Transgender support isn't "woke"

Exactly bright. Studies show that suicide rates are still high even after mutilation takes place.

What is that supposed to show? If suicide is tied to harassment & being ostracized, the surgery would make no difference. What point do you think you were proving by citing that?
You make being "accepted by society" sound like such a bad thing to hope for.

I think transgenders would just take not being harassed and completely ostracized. And sorry - that kinda thing does make people depressed, and even suicidal.

That's your interpretation. I dont control that

They likely left alone if they minded their own business just like I do when I'm in public. If you want to dress like a woman nobody gives a fuck go about your life but when you demand I accept it as normal you are in territory that isnt yours to be in.
Thanks. Why do you think the Trumpers are against psychological care?

Possibly because they believe that it's encouraging what they consider to be "grooming." IMO it is physically dangerous to give adolescents drugs like hormones that interfere with normal physical development. But those instances are rare and because they are, it is not right to deprive trans kids with psychiatric care just because you think it's "icky."
Even people in concentration camps, gulags, and such don't commit suicide at anything close to those rates. So, it isn't that, something else is going on.

Which is why we should support psychiatric care for this population, something RWers seem resistant to -- in fact, several RW-led states are passing legislation forbidding trans care which includes psychological therapy.

As I posted earlier, we know several trans ppl. They are all, to some degree, troubled and afflicted with depression. Shouldn't we, as caring citizens, be supporting psychiatric care -- including meds if needed -- for them?
Possibly because they believe that it's encouraging what they consider to be "grooming." IMO it is physically dangerous to give adolescents drugs like hormones that interfere with normal physical development. But those instances are rare and because they are, it is not right to deprive trans kids with psychiatric care just because you think it's "icky."

Interesting. I thought it was because most are stupid enough to believe that "the gay" is contagious and that if they were around gays, they'd turn gay themselves by wearing dresses and blowing strange cocks in alleyways across some seem to be doing now.
A few posters have brought up the business attire thing. That wasn't really what I was referring to in the OP. I think businesses are allowed to set standards for attire within their organizations.

I'm talking more about being free from discrimination & harassment. I think America has made great progress with LGBTQ in general (though still a ways to go) - but transgenders seem to be the exception. It's still widely acceptable to discriminate and shun that community.

it's out of the norm still. Now, in big city environments, not so much.......but suburban and rural..........well it's considered abnormal......But i've yet to see, in any locale i've lived in, the discrimination or shunning that you describe.
People in those communities have allies, and support within their peer group. They band together.

It's a very poor psychological comparison, and not apples to apples. Completely different situations.

The above is nothing but opinion, unless you have some sources that support it.
Which is why we should support psychiatric care for this population, something RWers seem resistant to -- in fact, several RW-led states are passing legislation forbidding trans care which includes psychological therapy.

As I posted earlier, we know several trans ppl. They are all, to some degree, troubled and afflicted with depression. Shouldn't we, as caring citizens, be supporting psychiatric care -- including meds if needed -- for them?

I have no problem with this group needing and getting psychological care. They desperately need it. What they don't need is untrained people in their lives encouraging them to undergo surgery and use of various drugs in a vain attempt to be what they're not. The suicide thing is horrible and needs to be seriously addressed. Coddling them and encouraging their, for lack of a better word, delusions is well, delusional.
It's logic, and common sense. YOUR contention was pure opinion, and a false comparison.

It isn't logic since it's based on your opinion and common sense often is wrong, as it is as you tried to apply it here. You are just restating a common trope that excuses that rate rather than looking at it critically and logically.
It isn't logic since it's based on your opinion and common sense often is wrong, as it is as you tried to apply it here. You are just restating a common trope that excuses that rate rather than looking at it critically and logically.

We can go back & forth on that all day - but your comparison to concentration camps and gulags is entirely incongruous and not relevant in this debate. They are 2 entirely different situations.
We can go back & forth on that all day - but your comparison to concentration camps and gulags is entirely incongruous and not relevant in this debate. They are 2 entirely different situations.

So, you got nothing hum?

Name one other group, oppressed, bullied, whatever, that comes close to the suicide rates transgenders have. Name one. (Hint: There aren't any. The problem isn't being oppressed or bullied, there's another mechanism at work that isn't being addressed).
So, you got nothing hum?

Name one other group, oppressed, bullied, whatever, that comes close to the suicide rates transgenders have. Name one. (Hint: There aren't any. The problem isn't being oppressed or bullied, there's another mechanism at work that isn't being addressed).

Now you're just moving the goalposts.

Your comparison is invalid. Period.

You also put no nuance into this. Transgenders ARE the most ostracized group. As I said in another reply - they're the one group where it is still relatively accepted to discriminate & harass members of.
Interesting. I thought it was because most are stupid enough to believe that "the gay" is contagious and that if they were around gays, they'd turn gay themselves by wearing dresses and blowing strange cocks in alleyways across some seem to be doing now.

I guess some DO think that "gay is contagious" and ditto for transgender. They're stupid that way.
Even people in concentration camps, gulags, and such don't commit suicide at anything close to those rates. So, it isn't that, something else is going on.

Here was your contention. You brought this up as a direct response to the idea that being ostracized = higher suicide rates.

But a prison or concentration camp community is like ANY other community in one important aspect - it is a community. Some members of that community ARE ostracized, but in general, there are friendships, and there is peer support.
That's your interpretation. I dont control that

They likely left alone if they minded their own business just like I do when I'm in public. If you want to dress like a woman nobody gives a fuck go about your life but when you demand I accept it as normal you are in territory that isnt yours to be in.

It’s when your cree try’s to make it illegal.

Live and let live.