Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

Well, most of the 17 year olds that walked through my house thought they could handle themselves.

Maybe, he didn't realize he was in real danger until Zimmeran walked up on him, then he stood his ground. While he was talking to his friend, Zimmerman was only creepy, it wasn't until they encountered each other that either felt threatened, but remember, Zimmerman knew he had a gun.

These Libertarians keep asking questions "why did the black guy do this"

These Libertarians, as I stated months before, don't know what Libertarian is. I love that this case exposed it. "yea, but why did he run from Zimmerman" really! Idiots. The real question is why he didn't "flex up" to Zimmerman. Oh, wait..........he did. He tried to act like a thug to run him off didn't he. Silly me.
Zimmerman admitted he was stalking Trayvon there brains. It's on the 911 call. The operator even told him to stop following him.

The only "theory" about my post is that Trayvon punched him first.

Can you read?

I must have missed it.
Could you please show me where Zimmerman admitted to stalking Trayvon?
I'm not "losing" the debate. You are making your own "facts" up and pretending that repeating it will make people agree with you or believe you without checking. You should stop simply reading Salon and actually pay attention to the actual call.

Here, I'll post a link to a pdf of the entire 911 call, the word "to chase" or any conjugation of that verb was never used.

You can play the 911 tape and read along. I have.

You do realize that 911 records are SOUND and not you don't all of you keep linking text when you haven't listened to it. But why would you. Fox News screened it for you.........
AP... GZ did not chase Trayvon... he FOLLOWED HIM.

Repeating a proven falsehood does nothing to bolster your case.. It's intellectually Dishonest.

Zimmerman merely followed him while keeping Trayvon in sight. That is Not illegal and at his size I doubt Zim could chase a burrito around his kitchen table without oxygen.

Zimmerman CHASED NOBODY... Stop repeating a falsehood. It shows weak debate skills

I'll admit that your "scenario" and mine match up. You simply chose a different term kid. :)
You do realize that 911 records are SOUND and not you don't all of you keep linking text when you haven't listened to it. But why would you. Fox News screened it for you.........

Wow, you can't even admit when you are flat wrong and been proven so. The reality is, it isn't there. When you listen to it, it isn't there, when you read it, it isn't there and when you stop reading Salon it still isn't there.

Listen at the same time you are reading it, you'll see that nothing was "screened"... It's the full transcript, minus his phone number.

Your central premise of "chasing" is simply not anywhere in the available evidence, you're emoting it into your own memory and can "hear" whatever you want in that magic place called your imagination and it still doesn't change that "chase" isn't there when you listen.
from the trial, idiot.

He said he pulled over his car to call the police non-emergency line. He said he lost sight of the teen, but that Martin soon returned and circled his car.

"As soon as I saw him, I rolled down my windows and stayed on the phone," Zimmerman said on the recording.

"He walked completely around the car?" Singleton asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Zimmerman replied.

Zimmerman went on to say that the dispatcher asked him about the direction in which Martin had gone. He said he was looking for a street address to give the dispatcher and was walking back to the car when Martin confronted him, possibly having jumped out after hiding.

"It was dark and I didn't see him getting ready to punch me," Zimmerman said. "As soon as he punched me I fell back on the grass. He was wailing on my head. Then I started to yell for help, he grabbed my head and started hitting my head into the sidewalk."

On the recording, he said he saw a neighbor leave his home and he yelled again for help.

"He puts his hand on my mouth and nose and says, 'You're going to die tonight.' I don't remember much after that. I couldn't breathe. He still kept trying to hit my heard against the pavement," Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman said he felt Martin's hand "go down," and he thought the teen was reaching for his gun.

"As he banged my head I pulled out my firearm and I shot him. I'm on the ground and he's mounted on top of me, I shot him," Zimmerman said.

Martin said, "You got me, you got me," Zimmerman said.

After the shot, Zimmerman said he got on top of Martin and held his hands. "He was still talking, I said, 'Stay down, don't move.'" Zimmerman said he saw a neighbor with a flashlight, and told the neighbor that he had already called police and that he needed help restraining Martin.

On a four-page written statement, Zimmerman wrote, "My head felt like it was going to explode." He repeatedly referred to Martin as a "suspect," a term prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda highlighted in his questioning.

De la Rionda asked Singleton if police officers used the term "suspect."

"Yes, if we suspect them of a crime, they're a suspect," Singleton replied.


Am I the only one to see that the words "you got me - you got me" might have been heard as "get off me - get off me"??
After all these months and months of this being shown that the initial report was a fucking lie, are you still going to try and stand on the idea that he said "coon"? :palm:

I never stated it was a fact. I simply stated it is what it sounds like. But I will assume media told you it wasn't what it sounded like and for some reason I have no Liberty to hear what I heard.

One more time. And. Again. I'll. Type. It. Slowly.

I listened to the tape and read the transcript at the same time, they match.

No matter how many times you try repeating it, your claim isn't true nor will it become true by trying to repeat it again.

At this point, if you actually want a conversation, you should stop trying to claim what is so clearly false.

One more time. And. Again. I'll. Type. It. Slowly. So. Even. You. Can. Keep. Up.

I listened to the tape and read the transcript at the same time, they match.

No matter how many times you try repeating it, your claim isn't true nor will it become true by trying to repeat it again.

At this point, if you actually want a conversation, you should stop trying to claim what is so clearly false.

I was accurate, you just made stuff up and pretended it was "fact" trying to use the "repeat it often enough" ruse. But reality caught up to you, it isn't in there. You should try to follow some of your own advice, turn off MSDNC, and pay attention to reality.
And this is the truest thing that anyone on the left has proclaimed, in hundreds of posts.

Because I don't cling to the superficial facts or get pushed around by politics. The fact is, Zimmerman is guilty and going to jail soon enough.

The Zimmerman case is the exact polar opposite of the OJ case where racists that didn't realize they were racists were persuaded by media they were innocent.

The exact same racist morons that were celebrating the Zimmerman verdict were the exact same morons celebrating the OJ verdict.

It's basically, "we got away with murder" vs. "we got away with murder".
One more time. And. Again. I'll. Type. It. Slowly.

I listened to the tape and read the transcript at the same time, they match.

No matter how many times you try repeating it, your claim isn't true nor will it become true by trying to repeat it again.

At this point, if you actually want a conversation, you should stop trying to claim what is so clearly false.

Kid. If you actually listened to the 911 call and didn't hear the car door and didn't hear the wind on the phone mic that wasn't there before that time, you are a bias idiot that has no ability to interpret information.
Don't be black. Don't be "walkin around, lookin about" Never walk in the rain. Don't run if someone is staring at you, because you will be an "asshole that always gets away".