Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

find someone that fits that description then and debate them. you lost big time here.

Actually, you lost kiddo. You never even listened to the 911 tape and proved it. You just repeated what Fox News told you to repeat.

Or maybe you can listen to the tape I posted and tell me Zimmerman did not get out of the car. Willing to do that there kiddo?
"Creepy-ass Cracka " is your tag name. I guess I assumed a "Cracka" was a white derogatory statement and to own it would mean you own being white. Or maybe I'm wrong?

You are still off topic because you can't debate me on the subject. Maybe it's time to go to bed Uncle Cracka. Or maybe you have something brainy to say?

Bawahahaha, Uncle Cracka!
Say you wanted some quiet and you left your house...It's raining and dark so you know you won't have to deal with anyone. While you are walking along, you notice someone is staring at you. You notice it's not just a glance, but they are sitting still watching you. It creeps you out so you make gestures trying to run off the person sitting and staring. Your gestures don't run the person off and they still sit and watch you. You get creeped out and walk away. You notice the person starts following you. You pick up your pace, but so does the person following you. At this point you are not just paranoid, but full of fear and wonder what crazy person is after you. You keep on running but the person keeps following. You finally get so scared, you decide to defend yourself. You decide that you need to attack the stalker before the stalker attacks you. You hide behind a corner and wait. When the stalker gets close you attack them. Adrenaline pumping, you hope to knock the person out so you can get away without them hurting you. The person pulls a gun and shoots you dead......

What would you do in this situation? I guarantee that if someone was staring at me for a long period of time I would give them a finger or give them "bring it on" body language. I guarantee if that stranger was chasing me I would eventually get scared enough to turn around and fight him.

What would you do? Florida law states that you simply have to feel like bodily harm is a threat. Could Trayvon have shot Zimmerman just for stalking him? And how would that have looked?
One thing I wouldn't do:

Call my girlfriend instead of 911.

And yeah... if Trayvon had a gun I think it would have been a "stand your ground" thing if GZ was physically threatening enough that a person would believe Trayvon believed himself to be under threat of "great bodily harm" as the law states.

Shooting him from a hiding spot, no... shooting him after being confronted and threatened, probably. If there was as little evidence then I'd have been saying pretty much the same thing as I did on this one. "There just isn't enough evidence to prove the Prosecution's case."

Of course, GZ's defense team didn't claim stand your ground and fought the case on its merits, or lack thereof as it were.
I personally don't advocate murder, even though YOU ARE OFF TOPIC AGAIN AND CAN'T ANSWER ANY OF MY QUESTIONS.

I do advocate punching someone chasing me in the hopes to knock him out to get away safely.

Especially if he has pulled a gun on me and I didn't know him!
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Actually, you lost kiddo. You never even listened to the 911 tape and proved it. You just repeated what Fox News told you to repeat.

Or maybe you can listen to the tape I posted and tell me Zimmerman did not get out of the car. Willing to do that there kiddo?

He sounds more like a Rush fan.
One thing I wouldn't do:

Call my girlfriend instead of 911.

And yeah... if Trayvon had a gun I think it would have been a "stand your ground" thing if GZ was physically threatening. Shooting him from a hiding spot, no... shooting him after being confronted and threatened, probably. If there was as little evidence then I'd have been saying pretty much the same thing as I did on this one. "There just isn't enough evidence to prove the Prosecutions case."

Of course, GZ's defense team didn't claim stand your ground and fought the case on its merits.

I'm not making the same arguments they were now am I. I'm going by facts alone and not what they claimed actually happened.
Especially if he has pulled a gun on me and I don't know him!

In that case, absolutely. 2A is there for a reason. But for some reason today, punching someone when threatened has become more thug like than shooting someone when threatened.
One thing I wouldn't do:

Call my girlfriend instead of 911.

And yeah... if Trayvon had a gun I think it would have been a "stand your ground" thing if GZ was physically threatening. Shooting him from a hiding spot, no... shooting him after being confronted and threatened, probably. If there was as little evidence then I'd have been saying pretty much the same thing as I did on this one. "There just isn't enough evidence to prove the Prosecutions case."

Of course, GZ's defense team didn't claim stand your ground and fought the case on its merits, or lack thereof as it were.

He was on the phone walking home, talking to his friend.

What 17 year old would call 911, Jeebus Damo!
He was on the phone walking home, talking to his friend.

What 17 year old would call 911, Jeebus Damo!

I have questions about that. Is there proof in records that he called a friend? I know that girl was ripped apart on the stand by people paid to do that exact thing, but was there proof of the conversation on the phone and possibly the reason he was outside "walking around looking at buildings"?
He was on the phone walking home, talking to his friend.

What 17 year old would call 911, Jeebus Damo!

Pretty much anybody that payed attention in school would. If I were on the phone with my friend I would have told them to call 911 then hung up and also called. If I were on the other end I would have told my friend to call 911.

The reality is, talking to the girlfriend creates no increased chance of help, talking to 911 increases the chances of receiving some sort of aid immensely.

If I was frightened enough I may even knock on a stranger's door thinking that witnesses may make it less likely for the follower to attack me.
So the Libertarians who are so passionate about defending yourself, standing your ground and "Don't tread on me" only have that perspective when it involves white people or what? None of you are answering....I think the trigger happy party never put themselves in Trayvon's perspective.

So did Zimmerman have the Liberty to stalk Trayvon? Nope. He was even told to stop doing it by the 911 operator. Did he keep following, I don't know and don't care, he had already been stalking Trayvon. NOT part of neighborhood watch.

Libertarians are exposing themselves as racists if you ask me. And racism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Liberty. Better wake up Libertarians.

answers are not needed for rhetorical questions.

Trayvon had a right to defend himself like everyone does. What's the point of asking stupid questions?

Trayvon had no right to assault anyone.

To believe Trayvon would have attacked Zimmerman with a drawn gun is delusional. I read several here say they believe Zimm confronted trayvon with his weapon drawn. You guys are nuts.
Right. That doesn't change my post at all. I'm pretty sure I was clear so I don't really have to repeat myself.

So you think Florida law is correct and you can chase someone down an alley without them having the Liberty to attack you? Explain.