Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

So when was Obama shot or are you spouting debunked conspiracy theories again. And aren't you supposed to be delivering pancakes for Uber Eats right now?

BTW : You and I are on at the exact same time too.

Obama wasn't a fucking asshole, you would not have a bunch of people trying to kill him.
they care about our troops a HELL of a lot more then Trump does.
If Trump cared about our troops at all he wound NOT have put the safety of our Afghan troops in the hands of the Taliban like he did. and if you think he didn't read the Agreement Trump signed with them
Have a nice day
you seem to have forgotten which fuckup was in the Oval Office when we left Afghanistan and who the VP was who was the last person in the room with him when he gave the order.....
I've answered that question several times.......since you have less credibilty than evince anything you say is unlikely be be even remotely true.....
YOU are a FUCKING LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANSWER the question !!
DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE and I mean FOR SURE that TRUMP didn't give those 12 Russians or Putin any of our secrets???
and IF you do YOU would have had to be one of those 12 Russians he had in the W H WITHOUT another AMERICAN let alone a RUSSIAN speaking American in the room.
STOP LYING Trump could have given them or SOLD them a LOT of our SECRETS and there is NO WAY we will ever know.
WAKE UP YOU are backing somebody that may have already done illimitable Damage to our country and YOU and other MAGAS can't or don't want to see it.
Have a nice day
trump reduced the troop presence in Afg. from 4000 to 2500 after his surrender to the Taliban, and then blames Biden.
OH so putting the safety of our Troops in the hands of an enemy that we had been fighting and KILLING for 20 years is alright .
They don't want to say Trump was an asshole moron when he put the safety of our troops in our enemy's hands and now want to put all the blame on Biden and Harris.
Trump was sooooo STUPID that he put the safety of our troops in the hands of the people we had been fighting and KILLING for 20 years and really expected them to keep their word that ALL of our troops would get out safe, well we all know how that worked out.
BOY you must be as STUPID as Trump is.
Have a nice day moron
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you seem to have forgotten which fuckup was in the Oval Office when we left Afghanistan and who the VP was who was the last person in the room with him when he gave the order.....
AND you have seemed to have forgotten who signed an agreement giving our 20 year long enemy EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for that long.
Read the Agreement TRUMP SIGNED.
He put the safety of OUR Troops in the hands of the enemy we had been fighting for 20 years and actually thought they would make sure every one of our troops would get out SAFE.
And you want a traitor and MORON like that to run this country AGAIN ?
OH so putting the safety of our Troops in the hands of an enemy that we had been fighting and KILLING for 20 years is alright .
They don't want to say Trump was an asshole moron when he put the safety of our troops in our enemy's hands and now want to put all the blame on Biden and Harris.
Trump was sooooo STUPID that he put the safety of our troops in the hands of the people we had been fighting and KILLING for 20 years and really expected them to keep their word that ALL of our troops would get out safe, well we all know how that worked out.
BOY you must be as STUPID as Trump is.
Have a nice day moron
Not quite sure I understand this?
Not quite sure I understand this?
Well have you read the agreement Trump signed with the Taliban?
It states that the Taliban our enemy for 20 years the people we had been wounding and killing for those 20 years would protect OUR troops , the ones that had been killing Taliban people , they would make sure our troops got out safe.
Who in their right mind puts the safety of your troops in the hands of people you have been fighting for 20 years?
Trump did and some of our people got killed.
Now do you understand ?
Trump hasn't got the intelligence of a nat.
Have a nice day
AND you have seemed to have forgotten who signed an agreement giving our 20 year long enemy EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for that long.
Read the Agreement TRUMP SIGNED.
He put the safety of OUR Troops in the hands of the enemy we had been fighting for 20 years and actually thought they would make sure every one of our troops would get out SAFE.
And you want a traitor and MORON like that to run this country AGAIN ?
get your head out of your ass.......Biden/HarmUs ignored everything else Trump signed.......that has got to be the dumbest excuse for their failures you fucks have tried in eight years.....nothing in the agreement said we had to leave without notifying our allies.....and no, I don't want a traitor and moron to run the country again/......I want her to lose and have Trump take over instead....
get your head out of your ass.......Biden/HarmUs ignored everything else Trump signed.......that has got to be the dumbest excuse for their failures you fucks have tried in eight years.....nothing in the agreement said we had to leave without notifying our allies.....and no, I don't want a traitor and moron to run the country again/......I want her to lose and have Trump take over instead....
AGAIN read the agreement and STOP making yourself look even stupider then you already have.
And I am still waiting for even ONE right winger / MAGA to tell us how they know FOR SURE Trump didn't give / sell some of our secrets to those Russians or Putin in those meeting he had WITHOUT another American in the room.
I would trust Trump with the combination to the men's room.
Have a nice day
And I am still waiting for even ONE right winger / MAGA to tell us how they know FOR SURE Trump didn't give / sell some of our secrets to those Russians or Putin in those meeting he had WITHOUT another American in the room.
again.....its an easy conclusion....,.,,.you think he've proven yourself to be a mindless cunt, so it's extremely likely he didn't.....