Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

NOTE: Iran is NOT the real threat - that is a FALSE narrative designed to drag us into another war - this time with Iran. Separate source:“Iranian made but not Iran. That is the layer of misdirection. Sinaloa cartel facilitated transfer at the behest of treasonous elements within USG looking to kickoff their hot war with Iran.War Inc. baited the leftists into war frenzy with Ukraine. Looking to do the same with conservatives via this false flag. Evil.”


Diabolical is a good word here.
And don't worry I am sure with the corrupt Conservative SCOTUS we have now they will consider giving secrets / top secrets to the Russians just part of the Presidents duties.
It doesn't matter to you MAGA / right wing ASSHOLES if doing so puts this country in danger.
YEP FUCK the CONSTITUTION and the welfare of the people of the United States as long as we can put a traitor back in the W H
Have a nice day you MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE
lib'rul babbling as drool runs down his chin........yet they still let the insane vote.......
YOU are so stupid you can't even answer a simple YES or NO question.
Have a nice day FUCK FACE
simple minded folks come up with questions that make them look stupid.........around here, you, evince and Jarot are the best at that......birds of a feather shit on newspapers together......
simple minded folks come up with questions that make them look stupid.........around here, you, evince and Jarot are the best at that......birds of a feather shit on newspapers together......
well we all see that YOU are tooooooo stupid to even answer a SIMPLE YES or NO question.
Have a nice day you COCK SUCKING POS