Transgender support isn't "woke"

I don't see it as much more than a "hate" boycott. I'd be curious to hear a real justification for it.

They're just using a transgender actor in one of their ads, from what I understand. I'm at a loss as to how that harms anyone, or how that's shoving some agenda down everyone's throat. Fae is not a woman... ( HER/SHE..YS )The limited edition bars are to celebrate women...I believe this is the third year they've done that...
How is anyone forcing you to accept anything, including transsexual people?

He stands with them

That's just it you retards dont want live and live let live you demand your perversion be accepted. BTW no one is making it illegal to be a freak.

You don’t have to accept it, but keep it to yourself, nobody needs to hear your angry bigotry. Don’t spread your miserableness.
You pieces of shit dont bother with boycotts do you? You vermin go right fr destroying peoples lives like the baker who wouldn't bake a queer cake. Decent people would have moved in but leftists aren't decent people now are they? And when they lost the queer cake case they started with the baker on a tranny cake. Fucking subhuman pieces of garbage

You keep lumping me in w/ various groups.

I don't support boycotts in general, on both the left & right. I've started threads on here about that. I think they're pretty ham-handed and hurt a lot of people who aren't involved w/ the decision-making. I've spoken out against some of the boycotts against bakers regarding their not wanting to participate in a gay wedding.
You don’t have to accept it, but keep it to yourself, nobody needs to hear your angry bigotry. Don’t spread your miserableness.

And I don't need to hear that some guy wants to lop off your dick. It's a 2 way street asshole. You miserable cunts only ever think about yourselves and you STILL can't figure out why decent people don't respect you. Fucking dunce
You keep lumping me in w/ various groups.

I don't support boycotts in general, on both the left & right. I've started threads on here about that. I think they're pretty ham-handed and hurt a lot of people who aren't involved w/ the decision-making. I've spoken out against some of the boycotts against bakers regarding their not wanting to participate in a gay wedding.

Good for you. If it doesnt apply to you then move on. What leftists did to that baker was more than a boycott they wanted to destroy him. That's evil.
And I don't need to hear that some guy wants to lop off your dick. It's a 2 way street asshole. You miserable cunts only ever think about yourselves and you STILL can't figure out why decent people don't respect you. Fucking dunce

Why are you so weak that you can’t hear what someone else does, their choice.
Why are you so weak that you can’t hear what someone else does, their choice.

What are you so needy for attention that you have to tell everyone you want to have your dick lopped off? NOTHING you say works only in one direction you're just too lazy to think. Hey why dont you share with us if engage in anal sex with whatever it is you have as a partner?
What are you so needy for attention that you have to tell everyone you want to have your dick lopped off? NOTHING you say works only in one direction you're just too lazy to think. Hey why dont you share with us if engage in anal sex with whatever it is you have as a partner?

I don’t know where you hang out, but nobody has ever told me they had their dick cut off or that they engage in anal sex.