Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

It was just a question. You seem to respond to his every post like a puppet. I think you are easily triggered by Earl and your declarration to all of us that you are his intellectual superior, one might think you would not eo easily take the bait.

His bait is stinky. Dang, he suggested my wife should become a prostitute and that I had a career as one. Yes, he really wounds me. And he has typed the words 'Uber Eats' so many times I think it's on speed dial. LOL at you. From a guy that doesn't seem to be able to post anything other than idiotic pictures, your criticism is falling on deaf ears. I enjoy making Earl look stupid. It's a guilty pleasure, like cow tipping or shooting fish in a barrel. You should be insulted. I don't consider you worth my time. Carry on.
His bait is stinky. Dang, he suggested my wife should become a prostitute and that I had a career as one. Yes, he really wounds me. And he has typed the words 'Uber Eats' so many times I think it's on speed dial. LOL at you. From a guy that doesn't seem to be able to post anything other than idiotic pictures, your criticism is falling on deaf ears. I enjoy making Earl look stupid. It's a guilty pleasure, like cow tipping or shooting fish in a barrel. You should be insulted. I don't consider you worth my time. Carry on.
Um…lack of self-control and self-discipline are signs of immaturity, Concarty.

Or an inferiority complex…which is it, Cancarty?

Oops…another interrogatory.
Earl the pearl, my hats off to you for pissing off nearly every malcontent leftie all in one thread.
Then, a trait I most admire, you ran and let them flutter aimlessly amongst themselves for a few pages. You are the GOAT, (no offense to our other Goat.)
NO asshole . I am trying to get YOU MORONS to admit HE MIGHT have , we do not know and there is no way of knowing unless one of those Russians comes forward and tell us he did.
MY point on that matter is HE had 12 Russians in the W H and had a meeting with Putin and there WASN'T another American let alone a Russian speaking American any wheres around.
And AGAIN don't you think it is a little suspicious that not too long after these meetings there was an unseal increase in our deep cover agents being found and some killed?
every time you say he "might have" makes it more likely he didn't.....
The FBI/ CIA and NSA all think so.
and yet no one has ever provided a link to anyone other than some brain fucked lib'rul whack job claiming it was even the way, YOU are the brain fucked lib'rul whack job who claimed it.......
every time you say he "might have" makes it more likely he didn't.....

and yet no one has ever provided a link to anyone other than some brain fucked lib'rul whack job claiming it was even the way, YOU are the brain fucked lib'rul whack job who claimed it.......
So you still can't say if he did or didn't sell or give those Russians or Putin some of our secrets, MY point to you MAGA right wing morons is yes he MIGHT have and you want to put this POSSIBLE Traitor back in the W H so that he MIGHT give or sell the Russians MORE of our SECRETS .
AGAIN I ask you don't you think it is suspicious that there was an unusual increase in our deep cover agents being found and killed not long after These meetings? and nobody has any reason for it except the possible selling or giving the Russians some of our secrets by Trump.
We all know just how much Trump loves out intelligence agencies, Heck the traitor has told us he would believe our enemy Putin and Russia over our own intel and military agencies.
and you want to put this guy back in office so he can finish destroying America.
Have a nice day
every time you say he "might have" makes it more likely he didn't.....

and yet no one has ever provided a link to anyone other than some brain fucked lib'rul whack job claiming it was even the way, YOU are the brain fucked lib'rul whack job who claimed it.......
And I am still waiting for you to answer my question, Could he have sold or given those Russians or Putin some of our secrets or not?
It is a simple YES or NO question .
And if you say NO I would like to hear why you think he couldn't have had.
It is FACT that he was in these meeting WITHOUT any other American let alone a Russian speaking American in the room.
Have a nice day
So you still can't say if he did or didn't sell or give those Russians or Putin some of our secrets, MY point to you MAGA right wing morons is yes he MIGHT have and you want to put this POSSIBLE Traitor back in the W H so that he MIGHT give or sell the Russians MORE of our SECRETS .
AGAIN I ask you don't you think it is suspicious that there was an unusual increase in our deep cover agents being found and killed not long after These meetings? and nobody has any reason for it except the possible selling or giving the Russians some of our secrets by Trump.
We all know just how much Trump loves out intelligence agencies, Heck the traitor has told us he would believe our enemy Putin and Russia over our own intel and military agencies.
and you want to put this guy back in office so he can finish destroying America.
Have a nice day
I can easily say a mindless troll...lying about Trump, the CIA, the FBI and your mother's integrity....
I can easily say a mindless troll...lying about Trump, the CIA, the FBI and your mother's integrity....
where am I lying you worthless cock sucker?
Still don't have the balls to answer a yes or no question.
Doesn't it bother you to be such a low life scumbag you can't even answer a SIMPLE yes or no question?
Trump maybe one of the biggest traitors the US has ever known and YOU are are so far up his ass your sucking his cock from the inside and defending him.
You must have one of the most pitiful lives on earth.
GET some balls and admit HE could have sold or gave those Russians all kinds of secrets , there wasn't another AMERICAN in the room on either meeting he had with them.
Have a nice day you lowlife COCK SUCKER
I can easily say a mindless troll...lying about Trump, the CIA, the FBI and your mother's integrity....
And don't worry I am sure with the corrupt Conservative SCOTUS we have now they will consider giving secrets / top secrets to the Russians just part of the Presidents duties.
It doesn't matter to you MAGA / right wing ASSHOLES if doing so puts this country in danger.
YEP FUCK the CONSTITUTION and the welfare of the people of the United States as long as we can put a traitor back in the W H
Have a nice day you MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE
And don't worry I am sure with the corrupt Conservative SCOTUS we have now they will consider giving secrets / top secrets to the Russians just part of the Presidents duties.
It doesn't matter to you MAGA / right wing ASSHOLES if doing so puts this country in danger.
YEP FUCK the CONSTITUTION and the welfare of the people of the United States as long as we can put a traitor back in the W H
Have a nice day you MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE
:clinton: :yayaseesathreadban::thing1::pussyhat::yayaseesathreadban:

This was a bad one folks. If leftards like T Bird are triggered THIS BAD by their advancing TDS now , can you even imagine the show these goofballs are going to put on for us when Trump is AGAIN elected POTUS? Im tellin ya,.....this is going to be GREAT. Can hardly wait! :) Get your popcorn ready!
I can think of AT LEAST 8 of the Lefty loons in here that are going to need heavy sedation and to be strapped to a moving dolly with bite mask and all Silence of the Lambs style for quite some time if not for life. TDS is such a wicked mental disorder. . What a shame.....

URGENT: Acc to an informant in New Mexico - Trump’s plane is the next target for assassination. Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US for this purpose. And there are three kill teams already inside the country. Trump has been informed, so have the US intel agencies & other authorities. Money has been transferred to a cartel to push this over the border. These people are cornered & vicious. They will stop at nothing. More to come.


I said after Butler that if the CIA/Swamp made another attempt they would make sure to get him, that most likely they will take out Trump Force One, and blame it on Iran.