Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

Running is pretty coward, but given your perspective on my was your best option.

I could re-write the opening post. But it would do no good. The bias will always be bias.
Running is pretty coward, but given your perspective on my was your best option.

I could re-write the opening post. But it would do no good. The bias will always be bias.

You're correct.
Re-writing your opening post would be just more biased assumptions.
Thank you for admitting it.
the weak minded always try to de-rail a debate

Anderson Cooper brought in sound specialists and they cleaned it up ...The tape clearly says "F-Ing Cold".

All News outlets have backed off that claim.

Why do you persist in making this a Racial issue when it clearly wasn't?

You are the weak minded debater. Name calling, repeating lies, promoting racism by skewing the words in the phone call.

About the most disingenuous person here.

you may want these things to be true... but they aren't.

The Facts dont support you..
Say you wanted some quiet and you left your house...It's raining and dark so you know you won't have to deal with anyone. While you are walking along, you notice someone is staring at you. You notice it's not just a glance, but they are sitting still watching you. It creeps you out so you make gestures trying to run off the person sitting and staring. Your gestures don't run the person off and they still sit and watch you. You get creeped out and walk away. You notice the person starts following you. You pick up your pace, but so does the person following you. At this point you are not just paranoid, but full of fear and wonder what crazy person is after you. You keep on running but the person keeps following. You finally get so scared, you decide to defend yourself. You decide that you need to attack the stalker before the stalker attacks you. You hide behind a corner and wait. When the stalker gets close you attack them. Adrenaline pumping, you hope to knock the person out so you can get away without them hurting you. The person pulls a gun and shoots you dead......

What would you do in this situation? I guarantee that if someone was staring at me for a long period of time I would give them a finger or give them "bring it on" body language. I guarantee if that stranger was chasing me I would eventually get scared enough to turn around and fight him.

What would you do? Florida law states that you simply have to feel like bodily harm is a threat. Could Trayvon have shot Zimmerman just for stalking him? And how would that have looked?

Well. If I have a cell phone like Trayvon had I call the cops. If I am only 40 yds from my house I run home.
Fuck yeah, since I think Zimmermann clearly was presenting himself as a menacing figure, Trayvon clearly felt in danger.

Now, as to what Rana said, I don't think Trayvon had anywhere to run to, as he was in a strange neighbourhood. The only real options are to keep walking and hope Zimmermann stops following you, or to confront him (which leads to getting shot, as we have observed).

Trayvon was unfamiliar with the neighborhood because he didn't live there. So on a dark rainy night, he was returning to a development where all the houses were alike and he was looking for one particular house.

This certainly makes more sense than GZ's claim that he got out of the car because "he was trying to check the name of the street". The development had three streets. GZ lived there four years. GZ patrolled the streets regularly on neighborhood watch. If he claims he got out of the care because he was "trying to check the name...", it makes him the dumbest s.o.b. on the face of the earth.
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and just in case people want to spout the bullshit about an uneven match between the grown man zimmerman and little innocent 17 year old martin.....

An El Paso police officer allegedly knocked unconscious and then beaten violently by a 17-year-old died Friday morning at University Medical Center, police said.

Officer Jonathan Molina, 29, who did tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Marine Corps, died a little more than nine days after suffering a fractured skull, internal head injuries and facial fractures.