Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

This...and the fact that Zimmerman had no reason to get out of the vehicle should eliminate him from civil immunity.

incorrect... he was acquitted of the charges as the were deemed to have been in the sphere of JUSTIFIABLE FORCE.

According to Florida Law he cant be prosecuted civilly for a crime where he was found NOT GUILTY and the force used was Justifiable.

Florida State Code Reads:

776.032 Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force.—

(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force.

(3) The court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred by the defendant in defense of any civil action brought by a plaintiff if the court finds that the defendant is immune from prosecution as provided in subsection (1).

Zimmerman is immune from civil liability. If the Martins try to sue they will personally shoulder the entire burden financially with Punitive Damages and all Court Costs.

Sorry... you are 100% Incorrect.
Now cawacko, you pat yourself all the time, it is nice to know the position you use!

Unfortunately I'm not that flexible so I can only barely reach over my shoulders but it has the same effect. I also repeat after myself when doing it, "I'm Cawacko and darnnit, people like me"
Now cawacko, you pat yourself all the time, it is nice to know the position you use!

Does this person know they are here to discuss politics and not troll, or are they 17 years old. They don't belong here. I'm going to stalk cawacko from here on out. If cawacko gets mad at me for stalking, I'm going to shoot him.

Does this person know they are here to discuss politics and not troll, or are they 17 years old. They don't belong here. I'm going to stalk cawacko from here on out. If cawacko gets mad at me for stalking, I'm going to shoot him.


I'm pretty quick so you better have really good aim on your shot.
What have you won? I've "debated" nothing with you. I was supporting you in your self confidence boost.

This was clear from the start. Yet in later posts you talk about being a better aim than me and can outshoot me.

This kid has never heard "The pen is mightier than the sword" and if they did they still think violence answers everything. FACT.
One thing I wouldn't do:

Call my girlfriend instead of 911.

And yeah... if Trayvon had a gun I think it would have been a "stand your ground" thing if GZ was physically threatening enough that a person would believe Trayvon believed himself to be under threat of "great bodily harm" as the law states.

Shooting him from a hiding spot, no... shooting him after being confronted and threatened, probably. If there was as little evidence then I'd have been saying pretty much the same thing as I did on this one. "There just isn't enough evidence to prove the Prosecution's case."

Of course, GZ's defense team didn't claim stand your ground and fought the case on its merits, or lack thereof as it were.

Damocles... as Trayvon Martin was under the legal Age to own a weapon & had no Carry Permit, he would have been found guilty of Criminal possession of a firearm and possibly Manslaughter .

He doesn't qualify for SYG. his mere possession of an illegal weapon negates it. To carry in Florida you must be 21 and pass a background and Drug Test.

He would have failed the Drug test....Marijuana.

He'd be in Jail...possibly for murder.
I'm pretty quick so you better have really good aim on your shot.

cawacko. Admits not here to "debate things" but steps up when forced to "debate things" in a fake scenario. States, "You had better be a good aim and fast, because I'm quick".

I assure you that problem solving situations have nothing to do with quick aim and quickness. They are more focused on thinking with your BRAIN. But TY for being the Libertarian
everyone knew they were.
This was clear from the start. Yet in later posts you talk about being a better aim than me and can outshoot me.

This kid has never heard "The pen is mightier than the sword" and if they did they still think violence answers everything. FACT.

I stopped reading early because in the 911 call Zimmerman said he was "chasing " Trayvon. If you want to debate this then you need to learn this. Stop relying on Fox News and do your own thinking.

No he didn't. I listened to the call, he answered "yes" to the question "are you following him?"

Stop relying on what you want to be true and actually pay attention to what is in evidence.
Damocles... as Trayvon Martin was under the legal Age to own a weapon & had no Carry Permit, he would have been found guilty of Criminal possession of a firearm and possibly Manslaughter .

He doesn't qualify for SYG. his mere possession of an illegal weapon negates it. To carry in Florida you must be 21 and pass a background and Drug Test.

He would have failed the Drug test....Marijuana.

He'd be in Jail...possibly for murder.

Damo is trying to fight the side of proposed Liberty vs. current Liberty. I have educated myself on Libertarians FUTURE perspective and it is why I made the argument I did.

Zimmerman CLEARLY exited the car after staring at someone for minutes, chasing them on foot.

I'm not a puss so I would stand my ground, no one is going to chase me away from the neighborhood I am in.

The big question is, why did Zimmerman chase someone with no evidence that someone was a criminal?
Damocles... as Trayvon Martin was under the legal Age to own a weapon & had no Carry Permit, he would have been found guilty of Criminal possession of a firearm and possibly Manslaughter .

He doesn't qualify for SYG. his mere possession of an illegal weapon negates it. To carry in Florida you must be 21 and pass a background and Drug Test.

He would have failed the Drug test....Marijuana.

He'd be in Jail...possibly for murder.

Which doesn't change that I would be here championing his right to defend himself.
Does this person know they are here to discuss politics and not troll, or are they 17 years old. They don't belong here. I'm going to stalk cawacko from here on out. If cawacko gets mad at me for stalking, I'm going to shoot him.


I think I found video of you trying to shoot me.

Damo is trying to fight the side of proposed Liberty vs. current Liberty. I have educated myself on Libertarians FUTURE perspective and it is why I made the argument I did.

Zimmerman CLEARLY exited the car after staring at someone for minutes, chasing them on foot.

I'm not a puss so I would stand my ground, no one is going to chase me away from the neighborhood I am in.

The big question is, why did Zimmerman chase someone with no evidence that someone was a criminal?

Again. Zimmerman's call, he was asked "are you following him?" to which he answered "yes". He never said he was "chasing" him, nor did Trayvon according to the testimony of the witness. You are just making stuff up because you want it to be that way.

Zimmerman followed him because he wanted to be sure that he knew where he was when the cops got there. Why him? Because witnesses of previous robberies in the area described young black men who broke into houses.
No he didn't. I listened to the call, he answered "yes" to the question "are you following him?"

Stop relying on what you want to be true and actually pay attention to what is in evidence.

WOW! Another Fox News cult member that never thought to check the information themselves. This person didn't even scroll back to listen to my post of the actual 911 call. But it took "Obama is the anti-Christ" to break my brainwash. I wonder what it will take today's cult.

Scroll back or YT the 911 call and stop replying if you don't know what you are talking about please.
I would have brought a gun and shot Zimmermann in the face. But that's probably wishful thinking.

We finally got somewhere. Thank you Threedee, you bone head you.

So you think that shooting someone that racially profiles you is ok to shot in the face. Brainy stuff there kid.
WOW! Another Fox News cult member that never thought to check the information themselves. This person didn't even scroll back to listen to my post of the actual 911 call. But it took "Obama is the anti-Christ" to break my brainwash. I wonder what it will take today's cult.

Scroll back or YT the 911 call and stop replying if you don't know what you are talking about please.

Actually, I listened to the 911 call. Hence my reference to "I listened to the 911 call".