Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

You seem to be a bit more informed than most of the scrubs but answer this. Did Zimmerman have the Liberty to chase Trayvon creating fear in Trayvon?

You are now creating a scenario that was not in the "facts" you claimed earlier to be sticking to...

He could legally follow somebody, but doing so without keeping in mind the fact that you may be frightening them is, IMO, foolhardy. I would not have, at least not in that manner.
I am one of the few discussing it from a non bias perspective based on evidence alone. It's why no one can debate me about my theory and I'm winning every debate about it.

You aren't. There is no evidence that GZ was "chasing him down an alley"... Even Martin, according to the testimony, didn't say he was being chased, only followed.
No, your question was "what would you do", not what was legal.

One more time. I'll. Type. Slowly. For. You.

Neither of them had a "duty" to flee. IMO, this was a clash of two people in a stand your ground mode. I don't think it would be unreasonable to hit somebody you feared would attack you. Unfortunately I think he did it without ascertaining first if he was armed...

I also think that if you are attacked, and pounded... it is reasonable to respond with force.

Again, you are not as dumb on the subject as most...........but you still defend staring at someone for an extended period of time, exiting your car and chasing them when they get freaked out. Exiting your car and chasing someone you haven't proven is guilty is profiling kid. *end*
Profiling is not a crime, idiot, unless you have some position of authority. What was the consequence of being profiled by the neighborhood watch guy? WTF do you think Trayvon is justified in attacking Zimmerman?
Oh, and one more thing, Trayvon wasn't a nerd, ;)

While I was an excellent student, I was not a nerd in the traditional sense of the word. I have spent a lifetime in martial arts. Any Dojo worth their salt would teach much the same type of reaction.
Again, you are not as dumb on the subject as most...........but you still defend staring at someone for an extended period of time, exiting your car and chasing them when they get freaked out. Exiting your car and chasing someone you haven't proven is guilty is profiling kid. *end*

Watching somebody when you are the captain of the neighborhood watch, or even when you aren't, isn't illegal. Nor is exiting the car to see where they are going.

And again, this "chasing" thing... you are just making crap up. The reality is, according to testimony, Trayvon said he was being followed, not chased. There is a difference.

Anyway, I answered your question, you just don't like that I can see it from that perspective and still believe that the evidence presented didn't support the prosecution's case.

Again, neither of them had a duty to run away. IMO, this was a case of the irresistible force meeting the hard to move object... I think they both thought they were defending themselves and had the armament been reversed I would have likely been here defending Trayvon's right to survive an attack through the use of superior force. I think it was a tragedy, and that there is no real "winner".
Yes. He had a right to ask Trayvon questions. Trayvon didn't have to respond at all. He could have ignored Zimm. Walking in public there is no expectation of privacy. Anyone can follow and attempt to speak to you

Guess you just learned about racial profiling didn't you lol...................It's kind of cute. Like a born baby.

So why didn't Zimmerman ask Trayvon what he was doing and where he is from? Why did he sit in the car calling emergency hotlines staring at him the entire time. I can answer that one, It's because statistically, blacks commit more crimes and he didn't recognize him.

But answer this. When Trayvon walked off as an INNOCENT CIVILIAN WITH RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES......Why did Zimmerman follow him? He had no reason to other than racial profiling and the fact that he didn't know who he was.
Profiling is not a crime, idiot, unless you have some position of authority. What was the consequence of being profiled by the neighborhood watch guy? WTF do you think Trayvon is justified in attacking Zimmerman?

Child. Chasing someone because you racially profiled them may not be a crime. Getting punched for chasing someone might not be a crime. Shooting someone for punching you might not be a crime. But the fact of all this is it started with racial profiling, as you admitted.....
what lame-ass low information voters we have race-baiting at this site

So maybe you can explain what you just said. And not just state it. You can't because you didn't and you won't.

The Low Information only belongs to the people that aren't Libertarian. Is it freedom when it applies to blacks as well?

Today, it seems to have some sort of difference.
Watching somebody when you are the captain of the neighborhood watch, or even when you aren't, isn't illegal. Nor is exiting the car to see where they are going.

And again, this "chasing" thing... you are just making crap up. The reality is, according to testimony, Trayvon said he was being followed, not chased. There is a difference.

Anyway, I answered your question, you just don't like that I can see it from that perspective and still believe that the evidence presented didn't support the prosecution's case.

Again, neither of them had a duty to run away. IMO, this was a case of the irresistible force meeting the hard to move object... I think they both thought they were defending themselves and had the armament been reversed I would have likely been here defending Trayvon's right to survive an attack through the use of superior force. I think it was a tragedy, and that there is no real "winner".

I stopped reading early because in the 911 call Zimmerman said he was "chasing " Trayvon. If you want to debate this then you need to learn this. Stop relying on Fox News and do your own thinking.
I am one of the few discussing it from a non bias perspective based on evidence alone. It's why no one can debate me about my theory and I'm winning every debate about it.

I'm glad you're working on your self-esteem.

While I was an excellent student, I was not a nerd in the traditional sense of the word. I have spent a lifetime in martial arts. Any Dojo worth their salt would teach much the same type of reaction.

So, would you run to a neighbors door at 17, Damo?