Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

So you think Florida law is correct and you can chase someone down an alley without them having the Liberty to attack you? Explain.

That wasn't what my post said at all, please read it again and actually try to understand before you start trying to argue the straw man again.

IMO, and I've stated it long ago, this tragedy was built on the fact that there were two people defending themselves. One was better armed. Had Trayvon prevailed, stand your ground would have been on his side. Neither of them had a "duty" to run away.
Pretty much anybody that payed attention in school would. If I were on the phone with my friend I would have told them to call 911 then hung up and also called. If I were on the other end I would have told my friend to call 911.

The reality is, talking to the girlfriend creates no increased chance of help, talking to 911 increases the chances of receiving some sort of aid immensely.

If I was frightened enough I may even knock on a stranger's door thinking that witnesses may make it less likely for the follower to attack me.

Damo, no offense, but you are thinking like an adult and not a kid, especially a 17 year old kid.

The police were on the way and it didn't help him, did it.
I have questions about that. Is there proof in records that he called a friend? I know that girl was ripped apart on the stand by people paid to do that exact thing, but was there proof of the conversation on the phone and possibly the reason he was outside "walking around looking at buildings"?

it's because your shtick is so lame. Take that weak sauce and go home
Someone on CNN tonight said that GZ was chasing TM with his gun drawn, and shot him as TM was running away; and it went unchallenged.

I have heard every single possible scenario in the past few days, generally presented as fact. In a year, and certainly in 5-10 years, everyone will have a different version of what happened, and believe it 100%.

The only real fact is that no one knows exactly what happened.
Damo, no offense, but you are thinking like an adult and not a kid, especially a 17 year old kid.

The police were on the way and it didn't help him, did it.

You simply believe that, but the reality is I am simply remembering.

Shoot I'm remembering what I did when I was 9. While I didn't have a cell phone I did stop at a pay phone, then I knocked on the doors of at least 3 houses before somebody answered. I was scared, I sought help.

A call to 911 and he would have been informed that the follower was the neighborhood watch guy who was also on the line with 911. This is again from experience... I was informed that there were cops in my backyard when I called about an intruder... (they caught the guy he had crapped out in my backyard after running from the cops).
Pretty much anybody that payed attention in school would. If I were on the phone with my friend I would have told them to call 911 then hung up and also called. If I were on the other end I would have told my friend to call 911.

The reality is, talking to the girlfriend creates no increased chance of help, talking to 911 increases the chances of receiving some sort of aid immensely.

If I was frightened enough I may even knock on a stranger's door thinking that witnesses may make it less likely for the follower to attack me.

So you are stating that you don't have the Liberty to walk the streets in a hoodie and if someone "follows" you when running away, you only have those options in a high tense situation? Doesn't sound very FREE to me there guy. It also seems like something someone would say after they had time to think about it. It seems your focus seems to be on what Trayvon could have done different instead of what Trayvon did. Which is a waste of time. DID TRAYVON HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNCH SOMEONE FOLLOWING HIM AFTER BEING STARED AT FOR MINUTES, THEN CHASED? YES OR NO?
answers are not needed for rhetorical questions.

Trayvon had a right to defend himself like everyone does. What's the point of asking stupid questions?

Trayvon had no right to assault anyone.

To believe Trayvon would have attacked Zimmerman with a drawn gun is delusional. I read several here say they believe Zimm confronted trayvon with his weapon drawn. You guys are nuts.

Learn how to read.

I never stated that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman attacked Trayvon when Zimmerman had a gun. Read more, post less.
Liberty is important, as long as you are white. Seems to be the case here. I've never heard Libertarians so silent on a subject.

I agree with you. I have no idea why no one is discussing the issues of the case on this board. I mean take a look at the subject headings, please are discussing every possible topic but the Martin-Zimmermann trial. The silence is deafening.
You simply believe that, but the reality is I am simply remembering.

Shoot I'm remembering what I did when I was 9. While I didn't have a cell phone I did stop at a pay phone, then I knocked on the doors of at least 3 houses before somebody answered. I was scared, I sought help.

A call to 911 and he would have been informed that the follower was the neighborhood watch guy who was also on the line with 911. This is again from experience... I was informed that there were cops in my backyard when I called about an intruder... (they caught the guy he had crapped out in my backyard after running from the cops).

Jeebus Damo, now try remembering when you were 17 and not 9.

Yeah, cause they immediately coordinate things like that, lol, how long beore they put together the dead body was the missing boy the father had reported him missing?

You don't have much experience with 911 do you.
So you are stating that you don't have the Liberty to walk the streets in a hoodie and if someone "follows" you when running away, you only have those options in a high tense situation? Doesn't sound very FREE to me there guy. It also seems like something someone would say after they had time to think about it. It seems your focus seems to be on what Trayvon could have done different instead of what Trayvon did. Which is a waste of time. DID TRAYVON HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNCH SOMEONE FOLLOWING HIM AFTER BEING STARED AT FOR MINUTES, THEN CHASED? YES OR NO?

No, your question was "what would you do", not what was legal.

One more time. I'll. Type. Slowly. For. You.

Neither of them had a "duty" to flee. IMO, this was a clash of two people in a stand your ground mode. I don't think it would be unreasonable to hit somebody you feared would attack you. Unfortunately I think he did it without ascertaining first if he was armed...

I also think that if you are attacked, and pounded... it is reasonable to respond with force.
That wasn't what my post said at all, please read it again and actually try to understand before you start trying to argue the straw man again.

IMO, and I've stated it long ago, this tragedy was built on the fact that there were two people defending themselves. One was better armed. Had Trayvon prevailed, stand your ground would have been on his side. Neither of them had a "duty" to run away.

You seem to be a bit more informed than most of the scrubs but answer this. Did Zimmerman have the Liberty to chase Trayvon creating fear in Trayvon?
You simply believe that, but the reality is I am simply remembering.

Shoot I'm remembering what I did when I was 9. While I didn't have a cell phone I did stop at a pay phone, then I knocked on the doors of at least 3 houses before somebody answered. I was scared, I sought help.

A call to 911 and he would have been informed that the follower was the neighborhood watch guy who was also on the line with 911. This is again from experience... I was informed that there were cops in my backyard when I called about an intruder... (they caught the guy he had crapped out in my backyard after running from the cops).

Oh, and one more thing, Trayvon wasn't a nerd, ;)
Also, what kind of dork actually like that Napolean dipshit movie?

Is that what that avatar is from? Man, was that movie bad. I had actually heard good things, so rented it...just bad.

But I did watch "The Breakfast Club" for the 1st time in decades last night. Kinda cheesy, but still so damned good.
You seem to be a bit more informed than most of the scrubs but answer this. Did Zimmerman have the Liberty to chase Trayvon creating fear in Trayvon?

Yes. He had a right to ask Trayvon questions. Trayvon didn't have to respond at all. He could have ignored Zimm. Walking in public there is no expectation of privacy. Anyone can follow and attempt to speak to you
I agree with you. I have no idea why no one is discussing the issues of the case on this board. I mean take a look at the subject headings, please are discussing every possible topic but the Martin-Zimmermann trial. The silence is deafening.

I am one of the few discussing it from a non bias perspective based on evidence alone. It's why no one can debate me about my theory and I'm winning every debate about it.