Travel experiences

This we did was free. It really annoys me that I cant now remember anything about who did it, though I know that we knew about it because my dad worked at the Rockford Newspapers. I am smarter and better than I ever was but MAN I have forgotten a lot of stuff that I used to know.

Yes American airlines did a lot of free short flights, we took a couple in the late 60's out on long island on their 727's
Yes American airlines did a lot of free short flights, we took a couple in the late 60's out on long island on their 727's

I cant even remember the name on the plane....but going up and doing a couple of circles around the Rockford Airport is iffy re qualifying as a flight.
I went to the Soviet union, Leningrad and Moscow in 1986. Haven’t been there was eye-opening, but to watch it fall apart in the years after was amazing

Government agent or commie training? ;)

Did you tour? See Lenin? Red Square?
I saw Lenin’s body. St Basel’s cathedral.

Very cool.

Although it was the biggest shithole I've ever been to, historical sites in Cairo, Egypt fascinated me. Lots to see; besides the Pyramids and the Sphinx, the was the Museum of Antiquities, Ramses II statue and the Step Pyramid to name a few. Israel was similar. Things are thousands of years old are a rarity in the Northern Americas.
Very cool.

Although it was the biggest shithole I've ever been to, historical sites in Cairo, Egypt fascinated me. Lots to see; besides the Pyramids and the Sphinx, the was the Museum of Antiquities, Ramses II statue and the Step Pyramid to name a few. Israel was similar. Things are thousands of years old are a rarity in the Northern Americas.

I’d love to go to Cairo. That’s for sure on my list. I’m on a South America kick these days, Medellin and parts of Peru. Argentina this summer, you can get an airline pass that operates like The trains used to work in Europe, the whole Continent is cheap.
It was so different and beautiful, the Moscow subway with marble sculptures, and beautiful art, was like a classic museum. That was most surprising.

Did you also grow up believing that Russian cities were drab and dingy, only to be surprised that they are not?
I’d love to go to Cairo. That’s for sure on my list. I’m on a South America kick these days, Medellin and parts of Peru. Argentina this summer, you can get an airline pass that operates like The trains used to work in Europe, the whole Continent is cheap.

Did not know that. Would love to visit Patagonia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and of course the Galapagos. Going to need a bigger lifetime. :)
Did you also grow up believing that Russian cities were drab and dingy, only to be surprised that they are not?

No, I knew that was the party line, but my parents were well traveled and insistent on open mindedness. By that age they had taught me to look deeper than the cultural narrative for truth.
Did not know that. Would love to visit Patagonia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and of course the Galapagos. Going to need a bigger lifetime. :)

Patagonia is definitely on my list, My sister just got back from the Galapagos… It’s lower on my list. Guess I’m more interested in culture of people instead of the animals. I would like to explore many of the rural communities of Chile and Ecuador.

I’m really hoping to be able to take a month in South America this summer with my wife and children.
No, I knew that was the party line, but my parents were well traveled and insistent on open mindedness. By that age they had taught me to look deeper than the cultural narrative for truth.

That might help explain why you have rejected Reichwingerism, eh? Good for you both.

My best friend from Ukraine told one time about the first time she saw an American grocery store. They had been told the same shit about us that we were told about the Soviet Union -- everyone is poor, there is hardly anything to eat, black and brown people are treated horribly and have to stay in hiding, etc. She was transfixed by all the fresh produce, meats, breads, etc. and especially by how little they cost compared to European standards. And black/brown people were as nicely dressed as white people, with nice cars and homes.

So whenever I hear some RWer claiming that ppl have to wait for months in Europe to see a doctor, or they're taxed so much they have no money for leisure, etc. I figure they've just swallowed a plateful of propaganda.
Patagonia is definitely on my list, My sister just got back from the Galapagos… It’s lower on my list. Guess I’m more interested in culture of people instead of the animals. I would like to explore many of the rural communities of Chile and Ecuador.

I’m really hoping to be able to take a month in South America this summer with my wife and children.

I hope you will be able to do that, and return to share your adventures with us! What a wonderful experience for your kids too. Mind if I ask how old they are?
That might help explain why you have rejected Reichwingerism, eh? Good for you both.

My best friend from Ukraine told one time about the first time she saw an American grocery store. They had been told the same shit about us that we were told about the Soviet Union -- everyone is poor, there is hardly anything to eat, black and brown people are treated horribly and have to stay in hiding, etc. She was transfixed by all the fresh produce, meats, breads, etc. and especially by how little they cost compared to European standards. And black/brown people were as nicely dressed as white people, with nice cars and homes.

So whenever I hear some RWer claiming that ppl have to wait for months in Europe to see a doctor, or they're taxed so much they have no money for leisure, etc. I figure they've just swallowed a plateful of propaganda.

That’s so interesting, I never realized that they were told the same things about us as we were told about them.
I hope you will be able to do that, and return to share your adventures with us! What a wonderful experience for your kids too. Mind if I ask how old they are?

I feel like travel is so helpful to understanding a realistic worldview. Seeing the differences and similarities from outside really shows how the truth of other people is incredibly subjective. I really think it helps my kids to not have such a self centered view of the world and themselves.