Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

What I see is a bunch of Libertarians changing their tune really fast.

Did Trayvon have the Liberty to be out walking that night? And after being stalked for quite some time, did Trayvon have the Liberty to defend himself with force?
What I see is a bunch of Libertarians changing their tune really fast. Did Trayvon have the Liberty to be out walking that night? And after being stalked for quite some time, did Trayvon have the Liberty to defend himself with force?

defend himself from what? who was stalking him?
So the Libertarians who are so passionate about defending yourself, standing your ground and "Don't tread on me" only have that perspective when it involves white people or what? None of you are answering....I think the trigger happy party never put themselves in Trayvon's perspective.

So did Zimmerman have the Liberty to stalk Trayvon? Nope. He was even told to stop doing it by the 911 operator. Did he keep following, I don't know and don't care, he had already been stalking Trayvon. NOT part of neighborhood watch.

Libertarians are exposing themselves as racists if you ask me. And racism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Liberty. Better wake up Libertarians.
So the Libertarians who are so passionate about defending yourself, standing your ground and "Don't tread on me" only have that perspective when it involves white people or what? None of you are answering....I think the trigger happy party never put themselves in Trayvon's perspective.

So did Zimmerman have the Liberty to stalk Trayvon? Nope. He was even told to stop doing it by the 911 operator. Did he keep following, I don't know and don't care, he had already been stalking Trayvon. NOT part of neighborhood watch.

Libertarians are exposing themselves as racists if you ask me. And racism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Liberty. Better wake up Libertarians.
fitting the story to fit your position makes nobody a racist but does make you a moron.
fitting the story to fit your position makes nobody a racist but does make you a moron.

Zimmerman admitted he was stalking Trayvon there brains. It's on the 911 call. The operator even told him to stop following him.

The only "theory" about my post is that Trayvon punched him first.

Can you read?
wannabe thug trayvon musta left his gat at the crib

wannabe thug trayvon musta left his gat at the crib


Again you are off topic. You can't debate me so you try to de-rail the conversation.

I had a pistol when I was 14 years old. Are you saying that 17 year olds shouldn't have guns and are you stating that this makes them a thug if they do?

*racist spotted! A black hand with a pistol is clearly up to no good!*

You have never been oppressed as a white man. I would think someone who has been oppressed has more of a need for a gun than you.
now you claim i am white with no evidence at all. racist.

"Creepy-ass Cracka " is your tag name. I guess I assumed a "Cracka" was a white derogatory statement and to own it would mean you own being white. Or maybe I'm wrong?

You are still off topic because you can't debate me on the subject. Maybe it's time to go to bed Uncle Cracka. Or maybe you have something brainy to say?
Zimmerman admitted he was stalking Trayvon there brains. It's on the 911 call. The operator even told him to stop following him.

The only "theory" about my post is that Trayvon punched him first.

Can you read?
You might want to acquaint yourself with the term 'stalking'. :palm:
So what is it Libertarians? Still biting your tongue when you are so full of insight when a black person isn't involved?

Did Trayvon have the Liberty to wear a hoodie? Did Trayvon have the Liberty to walk in the rain? Did Trayvon have the Liberty to hold a gun for a picture? (unrelated to the actual case)
You might want to acquaint yourself with the term 'stalking'. :palm:

he's lying. he keeps stating the police told zimmerman not to follow trayvon. they didn't. he keeps saying zimmerman was stalking tryavon. he wasn't. he ignored the links i made that proved he is lying. lol.