IMO if a teenager feels that he/she is the wrong gender, psychological care should be instituted. Any physiological therapy, like hormone tx, IMO should wait till the teen is legally able to decide (and pay for) that, age 18 or up. If they prefer to dress as the gender they feel comfortable with, let 'em. If it were my child I would definitely support them while warning them that bullying and abuse are strong possibilities. If their school didn't have a gender-neutral bathroom, I would suggest using the appropriate one for their birth sex, and always go in with a buddy or a sympathetic staff member to avoid problems.

Thanks. Why do you think the Trumpers are against psychological care?
what a sad commentary on human intelligence.........consistent though......whenever the left is faced with the consequences of one's inability to deal with their problems their answer is "what is it to you?" want to change your sex, go want to be homeless, go want to steal things, go want to do drugs, go want to be a drinking alcoholic, go want to marry another man, go want to kill your unborn children, go want to own slaves, go people never change.......oh wait, you do want SOME want to own guns even though you've never committed a crime? fucking way!......

So, you want to get involved in every aspect of a person's life then?

What is conservatism in 2023? Watching some of the stuff on DeSantis yesterday, it's as big government as big government gets.

Freedom - but only if you're a white heterosexual male.
It's respect for freedom & individuality. It's opposing discrimination, hate and intolerance.

Transgenders exist. No amount of hate & denial changes that. They deserve as much respect and as many rights as every American.

I mean, ultimately - what's it to ya?

the transgender movement is a nazi mental abuse cult and a body mutilation racket.
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It's respect for freedom & individuality. It's opposing discrimination, hate and intolerance.

Transgenders exist. No amount of hate & denial changes that. They deserve as much respect and as many rights as every American.

I mean, ultimately - what's it to ya?

discrimination is going to exist, and much of it is going to be perfectly legitimate. It has nothing to do with civil rights..........being 'transgendered' doesn't change the fact that, as a human being, they still have rights, but they do not get special privileges.

I've been turned down for many jobs because of an unprofessional look. Apparently, in the world of business, long hair on men isn't a professional look. That does not mean that I was denied any rights.......

If a man wants to parade around as a woman, or vice versa, that is their right, but NOBODY should be forced to accept that in the business world........that is not a 'right'.
discrimination is going to exist, and much of it is going to be perfectly legitimate. It has nothing to do with civil rights..........being 'transgendered' doesn't change the fact that, as a human being, they still have rights, but they do not get special privileges.

I've been turned down for many jobs because of an unprofessional look. Apparently, in the world of business, long hair on men isn't a professional look. That does not mean that I was denied any rights.......

If a man wants to parade around as a woman, or vice versa, that is their right, but NOBODY should be forced to accept that in the business world........that is not a 'right'.

A few posters have brought up the business attire thing. That wasn't really what I was referring to in the OP. I think businesses are allowed to set standards for attire within their organizations.

I'm talking more about being free from discrimination & harassment. I think America has made great progress with LGBTQ in general (though still a ways to go) - but transgenders seem to be the exception. It's still widely acceptable to discriminate and shun that community.
Pure unadultered ignorance.

Actually what I stated is absolutely accurate.

Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

They (Transgenders) are also at a greater risk for suicide as they are twice as likely to think about and attempt suicide than LGB people

Transgender teens 7.6 times more likely to attempt suicide

My statements stand as completely accurate. Prove me wrong.
Actually what I stated is absolutely accurate.

Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

They (Transgenders) are also at a greater risk for suicide as they are twice as likely to think about and attempt suicide than LGB people

Transgender teens 7.6 times more likely to attempt suicide

My statements stand as completely accurate. Prove me wrong.
Your ignorance of the whole matter is what I was addressing, not your statistics.
Actually what I stated is absolutely accurate.

Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

They (Transgenders) are also at a greater risk for suicide as they are twice as likely to think about and attempt suicide than LGB people

Transgender teens 7.6 times more likely to attempt suicide

My statements stand as completely accurate. Prove me wrong.

Gee - that can't be because transgenders are generally ostracized, subject to constant bullying and harassed basically every day...can it?
Gee - that can't be because transgenders are generally ostracized, subject to constant bullying and harassed basically every day...can it?

Even people in concentration camps, gulags, and such don't commit suicide at anything close to those rates. So, it isn't that, something else is going on.
Even people in concentration camps, gulags, and such don't commit suicide at anything close to those rates. So, it isn't that, something else is going on.

People in those communities have allies, and support within their peer group. They band together.

It's a very poor psychological comparison, and not apples to apples. Completely different situations.
People in those communities have allies, and support within their peer group. They band together.

It's a very poor psychological comparison, and not apples to apples. Completely different situations.

You hate it becahse it's spot fuckig on. We hear this same argument with every new fucking leftists crusade that if only (fill in the blank with the freak dujour) were accepted by society they wouldn't kill themselves. It's all fucking bullshit.
You hate it becahse it's spot fuckig on. We hear this same argument with every new fucking leftists crusade that if only (fill in the blank with the freak dujour) were accepted by society they wouldn't kill themselves. It's all fucking bullshit.

You make being "accepted by society" sound like such a bad thing to hope for.

I think transgenders would just take not being harassed and completely ostracized. And sorry - that kinda thing does make people depressed, and even suicidal.