Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?

I would like to point out that 2 people "groaned" about this post. NO ONE knows for sure what happened and it is all hear say. To groan about someone's perspective is just uninformed and shows you have a bias of some reason or another. What is that bias?

No we do know for a fact what happened if you listened to Rachel's testimony. To say it's heresy is to call her a liar and out yourself as a racist sir.
How sad is it that we actually can determine what really happened because we have an ear witness but no one wants to believe her

It could be hear/say but it lines up with the 911 call of Zimmerman stalking him and mumbling racist statements.
No we do know for a fact what happened if you listened to Rachel's testimony. To say it's heresy is to call her a liar and out yourself as a racist sir.

This...and the fact that Zimmerman had no reason to get out of the vehicle should eliminate him from civil immunity.
the forensic testimony was that trayvon was on top of martin when he was shot. but I guess that's the testimony of a black kid hating racist, according to desh

If that is the case, not everyone is a coward and wants to run away from people chasing them like you. Some men like to stand up for themselves and stand their ground. :truestory:
I'd go up to the guy, punch him in the face, jump on him and threaten to kill him....then I'd beat his head into the sidewalk until he stopped his
stupid yelling for help....
you can only do that in states like new york, illinois, or california, where armed self defense is one of the 7 deadliest sins and thus everyone is disarmed
I would like to point out that 2 people "groaned" about this post. NO ONE knows for sure what happened and it is all hear say. To groan about someone's perspective is just uninformed and shows you have a bias of some reason or another. What is that bias? could mean that you have absolutely nothing to base your version of events like pulling a story our of a hat at random...
thats not to deny your version could not have happened but its no more valid than a thousand other scenarios.....
Just mix one fact, one assumption, another fact, two more assumptions, a maybe and a could be.....
This...and the fact that Zimmerman had no reason to get out of the vehicle should eliminate him from civil immunity.

She lied DURING her draw conclusions from the sounds over a cellphone is ludicrous.....she is biased....she wasn't questioned by police, she was
questioned by Martins lawyers, sitting beside Martins mother, in the presence of Martins father....listened to the tape before telling her story...I give her
testimony a 2 out of 10....
She lied DURING her draw conclusions from the sounds over a cellphone is ludicrous.....she is biased....she wasn't questioned by police, she was
questioned by Martins lawyers, in sitting beside Martins mother, in the presents of Martins father....listened to the tape before telling her story...I give her
testimony a 2 out of 10....

You have proof of these lies?
No we do know for a fact what happened if you listened to Rachel's testimony. To say it's heresy is to call her a liar and out yourself as a racist sir.

I was speaking "in law terms" and if you can noticed I said that since it lines up with Zimmermans 911 call, it should be taken more seriously. ..
i bet none of the race pimp's pussy posse has even heard the "ear-witness" testimony and i bet they never will

I would like people to try to stay on topic here please.

Put yourself in the position of Trayvon and state what you would do. Only 2 have answered so far in multiple pages of off topic debate.
I was speaking "in law terms" and if you can noticed I said that since it lines up with Zimmermans 911 call, it should be taken more seriously. ..
